Status: slightly active? i still have writers block

Innocence is an Illusion

Chapter 6

“Well, keep up, I don’t have all day.” Lexi rolled her eyes at Lucas, who was lagging behind and staring at all the different gadgets in the weaponry hall.

“Actually, you do.” Lucas replied cheekily, looking pleased with himself. Lexi shot him a glare, and he shut up immediately, his eyes downcast as he followed her.

“You may want to watch your mouth, newbie, or it will get you in trouble one day. Like today.” Lexi turned to him again, giving him her best don’t-mess-with-me look. “Trust me; you don’t want to be on my bad side.”

Lucas nodded, looking quite emotionless, but Lexi could see the underlying fear in his eyes – it was even radiating off him, giving him a pretty-boy vibe. “Shall we continue?”

Without answering, Lexi turned on her heel and continued walking down the corridor until she came to a partially open door. Smiling slightly to herself, she pushed the door all the way open and slid soundlessly inside, Lucas following her with heavy footsteps.

“Why hello there m’dear! It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it?” came an Australian voice from the corner of the cramped room. “Ah, and you made a friend! Fantastic!”

“I wouldn’t exactly call him a friend, Darin.” Lexi answered lazily, glancing over at Lucas with distaste. “I’m more like his babysitter.”

“Um, what? I’m older than you!”

“Yeah yeah, minor details.”

Darin chuckled at their little argument. “Well, whoever you are, my name is Darin Jones. Pleasure you could make it down to my office in one piece.” Darin put out his hand, and Lucas shook it, feeling the roughness and strength of his palm.

“Lucas Brody. Is Jones really your last name?”

Darin winked. “Of course it is.”

“Lucas here is my new . . . partner . . . for finding my mom’s killer.” Lexi said evenly, not even flinching when she said “mom”. “He’s a rookie, Darin. So I’m just letting you know he needs the easiest functioning yet most efficient toys you got.”

Darin smiled at her. “Of course, everyone is a rookie compared to you, m’dear. But I’ll keep that in mind, David has already informed me about what you two are doing.”

Lexi rolled her eyes and smiled uneasily. “Of course he has.”

“Well, let me show you then. Come closer, don't be afraid Lucas, nothing here will explode immediately.”
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wow it's been a while =/ pointless chapter, i know