Maybe High School Isn’t So Bad

Maybe High School Isn’t So Bad Chapter 10

Everett, Miles and I waited for Emily and Ayden outside on by the student parking lot.
“I’m nervous,” I said pacing around a little bit.
“Why?” Everett asked texting on her phone. “They invited you, you accepted, I’ll be there, your wing woman, and Miles will be there chatting up Emily. You’ll be fine”.
I stopped pacing and sighed, “I hate when you’re right”.
“It doesn’t happen often but when it does, let me live,” she said still texting.
Miles and I looked at each other and smiled. Once again she was right.
“Hey guys!” Emily said with Ayden around her arm. “Let’s go!” she said walking past us leading us to Ayden’s car. We followed and climbed into the back seat. I sat behind Ayden like I usually do.
“I just texted the gang, they’ll meet us there,” Emily said texting on her phone. “Are you sure you can get us a discount?”
“Of course babe, I always do,” Ayden said starting the car. He glanced back at me in the review mirror and I smiled at him. He nodded and started to drive.
Emily and Ayden had their conversation, holding hands, while my friends and I had our own.
Moments later, Ayden pulled into this works parking lot and park around back. We piled out of the car and walked around the front of the pizza place. Ayden held the door for us as we walked in.
“Hey it’s Ayden!” one of the guys around the counter said as Ayden walked in after us.
“What’s up, Tyler?” he said walking behind the counter and shaking his hand.
“Not much, I have three more hours here then I’m home free. Why are you here on your day off?”
“Discount,” Ayden said smiling.
Tyler laughed. “I hear that, I’ll hook you up man”.
“Dope, can we start with some apps while the rest of our friends come?”
“Whatever you want bro,” Tyler said before facing us.
“Can we get some mozzarella sticks?” Emily asked as Ayden joined her side again.
“I’ll make a double,” Tyler said winking at me.
I blushed and looked away.
He chuckled and headed to the back, to where the kitchen is I’m assuming.
Ayden and Emily led us to a table near a window. Emily sat next to Miles and Ayden and I sat next to Ayden and Everett.
“So I was thinking two large pizzas?” Emily said looking at Ayden.
“Sure, I’m sure Tyler can hook us up. Do you guys want anything else?” Ayden asked looking at us.
I think this is the most I’ve heard him talk.
“Fries?” Miles asked looking at the rest of us.
“Sure,” I said. “Their fries are good”.
Ayden looked at me and smiled, “you do order here a lot”.
“What can I say, I like the food,” I smiled back.
“All good, it’s nice to see a familiar face on my runs,” he said as Tyler headed over with two orders of mozzarella sticks.
“All right bro, here are your sticks. Anything else?”
“Yeah, fries and one large cheese for now,” Ayden said.
“Sure thing, man, manager isn’t here so it’s on the house, if they ask you paid,” Tyler said before walking away.
We all chuckled and started to each.
We chatted and got to know Emily and Ayden and they got to know us. Everett is a great wing woman. She talked up both me and Miles.
Half way through our appetizers their friends came. They joined us at the table just as Tyler brought out our pizza.
“You guys have good timing,” Tyler said putting our pizza on the table. “Should I makes this a double two?”
“Yes please you’re the man Ty,” Ayden said.
“Okay so, this is Erica, the girl we take home sometimes and her friends Miles and Everett and these are our friends, Mike, Lisa and John,” Emily said before taking a slice.
We all greet each other and started to each and make small talk. I talked to Ayden a lot he seemed interested in me. We talked and laughed every now and then.
A few hours went by and we all decided to head home. Miles, Everett and I followed Ayden and Emily to his car and climbed in.
We all chatted and talked about how much fun we had and promised to do it again. Ayden dropped us all off at my place. Miles and Everett followed me to my front door.
“I think that was a success!” Everett said once inside my house.
“I think so too,” I said smiling. “Did you see how talkative he was with me? He so cute!” I said heading over to my living room.
“Um… Emily didn’t even talk to me. I was stuck talking to John most of the time,” Miles whined getting out his homework.
“Well, she has a boyfriend,” Everett said doing the same.
“So does Ayden but he was all about Erica this afternoon,” Miles said.
I rolled my eyes. “We’re friends I guess. We built a rapport”.
“Whatever,” he muttered as Everett and I looked at each other rolling our eyes.
My friends stayed until their homework was done then I walked them home.
I was almost to my street when a car slowed down and honked at me. I quickly looked and it was Ayden.
I smiled, “Hey”.
“Need a ride?” he asked.
“Sure, why not?” I said as he came to a stop. I opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat for once. I put on the seat belt and Ayden started to drive. His car smelled like pizza.
“Are you working?” I asked.
“Yeah, I picked up an extra shift. Where are you coming from?”
“I walked Everett and Miles home. They stayed over for a few hours”.
“Cool,” he said pulling up to my house. “It was nice hanging out with you today”.
I smiled. “Yeah, I don’t think we’ve really sat down and talked”.
“Yeah… I’ll see you tomorrow,” he smiled.
“Have a good night,” I said before getting out of the car and walking up to my house.