Status: In Progress

Blinded In Love

"Silence is golden but duck tape is silver."

I found my way safely to Rainbow Park. I stood in front of the wire fence for the bus. I have been on one before. I remember them as being noise with screechy brakes. Like my hair, my dad told me the bus was yellow. Not that it matters. I don't even know what yellow looks like.

Poor Daemon is all alone at home. I told him I'd come up with a better solution for tomorrow. He happily agreed. In a sense, I didn't feel too guilty. I tried to think of it a his day off from baby sitting me. It has to be tiring work for him. Running around and barking all day...

I clutched my purse that had previously been filled with pencils and paper. I'll have to get some more stuff after school.

I listened for five minutes until I finally heard the low grumble of the bus coming down the street. I walked closer to the curb and stood there. My stomach began to curdle and to back flips. I started to panic. Perhaps I didn't plan this too well.

No. This is no time to doubt myself. What's done is done. I can't turn back.

The bus stops in front of my. The doors open and the bus driver greets me. "Evangaline Summers?"

"That's me." I tell her.

"Come on board."

I reach out and find the bus doors. I use the to jump up onto the steps. My flat shoes make slight tapping sounds against the metal floor.

The bus doors behind me close. I turn to the left towards the seat. Now my next challenge is to not sit on somebody by mistake.

"Go ahead and take a seat near the back, dear."

"Thank you for picking me up."

Her chair squeaks as she leans back. "Well you're very welcome. You're certainly a nice young person. You're new to Chiffron?"


"Well, welcome. I hope you like KATS."

"I'm sure I will."

"Go ahead and take a seat."

"Okay." I take a deep breath and travel towards the back of the bus. All the whispers and talking towards the back of the bus stop to acknowledge me. Some one whistles at me, making me very uncomfortable. It's strange being in a new environment and not be able to see it.

Someone slides out of their seat and I walk into them.

I step back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run into you." Not that it as my fault.

"No. It's my fault. I got up purposely. You can have my seat." He says.

"Oh no no. I can find my own." I say surprised.

"No seriously. Take it." He turns to someone on the opposite end of his seat. "Courtney, move over."

"Why?" He asks. I was surprised again that it was a boy. The name Courtney is girl name, or at least I thought.

"Because I'm giving her my seat." The boy in front of me tells the other.

"That's your problem not mine"

"Oh, move over." The guy in front of me pushes the other over and sits down. He turns to me. "All yours."

"Uh. Thank you very much."

"You're welcome. And I'm sorry about my brother. He tends to whistle at everyone."

"It's alright."

"I'm always telling him to shut up."

"Silence is golden but duck tape is silver."

He laughs. "I guess so."

I slide into the seat. The bus starts moving. The guy beside me doesn't talk to me for the rest of the trip. Which is a bit disappointing because I thought I recognized his voice from somewhere. I could be mistaken. I've heard thousands of voices. Thinking back on the different kinds of voices I've heard, they all seem to blend together now.

But the two guys that spoke had a slight Russian accent, and their voices sounded rather similar.

The talking did start again after I sat down. Though I believe I heard some girls squealing over how cute 'he' was.

We arrived at school sooner than I thought. The bus only stopped a couple more times to let people on. Everyone piled out off he bus. I waited to get of last. My stomach hadn't gotten any better. The piece of paper with my courses on it is folded neatly in my pocket.

I stumble down the bus steps. A burst of wind hits me. My hair flies all over the place.

I brush it back with my hands and cautiously move forward behind the rest of the people who got off the bus.

"Courtney! Courtney, Courtney, Courtney!" A bunch of girl voices scream. I turn towards the voices. A stampede of footsteps suddenly hurl towards me.
"Move it!" A couple pair of hands push me from side to side as they hurdle by.

I steady myself to prevent from falling down. "Watch it." I tell the girls, but I'm pretty sure they're ignoring me.

"Hello ladies." Courtney greets. The girls giggle and laugh.

"We missed you." The girls tell him.

"Hi Rori." Some other girls say.

"Hello." He says.

"I missed you girls too." Courtney says. "We should move along."

"Okay." The girls sing happily. I listen as they walk off.

"How about you Rori? Want to go to the cafe until the bell rings?" The other bunch of girls ask.

"Sure." He agrees.

"Great. Oh hey, girl right there." One of the girls say.

"Me?" I ask.

"Yeah. Sorry for pushing you."

"It's alright." I say.

"Okay." I listen as the group walks off. I follow close behind the sounds of their footsteps.

I decided yesterday that I'd never use my locker and just keep everything in a bag. It'd save me he trouble of trying to find it and fiddling with the lock.

Now my only problem is my classes.

The air becomes warmer as I walk into the school without running into a door. I'm hit with the great scent of freshly baked chocolate cookies streaming from the cafeteria which must be very close by.

My stomach growls as I inhale the scent. All I had is cereal. I shouldn't have even eaten if the school makes fresh cookies. I'd save money and time.

I lift my shoulder bag back up to my shoulder and find a wall to my left and glide my hand over it to make sure I don't accidentally run into a wall.

I follow the smell of cookies down a different hall. I try to keep my eyes towards the floor so if I run into anybody I'll have an excuse for doing so.

I rest against the wall and pull out my note with my courses on it. I try desperately to figure out which room my classes are in. I only know I have English, biology, drama, and Spanish. That doesn't matter if I can't find the rooms.

I sigh and try to think of an idea. An idea that isn't too drastic. Something simple that will be so innocent that anyone will believe it.

"Can I help you?" A girls voice asks from the left hand side of me.

Her voice is so close I slide a step backwards down the wall.

"Me?" I ask.

"Yeah. You randomly walked up beside me and stood there. I was wondering if you needed my help. You don't look familiar. Are you new?" The girl questions.

"Yeah. I'm new. Actually can you by any chance show me where my classes are? I'm totally lost." I lie.

She chuckles. "Sure thing." She says happily. I was sure she was smiling. Her high pitched angelic voice makes me picture a tall girl with golden hair and big blue eyes. She suddenly takes my wrist and pulls me forward.

"I'll show you where your classes are. Your first two classes are on the first floor and your last two classes are on the second floor. You almost have the same classes as me. We have drama and Spanish together. Isn't that great." She says cheerfully.

"I suppose." I say. I'm mostly trying to concentrate on where she's taking me; trying to memorize how many turns we take and where.

While we walk I accidentally brush up against a few people but they don't say anything about it. Like it was normal for people to accidentally touch each other as they passed through the halls.

We took a final right turn around a corner and stopped. "This is it. Your English class. Too bad you didn't take 4U university instead of applied. We would have been in the same class."

"I'm not very good in English." I explain. "I just don't have enough creativity to write a bunch of essays and poems."

"Hm. That's understandable. I love English. It's one of my favorite subjects. I'm Chrissa, by the way."

"I'm Evangaline."

She grabs my hand. "So glad to meet you. Now let me show you your biology class. It's just down the hall." She drags me down the hall. In 20 short steps we stop in front of a door on my right. "Here it is. Our drama is in the auditorium and Spanish is the last door to the left on the hallway on the right side of the auditorium."

"I see." Not literally though. "Can you show me. I don't want to get lost."


As usual, she casually drags me along with her like I've been her friend for years.

The tip of my toes slammed into something hard and I tripped, landing on the stairs.

"Oops. I'm sorry. I suppose I was going to fast." Chrissa says. "Didn't mean to make you trip up the stairs."

My arms ached as I lifted myself up to my feet. I should have been better prepared for stairs.

"It's alright. I'm just clumsy."

"Well come on. The bells going to ring soon and I don't want to be late for class."