Status: Still's going to be a while ^-^"

Fairytales and Nightmares


Once I left the school grounds, I made my way slowly to the forest, dropping by at Starbuck’s. Ordering my usual vanilla bean Frappuccino and taken up the small table in the back corner, I pondered at my unusual situation and let the shock hit me full force. I was still adjusting to the fact that I just got the main role in the school play...

“I guess there is a first time for everything,” I mumbled while frowning at the light green wall. More importantly though is the offer that Nate made me. I don’t quite know what he’s playing at by talking to me and asking for my help, but it is a chance to get to the vampires and I’m sure Ash will find out sooner or later, while my near-death experience caused by him will happen shortly had I not taken Nate’s deal. Biting my lip, I called Triyx who should be at her high school right now. It was one of her safer identities so hopefully I wasn’t ruining anything on her end. I quickly summarized yesterday and today’s horrible events to my over-eager friend.

“HE DID WHAT?!?!?” Triyx bellowed on the other side of the phone.

“God, you know I have sensitive hearing!” I yelled back. “And yes, Nate Hawkes asked me to help him in academics and in exchange, he’ll help me with the play.”

“You mean, the really handsome Nate with the amazing eyes?”

“Uuh...I don’t think we are talking about the same person. The Nate I was referring to should win a Nobel Prize for surviving to the age of 16 with the pathetically little amount of brain cells he possesses.”

“Yup, you are talking about the really handsome Nate.” Before I could cut her off, she hastily said, “So, are you going to say yes?”

“I don’t know...”

“Well, in that case, you must say yes! You guys are so adorable together!”

“WHAT?!?!? Have you even seen us together before??? You bizarre-minded psychopath...”

Completely ignoring my rant, she continued, “I really think you should though. I mean, you get to hang out with Nate and try to learn more about the vamps. And since them leeches seem crazy paranoid about secrecy this time round, it’s twice as hard as ever to get information. We need this, Ci.”

“But I really, really, really hate...”

“Oh, just get over that already! Say yes, or Ash isn’t the only one you’ll have to worry about,” concluded Triyx firmly.

I laughed quietly at Triyx’s threat. I’m sure she’ll make it true...except instead of the usual violent way, she’ll strap me to a chair and treat me like her personal make-up doll. In fact, I’m starting to prefer Ash’s punishments.

“Gotcha, but you owe me,” I murmured back, trying to sound enthusiastic. I know I should say yes for the sake of my whole Hunter team here, but...with Nate?!?! I would rather do it with a pig (which, on reflection, isn’t much different). In the end though, I guess I don’t have much of a choice.