Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


“Girl, you’re crazy. Why would you hurt that heaven-sent body of Nate’s when you could get down dirty with him?” Triyx argued, wagging her eyebrows at me.

“I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.”

“Hey now, that’s no tone to use on a perfect specimen like him.”

“I’d rather date Landon than that asshole. And that’s saying something.” I paused as something occurred to me.

“You’ve never talked about dating Landon before. This is priceless. Has the Triyx finally admitted someone is out of her league?” I joked. Turning to face Triyx, I froze. Her eyes were glazed over and she wore a serious expression. Something was wrong.


Before she could answer, my phone began buzzing in my back pocket. Fishing it out, I first checked the number. As a rule, I only answer the phone if it is Triyx, Ash or Mitch. The other 9 members in my team reported to those 3; not me. It saved me from having to deal with uncomfortable questions like the Massacre or why I don’t age.

“Yo Ash,” I said, placing the phone against my ear and listening to Ash’s deep voice.
I didn’t say anything for a solid minute. I finally sputtered out, “Come again?”

“I said, you’ll need to join the school play. The vampires are using it as their home kitchen,” replied Ash coolly, using the Hunter term for a human gathering that vampires use as a buffet.

“Why a musical? What happened to plain old sport teams?!” The leeches usually chose sport teams since the people there tends to be stronger and show less signs of being attacked by a vampire. Not to mention trying to picture one of those bloodsuckers singing and acting is eyes-gouging.

“Maybe they got inspired by Chicago. Now that was one sick musical film.” Ash said in a completely smooth tone.

Correction, picturing Ash watching a girly musical is eyes-gouging.

Ash continued, “Anyways, since I only found out today, we could only get you an audition during the call-backs.”

It suddenly hit me that I actually have to try to sing and act. Oh gods, kill me now. “Err, when is my audition?”

“I’m glad you asked. In 5 minutes.”

“I hate your guts.”

I hung up, and tossing an apologetic look at Triyx, ran back to the school like Teletubbies were chasing me. Don’t underestimate those things; they’re scary stuff. One day you’re watching them on TV; the next they have brainwashed everyone and have taken over the world.
♠ ♠ ♠
You know...just in case you were wondering what Ciera's thoughts on Teletubbies were ;P To this day, they still scare me ^-^"

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