Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


I sat in the noisy waiting room, staring at the patient form and regretting I had come. Why didn’t I leave the kid with Nate? I could have been at Starbuck’s right now, eavesdropping on vamp convo.

“Hey kid, what’s your name?”

The boy stared at me with the one expression he had. Blank. Great.

“Can I call your parents?”

Blank stare. No answer.

“What’s your address?”

Blank stare.

“Are you a Terminator sent into the past to stare people to death?”

The smallest hint of a smile played on his lips but it was soon gone.

I turned to Nate in desperation. He chuckled at my hopeless expression before taking the form, scribbling things on it and handing it to the receptionist. My handy sensitive hearing picked up their conversation among the talkative crowd.

“Daniel Estelle?” the receptionist asked.

“Yes, he is my friend’s little brother. He accidentally fell off his bike and scraped his knees.”

“Wait a moment. We will call you in in a few minutes.”

Nate walked back grinning. I glared daggers at him.

“Daniel Estelle? ESTELLE? MY BROTHER?”

Nate raised his hands in defense. “Well, he won’t tell us his name. So, he can’t be related to me because I come from a well-known family and it’ll be too easy to find out he’s not my relative. I figured I could say he’s your brother and fix up the database later.”

“What kind of connections do you have?” I asked, narrowing my eyes on him. “And how are you supposed to pay for his medical bill?”

Nate shrugged. “My parents are rich.”

My expression softened as I heard the hardness in his voice. He must really hate his background. In any case, it explained why the vamps bothered to hang out with him. Them greedy leeches love their power and money.