Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


“That’s wrong. That’s wrong. So is that. Wow, you’re stupid,” I chanted over his shoulder nonchalantly as Nate worked on math exercises.

“That’s not very supportive,” he shot back.

“You’re improving. Although that’s not saying much since you were a complete idiot at the beginning. That’s wrong. So is that. Wow, you’re stupid.”

Nate rolled his eyes and attempted to flick me on my forehead. Unluckily for him, I have gotten far too much practice in avoiding forehead flicks from Ash’s Shadowhunter training way back. I neatly arched my back and rolled over to the other side of him. He glared at me in such a determined way that I found myself laughing.

“Don’t worry; you get to insult me next time when we go through the scripts,” I said grinning.

Nate smiled at me. I froze, momentarily caught off balance by how gorgeous he looked when he smiled. In sudden realization in where my thoughts were heading, I got up hastily
“Sorry, I have to go now. I have the afternoon shift at Starbuck’s. See you on Monday!” I called over my shoulder, already speed walking in the general direction of Starbuck’s.

“Wait!” Nate yelled, grabbing my wrist. I turned around, my eyes wide. That’s the second time he crept up on me. What is he, a professional stalker?

“What?” I replied harshly. That must have surprised him because he jumped away from me.

“Umm, well, I was wondering if I could walk you home. The weather guy says there’s going to be a rainstorm today, and I would rather know that you got to your job safely.” That was my cue to gasp. I gasped and stared.

“Since when were you a gentleman?”

“Is that so surprising? I can be nice when I want to,” he replied, flashing me a dazzling smile. It took many blinks for me to regain my clear-headedness.

I bit my lip and looked down. I don’t know what he’s playing at, but I guess I need to at least become his friend before I do anything with his vamp friends. I sighed, and looked up at him.
