Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares

Rule #6

Though dreadfully uncomfortable stripping down in someone else’s (NATE’S) house, that jerk had a point about me not being able to walk into the club, my hunter job, being completely drenched as I was. Plus, I despised my club identity. No need to be early.

I stood under the faucet, enjoying the feeling of hot water splashing on my cold back. Today had been more fun than I had expected. But it posed equal danger. I had never, never, screwed up a job like I am now. My memories flitted through Ash’s training with me decades ago.

Rule #6. Don’t open up to anyone, whether it be your targets, friends or other hunters. You’ll be dead before you have time to regret it. On that note, don’t make friends to begin with.

There goes that rule. Damn it, what about Nate makes me forget the very codes I live by? What about him makes me freakin’ suicidal?!

“Shit, Nate, what do you think you’re doing, huh?”

I froze, perking my ears. Landon’s voice was soft, though quite angry. He must have not wanted me to hear. Good thing I have such good hearing.

“What the fuck are you getting hung up about? It’s not the first time I’ve brought a girl back.”

“It’s the first time you’ve brought a girl back here. If you wanted to fuck her, take her to the other apartments and houses like you always do. Don’t bring her to the f-ing main house.”

“Don’t talk about her like that.” Nate’s voice was so acidic, I couldn’t help shivering myself.

There was a pause in the conversation, and then anxious, maybe furious, walking back and forth the room. “Shit, mate, don’t tell me you like her? A few days ago, you didn’t even know her frigging name.”

“Shut up,” Nate retorted, and then lowered his voice more. They were speaking so softly, all I heard was a low hum.

I blinked, split between confused and offended by how Landon addressed me.

Don’t talk about her like that.

I can’t believe Nate defended me. Or that he didn’t hate me to the core of my being.

Bloody hell. I might not hate Nate after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aaah, sorry for the overload of *beep* words. I was in quite a bad mood when I wrote this ;P