Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


The next day, I arrived ridiculously late for class. Last night was as hectic as Hell. I would know, seeing as I’ve been to Hell and back. Twice. I was not only working my 2 night jobs last night, I had to deal with all kinds of problems streaming in from the teams under Triyx and Mitch. I swear my phone did not stop buzzing the entire night. Then, realizing I did not get a single second of sleep, I rushed off to school and now find myself stumbling through the hallway in an attempt to find my English class. I turned the doorknob to the classroom and went in mumbling an apology, knowing it won’t do me much good. Mrs. White isn’t the nicest teacher. I quickly took my seat at the back, and realized with a jolt that the whole class was staring at me. Something was definitely up...people tend to pretend that I don’t exist, not stare at me. Ignoring them, I looked at Mrs. White, preparing myself for a detention at the least. To my enormous surprise, she beamed at me, and said in an overly bright tone, “Congratulations!”

Thankfully, before I had time to provide a stupid answer, the bell rang and everyone grabbed their bags and left. Some were still staring at me. I narrowed my eyes at the wall, wondering what in the world called for this kind of attention. Slowly, I got up and packed my bag, causing me to be the last one to leave. I checked my schedule and smiled slightly as I saw that I had a free period. I’ve been thinking of going to that forest besides Starbuck’s for a while. Walking in the now deserted hallway to the main exit door, a bright pink pamphlet caught my attention. Turning around and retracing my path, I realized it was the roles for the school play. I quickly scanned the piece of paper, crossing my fingers behind my back, hoping that I got a role with few lines, or better, no lines. Jake, Michelle, Katie, me! I beamed at the outrageously fluorescent piece of paper.

“I didn’t get a role!” I whispered smiling.

I heard a chuckle behind me, and caught on surprise, I immediately reached for the knife in my shirt sleeve. I sighed, relieved that it was only Nate, but quickly became tense again. The audition incident came forth in my mind as I attempted, and failed, to push it back.

Smiling smugly, Nate answered to my glare, “Check again.”

I followed to where his hand was pointing, and with much surprise and a lot of misery, I realized that my name was indeed on the list. My face was frozen in shock, and I completely lost my ability to speak.

“Congratulations on getting Juliet, Ciera. Guess we’ll be working together for quite a while,” Nate exclaimed with an amused smile on his face.

My eyes quickly darted back to the piece of paper, and this time, my voice actually proved to work. In fact, it worked extremely well.

“WHAT THE?! You’re Romeo?!?! And I’m stuck with you, of all people?! Has the world gone insane? Oh right, fate hates every cell in my body. What better way to torture me than to stick me and that jerk in a romance play.” I cursed, kicking the wall. I quickly stood in front of the dent I just made to block it from view, although still hyperventilating and shooting death glares at Nate who was laughing like there’s no tomorrow.

He caught my death glares and grinned even wider at me. “God, I wouldn’t have missed your reaction for the world. You looked so funny!” This, of course, earned him a kick in the shin, which he unfortunately dodged. “It’s just that I don’t get it,” he continued. “Other girls will die for your role, yet you seem like you’d rather be murdered.”

“Well, some people just don’t like acting and pretending to be in love,” I snapped back at him.

“Then why did you try out in the first place?”

“My mom made me. She says that I can’t be a tomboy for life and that I need to be more ‘diverse’. Diverse my ass...” I groaned, lying through my teeth. Years of this has gotten me quite good at it.

“So, are you just going to stand there like an idiot? Because it’ll suit both of us if you just leave right now,” I said non-too-gently at Nate. Not waiting for his reply, I turned to leave. But before I could get far, a hand wrapped around my wrist. I turned around, startled, to see Nate’s bright blue eyes. I got lost in them in a second, falling deeper into his eyes. I almost forgot why I hated him. Almost.

Shaking my head and looking down, I asked emotionlessly, “What do you want now?”

I waited a while before looking up again; preparing myself for any voodoo his eyes might do to me. I failed miserably. Something about his eyes was so intriguing and I can’t seem to look away. I was only mildly aware that he answered my question.

“Well, I was meaning to ask you...”

“Hmm?” I murmured numbly.

“I know you are going to need some help with the whole play thing, especially now with the lead role. And I could really give you some pointers judging on the fact that I’m the male lead. I could even help you memorize your lines.”

“What’s the catch?” I said cautiously.

“I’m failing some of my classes. I need to bring my grade up so the school would let me join the boys’ soccer team this season. So, I was wondering if you’d, you know, tutor me?” finally hit me. I managed to regain enough control of my half-stupid brain to look away, safely avoiding his rather intense look. “What?”

“Well, I help you out with the play, and you help me out with math and stuff. Easy as that. Please, Ciera?”

Startled, I lifted my eyes to meet his again. I’ve never heard him say please...maybe he’s not the jerk I thought he was. And maybe bunnies will dominate the world in five years.

I titled my head, looking at him strangely. I still don’t understand why he would want to make a deal with me when he usually has a tendency of acting like I don’t exist. I opened my mouth to say no, but stopped. He was friends with quite a few vampires, some that are pretty high up. Shunning down such an opportunity will surely earn me a beating from Ash. As much as I hated it, my hatred for that idiot is slightly less than my respect and fear of Ash. Sighing, I mumbled, “I’ll think about that,” and turned away, heading for the doors swiftly before Nate had another chance to drag me back.