Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares

Death sentence

I walked through the darkened streets of Detroit, quite a long way from where I was a few minutes ago, as I tried very, very hard not to fidget in the ridiculously tight, low-riding and short black dress. I had to make a detour at my place to take off Nate’s clothes and put on my horrendous club one. Seeing those damn suspicious men eyeing me like a piece of candy made me crave for my previous outfit. Even if they were a terribly girly skirt and Nate’s overlarge t-shirt.

Weaving my way through the more dangerous areas of Detroit, I found myself standing in front of possibly the sketchiest club in US. Trying to forget what awaited me in there, I pushed through the doors and was automatically dazzled by the club lights shooting back and forth. I sauntered over to the VIP area, skewering on what I hoped look like a seductive smile. Everyone in the booths looked up, followed by a chorus of “Hey, Ariel” and wolf whistles. It was really hard not to grimace at the lust glittering in some of those vamps’ eyes and their goose-chilling gazes on inappropriate places. Just thinking of them thinking of chomping on my neck sent chills running down my spine.

Fighting every instinct on my body, I smiled back at them, winking over my shoulder before sitting down besides one of the hottest males in the club. Shaun’s gorgeous features could even rival those of Nate’s, though the latter still came out on top (as much as I hate to admit). Regrettably, I found that the more handsome the guy, the more obnoxious and arrogant he is.

Shaun slung his arm around me, pulling me closer. It was a goddamn good thing he was the most powerful vampire I have encountered this mission or else I would’ve beheaded him long ago.
Glancing around the area and trying to ignore how close I was to Shaun, I was surprised to see quite a few handsome faces I didn’t recognize. All of whom were vamps. That’ll also explain the surge in the number of girls in the area, far too many of whom were looking at Shaun lustfully.

“Hey babe,” Shaun whispered near my ear, moving his lips over mine. His tongue pressed forcibly into my mouth and his hard body pushed me against the plush booth. I wrapped my arms around his head, trying to play the part of ‘girlfriend’ as I felt several jealous glares dig into me. Kisses I could handle, but when I felt his hand slide up my thigh, I pulled back. No way in hell am I going to be raped where a good fifty people could see me.

Placing a finger over his lips, I winked at him teasingly before taking his hand and pulling him to the dance floor. At least there, I could get a good hearing range for vamp eavesdropping. I started to regret my decision though when I found myself pressed right up against Shaun’s hard chest. He had his hands on my hips, though that began to change as I felt one of his hands move to cup my butt.

“You don’t know how bad I want to shove my dick up your ass right now,” he whispered in my ear, sliding his other hand behind my back to undo my dress.

Ohhh no.

I laughed at the not-so-charming pick-up line and spun myself so that my back was to him and his hand was no longer on my dress strap. Shaun almost immediately took advantage of this position, grinding himself against me. I tried really hard to not grimace. On the bright side, I was now facing the unfamiliar vamp faces and could memorize all of them for future reference.

It was then, as I was memorizing faces and trying to listen in on their conversations, when I heard the equivalence of my death sentence.

“I heard Abbadyx and Tys are going to attack in 2 months.”

It was the lowest of murmurs from one of the farthest booths, but it sent pain and terror striking through me. My mind crashed on one word. Abbadyx.
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Thanks to those who commented and answered my question!!! Triyx is my personal favorite too, although Ciera's my most precious (and oldest). My male characters really need to step it up, huh... For some reason, I cannot for the life of me write in a guy's perspective (those silly males...who knows what's going on in those tiny brains of theirs).

Thanks again!