Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


Nothing happened.

Nate opened his eyes and looked at me in an amused way. I grinned, playfully pretending to blow the smoke off the top of the gun.

“Do you really want to kill me that bad?” Nate said lightly.

“Naw, I took the bullets out beforehand,” I answered, opening my other hand to reveal five bullets. “I just wanted to scare you a little and see how you would react.”

See how I would react, Nate mouthed, obviously thinking I was out of my mind. “When did you get it off me anyways? I guard that gun like my life depended on it.”

“A long time ago. When we left the hospital.”

Nate stared at me like I just grew 10 heads. He sat down on a rock, his head lowered between his knees, muttering something along the lines of “she was so strange I forgot about my gun”.

I couldn’t help smiling at that. Chucking the gun at Nate’s head, I saw with mild annoyance when Nate caught it centimeters before the metal weapon would have hit his head painfully.

“Show me.”

In response, he grabbed 5 pebbles near him and threw them to me muttering, “Throw them anywhere."
Shrugging, I moved behind him and threw the pebbles in 5 different directions. Without so much as lifting his head, he pointed the gun over his shoulder and shot all the pebbles dead center behind him.

I stared.

We both were silent for a long minute. Then I picked three lavender flowers by my feet and walked over to Nate. I handed the flowers to Nate who looked at me confusedly.

“Are you confessing to me?”

I rolled my eyes. “No, you dumbass, I’m offering a deal. You teach me how to use a gun and I’ll grant you 3 favours.”

“Like a genie?”

“Don’t put me on the same level as those blue, fat things that are confined to furniture.”

Nate chuckled. He stuck out his hand and shook my outstretched one.

♠ ♠ ♠
Back from the dead ;P I was chilling at DA (deviantart) for the longest time before (finally) recovering from my writer's block (yes, I can actually write a lot worse than this ^-^" ).

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