Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


I walked out of the school and saw Triyx beaming at me. I jogged to her side as we walked back home together.

“What happened to Austin?” I asked, surprised at the absence of Triyx’s most recent boyfriend.

“Austin?” Triyx blinked a few times before she realized who I was talking about. “OH, Austin! He had some kind of appointment and offered to drop me off at my house, but I told him I had to wait for you. Anyways, I’m getting a bit sick of him.”

“What?!?!” I nearly screamed at Triyx. “You finally got him to ask you out a few days ago, and you are already sick of him?”

Triyx didn’t even react to the major panic I just had on her. “Well, that’s the point,” she said in an unusually calm tone. “He’s not interesting anymore. Plus, I got my eyes on someone else.”

I sighed. Triyx was just one of those girls that went from boy to boy like she’s changing clothes. It was a characteristic of hers that I never understood. It was strange though; even for Triyx’s standards, she seemed more determined than ever to break her boyfriends-per-month record. I was just about to break her which-guy-is-hotter self-discussion to comment about it when a particular name stopped me.

“Ah, I wish I could get Nate Hawkes. Now that’s a face and body I only see in dreams.”

Triyx didn’t miss my grimace at her statement. She arched a perfect eyebrow. I only grimaced more at Triyx’s determined and sly expression. Only Ash was capable of hiding secrets from Triyx when the girl put her mind to it. So long, mission don’t-ever-speak-of-history-class-incident-ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little more about Triyx...she's my second fav character after C.S. =3 There's a reason behind her's just that I won't be getting there anytime soon *bangs head against desk*

Thank you for reading, oh lovely readers!!! If you comment, you get an orange bunny cupcake ;) Also, I'll comment your story or poem as thanks for reading mine! *nudges*

Scuttling out,