So, I Love My Best Friend

So, I Love My Best Friend Chapter 5

Thank you JeNiKA_ScReAmO_ for the book cover :)

Tiffany and I walked to my homeroom together.
We wave good bye to each other and I walked into my class room.
Chauncey was sitting with his friends.
He saw me and smiled.
I waved back and walked over to my group of friend, Bryan, Crystal and Courtney.
“Hey girl,” Courtney said as I approached them.
“You look great,” Crystal said as the others nodded their heads.
I smiled as I sat down. “Thanks,”
The day passed by slowly, my teachers just talked and talked about rules and grading.
Chauncey and I passed notes to keep ourselves wake.
After school, Chauncey drove us to my place.
“Hello Mrs. Evans,” Chauncey said to my mother.
She smiled at him and gave him a hug. “How are you?”
“Good, yourself?”
“Hanging in there,” she said. “Can you take the trash out?” she asked me.
“Maybe,” I said as I walked upstairs. I heard Chauncey chuckling behind me.
Once we reached my room we lied on my bed and started at my ceiling.
“So, ready for tonight?” he asked.
“No, I’m sick,” I said fake coughing.
“You’ll have fun, I promise,”
“Whatever,” I sighed.
“What are you going to wear?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “You pick out something,”
“How about, this skirt and this top,” he said taking them out of my closet.
He held up a jean shirt and a white tee shirt.
Chauncey grinned. “What should I wear?” he asked.
“Um, that black button up shirt and dark jeans,”
“Thanks pretty lady,”
“Anytime, handsome boy,”
Chauncey and I hung out in my room until six.
He had to get ready, as did I.