Status: slightly active? i still have writers block

Innocence is an Illusion

Chapter 3

The resonating sound of her alarm clock caused Lexi to sit up in bed, sweating with an accelerated heart rate from the memories of her late father. She glanced at the time, which read 7:30 AM. Lying back in bed and attempting to get her heart rate back down to normal, she sighed heavily, trying to forget about her dream. Dreams themselves were signs of weakness, of wanting more, things which Lexi couldn’t let herself have. Dreams of her parents were even worse. She couldn’t have herself slacking or daydreaming during assignments. Especially during this one.

After blinking a few times and taking deep breaths, she slid out of the bed stealthily, barely making a sound, and padded into the bathroom. Her hair, which was in a bun the night before, was now all over her face, making her look like the grudge. Her tank top had ridden up, exposing her six pack and tanned stomach. Lexi stared at herself in the mirror, trying to figure out why all the bad things were happening to her. She took out her hair tie and attempted to tame her huge knot of black hair, with some avail. Knowing she would have no luck leaving her hair down, she threw it in a ponytail and scrutinized herself thoroughly, like she did every morning. Same tan skin, same rippling muscles, same dark, mysterious eyes. If Lexi hadn’t been trained not to feel fear or anything else, she would have been terrified of the piercing glare she was giving herself in the mirror.

After changing into her normal attire, she silently crept out of her room and went to David’s office, where she knew he would be waiting. As predicted, he was sitting there like a statue, looking like he had been waiting for her for hours, which he may have been. In that moment, his eyes looked so fatherly and worried Lexi almost broke down. Almost.

“Alexandra, I believe this will be much more difficult than any mission before. I don’t want you to be overrun with anger when you meet this man; follow your head, not your gut.”

Nodding, she sat down in her normal plush chair, letting her eyes wander to her lap. Though she wanted to start this mission as soon as possible, she couldn’t help but wish she wasn’t the one looking for him. She wished she wasn’t alone. She wished . . .

“Oh, and another thing,” David started almost uncertainly, pulling some files out of his desk and sliding them over to her, “We assigned you a partner for this mission.” David let this sink in for a second, before covering his ears at the moment Lexi stood from her seat.


Sighing and folding his hands on his desk, he began again. “Sit down Alexandra.” She obeyed. “We don’t want you to kill this man Alexandra; just find him, contact us, and then trail him until we can get to you. No contact whatsoever. And I know alone, you won’t listen, but with someone else, you will have to follow orders. Please comply.”

Staring expectantly at her, Lexi slid back into her seat, still infuriated but cooling down. She rubbed her eyes, and then took a few deep breaths before opening her eyes again. “Okay.” She stated before taking another breath, “Okay. Fine. Fine. I get your point. I’m impulsive. I get it. But do you really think giving me a partner is necessary? I mean, not like it didn’t work out the first time or anything . . .” she finished sarcastically. She knew bringing up the last partner she had was a low blow, but she really couldn’t be responsible for someone else. Sure, she was great at taking care of her mom, but in other situations, she would rather save her own butt first. And if another person was hurt or killed on her watch, she didn’t think she would be able to live with herself.

It was David’s turn to rub his eyes. “I think you’ll take better care this time.” He stated confidently, looking straight at her. “You need someone to watch you, and you know it.”

Deep down, Lexi did know it. But she also knew would never admit it. She was too stubborn for that.

Sending him the worst death glare she could muster, she finally gave in. Grabbing the folder, she quickly scanned the contents, noting that there was no picture. But from what she was able to take in, her partner was male. Nineteen years old. Training for the FBI. Knew how to assemble a gun and had a black belt in mixed martial arts, as well as being very accomplished in kendo. IQ of 119. Caucasian. Son of a CIA agent and a university history professor. Nothing really stuck out about him to Lexi except the word “training.” In other words, he wasn’t a full agent yet. In other words, they were putting someone inexperienced with her.

“Is this a joke?” She asked finally, looking around for hidden cameras she might have missed. “There is no way you are really putting some newbie with me. Now he’s as good as dead!” She exclaimed, thinking of her ex-partner, Jax. Ex-partner, because he was never found after a bombing and was thought to have been blown up. Ex-partner, because it was her fault he died.

She wasn’t going to have someone else’s blood on her hands.

But it seemed David had other plans.

“This is no joke, Alexandra. You are going to learn how to work with others, and you better do a damn good job with it. There’s no way in hell you are working this without a partner.”
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sorry i haven't updated! =/ hope this was good! sorta long . . .