Maybe High School Isn’t So Bad

The Boy Likes The Girl Chapter 3

There he was.
The guy from school.
I stood there stunned. I took this time to check him out.
He had black hair, not too long but not too short. He was a little taller than me and looked muscular.
I couldn’t really tell.
His dark brown eyes stared into mine. I could get lost in his eyes forever.
He had a small beard growing on his chin.
Over all he was handsome and oh so dreamy.
I slowly reached into my bra and pulled out a twenty and ten dollar bill.
I handed it to him. “Keep the change,”
He smiled and walked away.
I closed the door and grinned.
He smiled at me!
I quickly opened the door of pizza and smelled it.
It smelled so good.
I took a bite and grinned.
Best pizza ever.
Tessa drove me to school the next day.
She dropped me two blocks away so we couldn’t be seen together.
I walked up to the school and sighed.
I hate this place I thought as an old blue car passed me.
Pizza boy was be hind the wheel.
I love this school.
I smiled and walked into the warm school.
Miles was standing there waiting for me.
“Hi,” I smiled.
“What’s up?”
“Noting, where’s Everett?” he asked me.
“I thought you were watching her,”
“Yesterday was my day,”
I rolled my eyes and looked around.
She was no where to be found.
“Lockers” I said as we hurried to our new lockers.
Sure enough there was Everett flirting with an older guy.
She wave at us and we rolled our eyes.
“We tried,” Miles said.
Everett has a habit of attacking any hot guys she sees. We tried to hold her back but she escaped.
The guy looked over at me and smiled.
I made a face and wrapped my arms around Miles.
He smiled at me lovingly and kissed my nose.
I looked back at the dude and he frowned.
Good! I thought.
“I owe you one,” I whispered in Miles ear.
“You own me more than one,”
“Bye,” Everett said and faced us.
Miles and I let go of each other and linked arms with her.
“Homeroom bound,” She said and we laughed.
On our way we passed Pizza Boy.
He gave me his famous blank stare before walking away with his friends.