Status: hiatus.

Face Value


I’ve never passed out before, and I never thought I would ever. I can’t lie, it felt pretty cool. Kind of like an out of body type feel, coming to was like a bad come down from a really good high. My head hurt like a bitch, my body ached and felt heavy, and I felt like I was going to throw up my insides.

“…he should be coming to soon,” said a light, feminine voice.

“Thank you so much.”

The voices echoed in my head. After hearing the door open and shut, which undoubtbly made my headache worse; I attempted to open my eyes. Trust that it took me some time but I did. Only to be greeted by a blinding, white florescent light.

Just fucking beautiful.

“Bro, are you okay?” I hear Raz’s voice from the corner of the room. I sluggishly turned my head to look at him, scowl etched on my face.

“I’m fucking peachy,” I growled.

“Sorry man, what else am I suppose to say?”

“Nothing, nothing. Sorry, my head just hurts like a fucking bitch.”

“The nurse left some asprin, want it?”

“No shit, sherlock.”

He got up and moved towards the end table on the other side of the room which held two small paper cups. He picked them both up and made his was over to me, place two small white pills in my outstreatched hand, and put the water in the other. I greedily swallowed the medication, muttering a chaste thank you.

“So, what are you going to do about the ‘music problem’?” he asked, moving his chair closer to where I was now sitting up.

“I’ll just go see Tara, she’s in admin, right? I can tell her they made a horrible mistake with my classes and that it needs to be changed.”

“Sounds like a good enough plan.”

“I just hope it works…”