Sequel: You're The Reason
Status: New(:

Bite Me


When i woke up, I was at home in my bed. I slightly smiled, remembering the night before. I didn't really know how I got home, but all of my answers were answered when I looked on my bedside table.

A single rose.

There was a note next to it, all it said was; Love Damon[.i]

I smiled and got up. I had school off today. Teacher work day. I got in the shower quickly and when I got out I saw Damon sitting on my bed. Not expecting it, I screamed.

"Don't do that!" I yelled at him forgetting I was in just a towel.

"sorry?" He didn't sound sorry.

"Out!" I pointed towards my door.


Damon." He laughed then walked out. Stupid boy. I got changed and ran downstairs. It smelt really good. Damon had cooked breakfeast.

"Pancakes and orange juice? Yum." I said sitting down next to him.

"Its good." He said. I grabbed a fork and stabbed a pancake with it, yeah, it was good.

"Thanks." I told him after I was done eating. Damon sat on my couch and I gladly put my head in his lap. He was comfy.

"Comfortable?" He asked me.

"Very." I smiled up at him. He rolled his eyes at me.

"So theres this dance, more like a ball that the mayor is throwing. Do you wanna go with me?"

"When is it?" I asked, knowing I was going to New York for a coupld days.

"This weekend." My heart fell.

"I can't. I'm going to New York."I told him sadly.

"Thats fine." He smiled at me.

"You sure?" I asked him. He just nodded. I thought about inviting him to New York, but that might be creepy. Maybe another time... Maybe. Damon turned on the t.v. and turned on some random channel. I was more interested in his ring than the show.

"Let me see your ring." I told him, giving him my best puppy dog face. He quickly looked around and then took off his ring. I grabbed it and smiled at him.

"Whats it for?" I askd him.

"So I can walk in the sun and not die."

"Good to know." I handed him his ring back and he slipped it back on his finger.

"Only me and Stefan have them."


"We are just amazing like that."

"WHy do people act so scared around you?"

"I don't have the best history." I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

"I'm not exactly nice."

"You are to me."

"Thats because I like you." It made me think about his ex girlfriend, katherine or whatever.

"Why did you get all silent?" Damon asked me. I stayed silent.



"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." I stood up and walked outside, slightly aware that Damon was right behind me. It was raining. I turned around to face Damon, the rain drenching me.

"Tell me." He closed the distance between us with one step.

"Nothings wrong."

"Then whey are you standing in the rain?"

"Because." And just like that, Damon kissed me. I swear I felt fireworkks. It was amazing. WHen we parted, even his breathing was staggered. That was a shock for me. He smiled and me and kissed me again. This time when he pulled away I was breathless.

"Whoa." I said. He dragged my back inside and I got two towels and threw one at him. I rung out my hair and dried off my face while Damon did the same, i ran to my room and changed... Again. I screamed when I turned around and saw Damon. He smirked and closed the space between us.

He placed his lips on mine and I eagerly kissed him back. It didn't matter to me that we were standing in my room. More sparks. We refused to let eachother go, which quickly led to a heavy make-out session. When we finally stopped I found it oddly hard to breath. Yikes.

When I finally got my breathing under control, I put my hair in a messy ponytail, leaving my bangs down. When I was putting it up in the mirror, Damon stood behind me, looking at my bite mark that was starting to heal.

"I won't ever do that again." He told me.

"What if I wanted you too?" I turned around so I was facing him.

"Why would you want that?" He traced the marks with his fingers.

"It wasn't that bad." My eyes met his and I saw some emotion pass through them. Fear.

"I could kill you."

"But I don't think you would."

"But I could." His hand dropped from my neck to my waist.

"I'm to old for you." He told me suddenly.

"Your how old?"

"higher than you can count." I shrugged.

"I don't care. I told him. He sighed.

"I know." I kissed his cheek. He smiled a small smile. I ran a tand through his hair. He caught my hand in his and kissed me again. This could actually work.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i had a two hour detention today, and guess what! I wrote this whold thing during it. you can get a lot done in two hours. haha. but thank you guys for all the comments, they are amazing, and they keep me going. I'm glad you guys like it(:

Kendra :D

P.S. This story has five stars!! thank you guys so much!