Status: New and Shiny Bitches!

The Stars In The Night

Daddy's Little Girl

We sat out there for a while just talking before the guys came out, all in there swimming trunks. I laughed when Johnny came up and picked Ash up, making her scream when he was about to throw her into the pool. Too bad she didn't let go and made him fall in with her. 

Everyone laughed at then, Zacky taking Ash's seat next to me.

"You should really watch what you wear around here. Johnny nearly jizzed his pants when he saw you two." he grunted.

I laughed at the small hint of annoyance in his voice.

Instead of actually carrying the conversation, he stood up and offered a hand to me. I looked at it, only slightly studying it's canvas before taking it in my own smaller version.

It was kinda funny how he's not the tallest, and still manages to make me look like a fucking midget. Insert sad face.

"What's the face for?" he asked as he led me over to the shallow end of the pool. 

We sat down and watched my family and friends acting like toddlers in the deep end. It was funny watching Ash sticking to Brian like glue, claiming she would drown if he let go. I knew it was a big fat lie, Ash was like a fucking mermaid when it cam to swimming, but I thought it was cute, so I let it slide. 

"I should invent a growing potion." I mumbled. 

Zacky started laughing at my crazy thought, but didn't protest. 

It was quiet between us for a while. I sighed in content with my feet in the cool water and my upper body being supported by my elbows.

Next to me, Zacky shifted uncomfortably. I took this time to take in his features. 

His half-lidded green eyes held some sadness, something that I wanted to know about, but knew now wasn't the time. The way his snakebites rested on his lip made me want to giggle. They were complimented by his nose ring which I found sexy in the strangest of ways. 

I never understood why people would say he was on the pudgy side, because to me he looked just fine. He was healthy, and no one could mistake those muscles on his biceps. 

Oh no. No, no, no, no, NO! I cannot be thinking my uncle is sexy. I just can't! Before I knew him, it was okay, but not now!

A scream of terror left my mouth as my Dad came and picked me up. 

"No, Daddy, NOOOOO!!" I screamed for the dramatic effect as he ran and jumped into the middle of the pool. 

I giggled as I resurfaced, dipping back under to get the hair out of my face. After swimming around for an hour or two, Ash and I decided to tell the guys we were going to take a shower.

"Together?" Brian asked, his tone slightly lower, probably so Dad wouldn't hear.

We both bursted into giggles, "You know it!" I said when our giggle fit was over.

"Man, you two are going to make me- it very hard to be in the same room as you." Johnny muttered. 

"Okay then, don't be in the same room as us, makes it even hotter when guys aren't watching." Ash retorted, causing me to laugh at the guy's faces.

We took our shower, dressed in our pajamas, and went into our own rooms with a last kiss. I was about to go to bed when a loud noise erupted from Tummy.

"Damn you, Tummy. Always picking the worst times to be hungry." I muttered down to Tummy while rubbing him with my hand under my shirt.

I made my way downstairs -only running into two walls!- and made my way to the fridge, suddenly grateful we went shopping.

The kitchen light turned on, causing me to jump and hit my head on the top of the fridge.

"What the fu- Oh, hi Daddy!" I laughed nervously. 

Dad chuckled a bit as he walked further into the kitchen and retrieved two bowels from the cupboard. Remind me to ask him to put those on the bottom shelf...

"Hi Danny. Pebbles or Loops?" he asked, holding out the cereal boxes like a showcase model.

I laughed at him and pointed to the Fruit Loops. "Loop Fruits all the way, baby!"

"Good. Get the milk and OJ?" he asked.

Nodding, I got the two containers out and poured the milk into the bowel first, then added some OJ to the mix. What? It gives the cereal more of a tropical flavor!

I handed them to daddy, and he did the same still looking at me in wonder. 

"What?" I asked through a mouthful of food.

He chucked, shaking his head and taking a few bites. There was a comfortable silence between us as we ate, though I kept laughing because he would make funny faces with his mouth full.

When I was done, I put my things in the dishwasher and turned to face my dad.

"This is new." he stated, taking a place next to me against the counter after he put his things away.

"What is?" I asked, looking at him curiously. 

He sighed with a small smile, "Being able to wake up, and know that there's a piece of me in the same house. Being able to say that I have a daughter who is smart, talented, beautiful, and funny. That I helped create something so meaningful to me." he said with a wide grin.

Couldn't say those words didn't mean anything to me, 'cause they meant the world to me. A smile was on my face as I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"I know I'm still new to this, but I promise to try my best. I promise to always protect you, no matter what. And to love you more than anything in the world." he continued.

At this point, tears were slipping down my cheeks. Happy tears. It took me until now to realize that I was happy. 

And at that very moment, when we exchanged our short and sweet 'I love you's, it was then I realized that he had won me over. 

I was now my Daddy's Little Girl.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! Omg! It been since forever, and I apologize. A lot has been going on right now, and I had to relocate, so I don't get Internet as much as I would like, so yeah.

Um.. I also have this project going on here. I've created a shit load of backgrounds, and so whenever I come up with a random story idea, i turn it into a story. But I'm only keeping the ones with the most responses... so go check this out?

Also, I've decided that posting all of my commenters names would be too much work, so here's one big thanks!

[size=970]THANK YOU!!!