Status: hiatus.

Face Value


Music has always been apart of me. I was born into it and raised around it.
I dedicated my life to it because my favourite person in the whole world taught me that it was the ultimate form of expression. That without music we’d all be swimming in pools of pelt up emotions, that we’d all feel alone.

My dream has always been to have the ability to share my emotions, my words with the world. To saunter down the long road of fortune and fame wouldn’t be too bad either. And I know a lot of people say this before they make it, but I promised myself that I would never sell out, I would pursue my career my way and no one else’s, and I will never be tied down. I wouldn’t let personal relationships hold me back.

I don’t think like that anymore, ever since her life was taken. Inside her layed a sleeping giant, it was there for a whole year, she had known but didn’t tell us until the beast decided to awaken and slowly eat her alive. She didn’t tell us until it was way too late to do anything about it. At first I hated her for it, for keeping it from me and my father; I thought I had a right to know. Damn it! I did. So why didn’t she tell me, I thought we didn’t have any secrets but I guess I thought wrong.

My father took it really hard; he was angry, so angry that he decided to torch everything and anything in our house that had to do with music. And so for the past five years of my life, I have lived with no mother, no friends, and no music.