Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


‘Daniel’ got sent to a section of an uncomfortably rectangular room and checked on by a doctor. She said that the cartilage in his knees was torn and he broke three bones. I was amazed that the boy could even stand, let alone not cry from the pain. Daniel would be staying at the hospital for a few days to go through x-rays and complicated medical stuff I don’t like being bothered with. After checking he was comfortable (although it was hard to tell from his lack of speech), Nate and I left the hospital in mixed moods. We walked together back to downtown in silence. Suddenly, Nate pulled me to a stop. I looked back at him in confusion.

“Ask me already.”

“Ask you what?” I responded.

“I can tell you’ve been dying to say something for a while.”

I pouted and looked away. Sure I wasn’t as good a liar as Triyx, but it still annoyed me that Nate could see so easily through me.

“So?” Nate prompted.

I looked at him again and narrowed my eyes. “Do you always carry a gun, or did you just decide to bring one today?”

Nate blinked as if confused. “That’s what you were going to ask me?”

“What did you think I was going to say?”

“I dunno…something about my….background…”

“What, that you can spend a substantial amount of money and say you can change someone’s entire life on the database in a blink of an eye?” I sighed and looked away. “I won’t ask. It’s none of my business.”

“Thank you, Ciera,” Nate said in a quiet voice behind me.

“Let me put it this way: if I were to ask you, would you answer?”


“Would you answer truthfully?”

“Probably not.”

I smiled. Reaching behind me and grabbing Nate’s hand, I ran in the opposite direction towards the dense woods north of town. Feeling Nate’s hand holding mine, it was the first in a long time that I felt like I might not be fated to darkness after all.