Sequel: You're The Reason
Status: New(:

Bite Me


I was laying on my bed when I let my eyes slip closed. I was trying to stay awake because i was terrified.... I was alone and I was scared..

"Katie." Damon said. My eyes staid closed, I started crying.

"I hate this!" I thought.

"I know, me too. Don't cry..."

"I can't help it. I'm scared and alone."

"We will find you. I promise."

"Sometimes a promise is hard to keep." I pushed him out of my head and continuted crying.

I didn't want to be so rude to him, but I felt like I had too. If i was mad at him, he would focus on getting me back. I quickly fell asleep.

I was home... I was home and I was with Damon. I looked down at what I was wearing, wow, slutty. A short black dress with heels that should kill me.

"Looks like I can jump into your dreams too." Damon said from across the room, he sounded mad.

"Damon I..."

"I get it. Your scared. We all are. I can't change that, but for the time being, we are gonna act like nothing is different." He walked up to me and kissed me. It felt so real. I wanted this back, I wanted him back.

He pulled away but kept me close to him.

"I miss you." I said into his chest.

"I miss you too." His voice cracked and he hid his face in my hair. I hugged him.

"Stop. Its fine." I said.

"NO it's not!!! Katherine, that bitch, took you. The only reason I want to live, I feel like dying." He practically yelled at me.

"Damon! Stop! We know she did. We can't change it. It happened, things happen! We have to get over it and move on!"

"What if I don't find you?"

"Everything will be fine." Inside I was asking me the same thing... What if he didn't find me.

"No it won't."

"I need you to do something for me." I said suddenly, an idea popping into my head.



"I promise."

"Katherine is using me to get to you, which will be hard since you are in love with me. I need you to act like you love her and not me, not right away, but it has to happen! Then she might let me go."

"Are you freakin insane! No. I don't love her. I can't stand her!"

"I know that, but things change. DO it for me. Please." Then I stopped the dream. This bond was starting to be fun. I slept for what seems like forever. I knew Damon would do it for me. I knew he would. He was like that.

When I woke up, I changed into a different oufit and threw my hair up in a pony tail. I didn't put make-up on, I wasn't going anywhere. I walked to the kitchen and started to make an omelett. Yum.

While I was eating it, random thoughts popped into my head. Wow, I'm bored. I put my plate in the sink and looked around. I saw a balcany and walked out on it. It was pretty outside. I leaned over the edge and looked at the sky. I sighed. Damon was somewhere out there, on a mission that might just kill both of us...
♠ ♠ ♠
oh damn.. the last chapter ): BUT i have an idea for the next story! So that will be up today! yes, thats right, today(: So look for that later(:

I tried to make this chapter longer since its the last one, but that didn't work out to well.. maybe it did, I don't know... haha

Thank you all for all the amazing comments, they mean so much to me(:
