Status: one shot.



I untangled the fairy lights, dropping the small cardboard box. I picked off a small square of blue tack, sticking it to the corner of the mirror. The end of the fairy lights was already stuck up, so it was up to me to stick the beginning up. When it was done, I bent over and plugged the big plug in. The lights flickered on and I jumped up and down, clapping at my achievement.

My white dress floated around me, the ruffles ticked my leg. I almost never wore tights; I liked the feeling of my dress and the wind brushing against my legs. My shoulders were bare; my dress was a halter neck, the knot digging into the nape of my neck slightly.

My thick hair was resting on my shoulders, a dark chestnut color. The fringe on my forehead was heavy and in one big block. There was a white flower in my hair, the thin clip dug into my head.

After I finished all of the lights, the front door opened and closed with a bang. I heard the rustle of bags in the hallway and the curse of this man as he walked into a door.

I ran out of the living room, launching myself into this man’s arms. I looked up at the man’s face. His face was shaven; his hair was floppy over his forehead and eyes. His eyes, oh his eyes, were a bright emerald green, shining and glittering. His mouth was a perfect shape, and so kissable.

He rested his lips on my forehead, and set me down to the floor. I stood on my tip toes and stared into his eyes as he held my hand and played around with my fingers. I grasped his fingers, and placed a kiss on his cheek. He picked me up and swirled me around in a circle. I giggled dizzily and walked off to the kitchenette.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a can of sprite, which seemed to be the only drink in our entire fridge. I tried to open the can, but my little fingers were too soft. A’dan came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and opened up my can. I span around to kiss him on the lips, but he’d already moved towards the sofa.

I leaped onto the spare seat next to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and sitting in his lap. He pushed me off, and I felt a wave of sadness wash through me. I looked up, and he gave me a tired smile and smoothed down my hair. I still felt wounded, but not as bad.
The main chandelier light was off, leaving the fairy lights to sparkle and stand out in the dark room. A’dan had his arm around me lightly, and opened his mouth to speak. Nothing came out, so he just turned his head back to the television that was blabbering on. I stared at him for a moment, wondering what he was going to say, and then I turned my head back and pretended it never happened.

I lifted up my wrist, and picked at all the small beads embedded in my wrist. I picked too hard, and they exploded all over the lined floor, rattling under the sofa and behind the desk.
“FOR GOD’S SAKE IRIS. YOU CLUMSY BITCH” A’dan burst out, his original Irish accent flowing from his mouth. I jumped at his yelling, standing up and staring him right in the eye.
“Don’t you dare ever call me a bitch” I said, my tone deadly calm.
“Well, you’re always messing this flat up, you never clean, I come back and it’s like a pig sty.” He said, breathing heavily.

“If you don’t like it, you can get the fuck out.” I yelled at him, I’d lost my patience.
He stood up, and walked straight out of the flat.
I backed up against the wall, sliding down as the tears made tracks down my face. No matter how much A’dan yelled at me, I always forgave him, and went to him. But I didn’t know where he was. Soundless sobs came from my mouth, my head was bowed. I didn’t know how to live without him. He was my life.
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just a drabble.
I could make it into a story.
but I'm not sure it's good enough