Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


I suddenly stopped when I reached a particularly dense part of the woods. Nate almost slammed into me.

“Yo, what exactly are you…..” His sentence faded away when I moved behind him and put my hands over his eyes. Nudging him in the right direction, I finally removed my hands to reveal the small waterfall throwing rainbows over the clear blue pond. The sunshine poured through the lush green leaves, making the water sparkle even more magically. As if on cue, a flutter of orange and blue butterflies flew right in front of our eyes.

“Ciera, this is….MY GUN?” he said shocked, staring at the black handgun I was twirling around my finger.

“When did you get that?!”

Nate moved to grab the gun out of my hands. My hand shot up to press the gun muzzle against his forehead.

He froze.

I met his surprised expression evenly. To my surprise, he smiled and closed his eyes.

I pulled the safety tab off and pulled the trigger point blank.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just realized how mean I am to Nate...insulted every 5 minutes, getting punched in the face, and now getting shot point blank with his own gun *sigh*

Please comment <3

Scuttling out,