Status: i like tea.




Brea's shoulder ached from the amount of books she had been carrying since the term started. She had so much homework.

Not even Professor Windsor would give me this much, she thought to herself as she remembered her private magic tutor.

Classes for the day had just ended, but she dreaded having to lug around the books back to the common room to just do it again later in the library. Exiting the classroom, Hermione caught up with her.

"Would you like to go study with me at the library?" Hermione asked.

"No thank you," Brea politely declined. "I think I'm going to take a nap, but I'll see you at dinner, yeah?"

Smiling, Hermione nodded as she took a different staircase to the library. Brea had grown fond of Hermione, finding her passion for knowledge fascinating for a muggle-born. They had bonded over books they both enjoyed, mostly muggle ones. Gertrude and her Grandmother would often sneak those into the castle for Brea to read. She wasn't an avid reader, but she enjoyed it.

Reaching the Gryffindor tower, she repeated the password to the Fat Lady and crawled through the hole. She dropped her books on the nearest table and rubbed her shoulder with her hand. Momentarily she considered visiting the nurse for it, but figured that she would get used to it in a few more weeks.

Huffing, she felt the need for a five-minute break before she had to walk up the stairs. Taking a seat, she leaned her head against the stonewall with closed eyes. The common room wasn't as loud as it usually was, but it didn't take long before she heard someone else entering through the crawlspace.

"Hello Brea," Neville greeted with a goofy smile. He was followed by Harry and Ron, and she waved at all three of them. Ron looked noticeably grumpy, and it quirked her interested.

"What happened him?" She asked, pointing at Ron.

"Malfoy," Harry stated, leaving the Princess confused. She was quick to deduce that Malfoy was a person, and that hey wasn't particular liked. Brea shrugged, not caring anymore.

"I almost forgot! Brea, one of the twins is outside and I think it's the one from Hufflepuff," Neville said.

Kindly reminding him that his name was Will, she thanked him. Quickly lugging her stuff back into her – much to her distaste – shared room, Brea made her way outside.

"Hey," she greeted with a smile, biting the urge to call him Prince and to bow. "What is up?"

Will laughed at her wording.

"That's not how that goes, it's what's up," he pointed out, motioning for her to follow him. "Come on, goody-two-shoes said he's be waiting for us at the second floor."

She didn't enjoy being corrected, but she kept her mouth shut as she followed him.

"Have you owl'd your mother on how you've been settling in?" Will inquired, wanting to fill up the silence. A sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head. Frankly, she didn't want to owl her mother. She'd ask her for every minuscule detail over the place, and Brea would be inclined to send a parchment that said "TAKE ME HOME."

Taking in the silence as a response, William said didn't push it any further. They knew each other, but not enough to delve into their personal lives.

Arriving, Brea was curious as to why she was being asked to come. Martin nodded at each of them in a greeting. "Brother, Princ- Brea."

"So what do you need us for?" Will asked.

"Headmaster Dumbledore wishes to speak to us," Martin replied, turning on his heel and directed both of them to follow him towards the gargoyle corridor.

Her nerves spiked up at the mention of the headmaster.

"Any idea why?" Will asked, confused.

"As far as my knowledge regarding him goes, he's one of the oldest and wisest wizards of our century," Martin said with a shrug. "Wouldn't be surprised if he did a little research and found out who we were."

She hated the idea instantaneously. There could be no possible way that the headmaster would know, right?

Will rolled his eyes, and gave a Brea a reassuring smile, "I'm sure he read that in the back of a chocolate frog cards."

With a worried smile, Brea said nothing more as they reached the gargoyle at the end. Even if she really didn't want to be at Hogwarts and was struggling with the idea of people invading her personal space, she enjoyed being treated like a normal person. She actually liked not having to depend on Gertrude twenty-four seven.

Unsure how the gargoyle was going to lead them to the Headmaster's office, Martin said the password. Walking up the stairs, and reaching the actual door, Martin knocked three times before Dumbledore opened the door and greeted them.

Her heart thumped nervously against her ribcage.

"You needed to speak with us Headmaster?" Martin asked respectfully. Will rolled his eyes.

"Yes, please sit," Dumbledore responded as he took his own seat behind the table. Brea sat in the middle, Will took the left seat and Martin took the right.

"I have received an owl from each of your parents the beginning of the term," he began, folding her hands together and placing them on the desk. Her shoulders tense, Brea frowned. So her worse case scenario was true. He knew.

"Both families have informed me of your status, and have asked that know of you three be given special privileges," he said.

All three kept quiet, unsure what to say next.

"The head of your house feel like the three of you have been adapting pretty well in your environments, and have been informed of your royalty," Dumbledore said, a barely visible smile on his lips. "Any questions?"

She had way too many, but felt none of them were worthy to discuss.

"Yeah, I have one," Will said, sitting up right on his chair. "Rules state that I can't play quidditch because I'm a first year but I was wondering if I could still try out for my team."

Martin shook his head while glaring at his brother, and Brea sighed.

"Mr Brougham, I can assure you that you can try out for your team but because you are a first year, I can guarantee that you will not be selected for the team," the headmaster said. "First years are not allowed to have broom sticks and you cannot ask for your parents to deliver one for you."

Will grumbled, hating the answer.

"You are dismissed for dinner, except you Miss Gotha," he said. Brea sulked back into her chair as the twins made their way out.

"How are you getting acquainted with your new surroundings?"

Brea gave it a thought for a second, a smile spreading on her lips. "It's rather easy getting used to so much independence when you don't have a magnifying glass over your head," she admitted. "But it's fun, I like to decide what to eat, what shoes to wear, what to do with my hair, and so on."

"And your classes? How are those?" He asked.

"Honestly? Although there's a ton of homework, it's mostly easy since I've gone though most of the material before," Brea admitted. The twinkle in his eyes made Brea stir in her seat, unsure what to say.

"Well then, you can go join the rest for dinner. I hope you have a good time choosing what to eat," he teased with a smile.

Brea was fifteen minutes late to dinner. She made her way towards the Gryffindor table and was glad to see an empty space next to Neville and in front of Hermione.

"Where were you? I was looking everywhere! I knew you weren't at the library because I was there and when I went back to the common room, you weren't there. Parvarti and Lavender said they hadn't seen you and that's when Neville told me you were out. I hope you finished your homework at least!" Hermione said with a motherly tone.

"Yes, homework is finished mother," Brea playfully said with a smile.

Talking about students, and classes, the young frizzy haired girl claimed that she had began studying for final exams. Brea looked at her with wide-eyes.

"Are you mental? We're not even hallway through the semester and exams are light years away!"

"It's never too early to study," Hermione said.

"You and Martin would get along extremely well," Brea noted, eating a spoonful of mashed potatoes.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Well, well, well, look who decided to post a chapter. A LOT has changed since I last updated. Here's a few of things you should know.

- Name change?! Yes! FKA as For the Love of Merlin, I felt the name was too meh now. Heirs is much more accurate to the story as a whole.

- Author's name change? Yep! FKA as DeathlySunshine, I don't know what 2010 me was thinking.

- All previous chapters have been edited. I would recommend going back and checking them out.

- The original story has 243 pages (34 chapters) but I'm editing every chapter to improve my 17-year-old grammar. I'm 23 now so you can see why I might be dying on the inside.

- I now have a tumblr! Dumb, I know. You can find it! You can find all the faceclaims, playlist, current and future projects, etc.

That's about it for now! Chapter five is ready to go, after a bit of editing. If some of you are still around, I would love to hear your feedback. Feel free to rate and review, I'm always down to hear from you all. Lots of love!

~ vaindaisy