Zero Order Phase

Shouting Fire At A Funeral

"Gahh, this is so bullshit!" the words seethed through my chattering teeth while I ran to find shelter out of the rather freezing October rain, my shoulder-length, brown hair soaked beyond belief, cut-up Nevermore shirt dripping with the droplets of the storm, denim khaki shorts sticking to the skin of my legs, black converse sloshing through the countless puddles on the concrete ground. All I needed was someplace dry, somewhere I could cure the lingering hunger in my stomach, the quench for thirst in my throat. Hell, in the situation I was in, anywhere would be fine.
In the distance about a hundred feet away, I saw the neon lights of a building that still appeared to be open even this late in the evening. I wasted no time in scurrying over in a hurried manner, a tinge of hope still present in me.
However, when I gave the handle on the door a series of tugs to attempt prying it open, it was to no avail. Peering through the glass, the only people I could see inside were the late night to early morning workers who were cleaning up the remnants of the messes on the tables and floors before they closed up.
I let out a heavy sigh as I proceeded to trudge along the sidewalk, the tears that fell from my eyes matching the drops of rain that still continued to fall from the darkened heavens above. Why did my dad have to kick me out of the only place I could call my refuge? My home?
"Way to be a jackass, 'dad'," I cursed under my breath before I snapped my head up to the sky to unleash my anger in a series of screams.
"You hear this, shithead? You call yourself a dad? I hope you burn in hell, you fucking son of a bitch! I curse eternal damnnation on your goddamn lowlife black heart!"
My sobs filled the quiet air as my footsteps splashed through the puddles on the road. "Go to hell, you fucking asshole! Go to hell!"
I couldn't help but need to run away.

[One Week Later]

My lips closed themselves around the rim of the mug as I sipped my warm apple cider, my eyes closing as they tasted the sweetness of the liquid. The local park was having something like an Autumn Festival and every concession food and drink wise was free.
Thank god for that. Otherwise I'd be practically starving.
Despite the fact of finally having something to eat and drink after a good long time, I was still cold. I muttered uncomprehensible words to myself under my breath as I snuggled deeper into my hoodie. It may have been thin, but it was better than nothing.
My Nevermore shirt and khakis were covered in dirt and grass stains from the past week of failing to find someplace to stay. Normally I would just curl up under my hoodie and hope I would make it to see another day. Amazingly, it had worked. So far, anyway.
I kept hearing the cheerful laughs and giggles of the children surrounding the park as their parents chased after them and pushed them on the swings.

Something my dad never did for me...

I averted my attention for a split second only to see someone else walking on the rocky sidewalk towards the fountain in the center of the park. From what I could take in with my limited vision, the figure appeared to be a male; blonde hair tied in a low ponytail, sunglasses resting on the bridge of his nose. He wore a leather trenchcoat, black collared shirt, a simple pair of blue jeans, and combat boots, with his hands covered by a pair of leather gloves. I watched as he sat down on the concrete of the fountain, his fingers nearly urging themselves to graze the surface of the water, despite the fact that they were covered.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I let out a sneeze.
He must have heard me, since he turned in my general direction and stood up from where he was, walking my way. When he finally reached me, he had knelt down to eye-level with where I was sitting, his forearms resting on his knee.
"Are you okay?" he questioned, "It sounds like you've got quite the cold coming along."
The first thing I could do was sniffle and wipe my nose on my hoodie sleeve. "I'll be fine, I guess... but I can't help why I'm out here."
He nearly opened his mouth to respond to my statement, but then his eyes averted to the clothes adorning my upper body. A light smile seemed to decorate his face, and it wasn't one of perversion, but one of recognition. "Is that... a Nevermore shirt?" he nearly chuckled.
An eyebrow raised, I glanced down and nodded. "Yeah, it is. They're my favorite band in the world." I paused. "...why?"
His smile grew wider as he slowly took out the hair band that held back his ponytail, revealing long, wavy hair that extended down to the middle of his back. I asked myself why this looked so familiar to me, and it was answered when he reached up to remove his sunglasses.
I was soon staring into a pair of the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. Then, it finally hit me; I now knew who I was now gazing at.
It was the lead guitarist of Nevermore- Jeff Loomis.

I couldn't speak. I knew he grew up here, in my hometown, but what would he be doing here of all places? I could barely even look at him with a straight face now.
He grinned and let out a laugh. "You look as though you haven't ever seen me before in your life."
My response was an embarrassed smile as I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's not like that. I mean, I've seen you play live numerous times with Nevermore, it's just... I never thought I'd meet you like this; face to face." I paused to avert my gaze to my feet. "It's been my dream."
I notcied that even throughout this whole ordeal, the smile never once left his face.
Oh, god.
Jeff Loomis was smiling at me.

But then, I saw another look on his face, and it seemed to hit him again- why was I out here all alone? With nothing but a bag of possesions and the clothes on my back? It was visible all over his face.
I answered his unvoiced question. "My father kicked me out of the house no more than a week ago. I've been living on the streets since then, looking for anything and everything to help make sure I'd see tomorrow.... I'm still surprised I've made it this far with everything that's happened..."
It didn't take long for the tears to start falling, my body pulsing with sobs. And shortly after my breakdown, the blonde man I had come to idolize so much in my life did the unthinkable to me- he reached out, extending his arms, and pulled me into a comforting embrace.
Oh, my god.
Jeff Loomis was hugging me.

At first, I didn't know what to think. I had never expected him to be so caring towards me. I was only a fan, someone who was pretty much a stranger to him. Especially since I had really only summed up my dillema in a matter of three sentences. Hell, I hadn't even mentioned the worst parts. Still, being in his arms was just about the cure for everything.
But I had to ask myself- was this truly happening; was it real? Or was it all just a dream?
My reverie was broken by yet another sneeze.
Jeff let out a quiet laugh as he removed his hands from my back to place them gently on my shoulders. "Well, I'll fix this for you. How about I take you in off the streets? It's better than staying out here and catching a nastier cold, right?"
I blew my nose on my sleeve, managing a faint smile as I nodded. With that, he stood up, then helped me up shortly after, taking my shivering hand in his and giving it a tight squeeze. Mind you, it wasn't tight as to cutting off my circulation. It was almost... reassuring.
As we sauntered down the cobblestone path, he looked down at me. "I just realized, I haven't gotten your name yet."
He was the only reason my smile grew as I returned his gaze. "...Elise." I told him. "My name's Elise."
His eyes seemed to sparkle. "Well, Elise, it's wonderful to meet you."
Oh, my fucking god.
Jeff Loomis just spoke my name.

And for that one moment, the sound of my name on his lips was the most wonderful thing in the world.

♠ ♠ ♠
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[Next chapter should be up soon.]