Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


Saturday morning came shockingly fast, despite how much I dreaded it. I leaned against the tree trunk, staring into the dark sky. It was only about 7, and since I dumped all the Hunter work on poor Triyx and Mitch, I actually got a few hours of sleep.

“You slept in a tree again?!?!” a voice bellowed way below me, almost causing me to fall off the tree branch I was sitting on. “That’s unsanitary, not to mention how worried I got! If you are planning to sleep in an overgrown piece of wood, at least leave me a note! How can you be so inconsiderate?”

I chuckled despite her serious tone and looked down to see Triyx’s angry face glaring daggers at me. She’s always like this in the morning...when other people are cranky, she’s a walking disaster when she pulls an all-nighter.

“There was a reason I avoided you…you and your squealish personality are the source of my nightmares,” I murmured under my breath, aware that Triyx could hear me.

“ little ditsy, I’ll give you something else to have nightmares about! You better watch out, I’m coming!” she screamed as she lithely climbed the tree at an incredible pace. Knowing it’s my cue to start moving, I balanced myself on the very edge of the tree branch, then jumped onto the next oak tree and landed on a sturdy tree branch.

“As if you could catch me!” I yelled tauntingly over my shoulder as I jumped from tree to tree. I reached the meadow, where I abandoned the height transportation and fell back on the run-as-fast-as-you-can method. Glancing back once in a while, I saw Triyx grinning like there’s no tomorrow as she kept pace with me. I laughed as she finally managed to tackle me down, but I quickly flipped her over and changed direction. We were going about it for at least an hour when she finally stopped and shouted surrender. I giggled as I walked back to her, meeting her I-will-get-revenge face with a huge smile. As I approached her, she swiftly pinned me back down on the ground and before I could kick her off, she had my hands tied.

“Just joking,” Triyx said while laughing. “Didn’t expect that, did you?”

I twisted under her to get my face out of the dirt, and said breathlessly, “Since when did you carry handcuffs around?”

She just grinned even harder at that. “Hey, you may never know when a situation arises that you’ll need it.” Winking at me, she finally got off and dragged me behind her back to the house. I didn’t even notice how far we went until I had to retrace my steps, being forcefully pulled by Triyx the whole way. The only good thing is that I managed to picklock the handcuffs when Triyx wasn’t looking.

“So, I heard that you and Nate have a date in 2 hours.”

That shook me up quite a bit. “Where did you hear that? Because I can tell you that it’s a total lie, and that that idea is absolutely preposterous, and I would never do such a thing...”

She quickly silenced me with a rather painful kick in the leg. “I’ll take that as a yes then. Good thing I just went shopping a week ago. I’m still deciding on the color though...nothing really fancy would do...”

My jaw dropped. Damn, she’s preparing to dress me up again. I shuddered at the mere idea. “How about if you just let me wear my own...”

Naturally, I was abruptly cut off by Triyx, who is now making a habit of kicking me in the shin. “I’ve got it! Oh, you’re going to love it!” I bet not, I thought to myself.