A Story to Tell Your Friends

Can't Sleep Tonight

Saturday, it's gettin' late.
You gotta get home, get on your way.
That kinda sucks, wish you could stay.
But, yeah, I get it, you're just not ready.
You say, "baby steps" and I keep waiting, yup,
I'm not complaining.
I know you'll be worth it, I'm tossing and turning.
I lay down,
you're the first thing that pops in my mind,
I'm stuck on you.
You're all around,
I can still see you with the lights out, lights out.
'Cause I can't sleep tonight.
When I can't sleep, it's like I'm dreaming.
'Cause I can't sleep tonight.
No, I can't sleep and you're the reason.
So, when I stay awake, know it's from you.
I've been running all day, it's no use.
'Cause I can't sleep tonight.
So, tell me can you sleep?
Tell me can you sleep, tonight?

“So, how is my baby?” Zach asked putting his arm around me. We were sitting in the back of the auditorium.

“Good. Just getting use to this new relationship and how different it’s going to be.”

“I know it’s going to be hard but we just have to stick it out till tour is over.”

“Are you guts staying in New York for the week?”

“Yeah, which bring me to my question…”

“And what would that be?”

“Since I never get you see you and I’m only here for a week but you have school I wanted to know if you would spend the weekend with me?”

“Of course!” I smiled.

“Good.” He laughed. “I love you.” It made my heart stop to hear him say it in person.

“I love you too.” H leaned over to kiss me then my principal walked in.

“Are you guys ready to perform?” She said while smiling.

“We’re all ready!” Nathan screamed from the stage.

“Good. We’re calling the freshman and sophomores down now.”

“Great!” Zach jumped up and ran to the stage.

I stood on the side of the stage and watched the boys. I smiled when I looked out into the crowd and saw some of the kids singing along. I thought that no one in my school would know who they were. They boys were filled with energy and they spent a little bit of time giving a speech to everyone. Sadly they didn’t get to do a meet and great because of the fact that they have to put on 2 more performances and they didn’t have time for it. My school is kind of big and we let everyone go to assemblies like this because we’re a performing arts school even though half of the school isn’t in the program. They guys still had a strong message that everyone could take to heart. Once they were done Zach ran from the other side of the stage to me. He was hyper.

“What did you guys give this child for breakfast!?”

“He had….I don’t know. Zach what did you eat this morning?” Cameron asked.

“Orange juice, a muffin, and waffles.” He smiled at us.

“You drank orange juice?” I asked shocked. I always make fun of him for only drinking water.

“I don’t always drink water. Just most of the time.”

“And I take it that this is the reason why?” I smiled back.

“Hahaha very funny!” then he ran after me. I jumped off the stage and ran. Zach chassed me till I get stuck on a seat.

“Stupid plaid shirt for being unbuttoned and getting caught!”

“That’s not nice. Now say you’re sorry.”


“Brey tell your shirt that you are sorry for yelling at it!”

“Do you know how crazy you sound right now?”

“Yeah.” He laughed.

“Next group is coming in!” Cantaffa screamed from the back doors.

“Get your butt back on that stage!” I pushed Zach off of me.

“Going!” he laughed as he ran back to the stage.

I just stayed in my seat because it was my class. I saved the whole front row for my friends. Like any of them besides Kate really cared. Kate sat on my left and my best friend Colin sat on my right. He was being an idiot the whole time so all I did was laugh. I could tell that Zach was getting a little jealous. It was cute. But it was okay because I almost punched the girls who were sitting behind me. They were talking about how hot Zach was and that they were going to try and talk to him after. I laughed a little though. During Meet Me In The Middle Zach looked down at me and I winked at him so he winked back and the stupid girls behind me started freaking out! I looked at Kate and we both had a laughing fit. Once they were done Kate and I ran onto the stage to hug the boys. Those girls were close behind us. But Zach realized and as I went to hug him he grabbed my hand and started to pull me to the side of the stage with the rest of the guys following. I looked back at Kate laughing and mouthed ‘Rejected!’ Once we were on the side of the stage Zach pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead.

“No one is taking my attention away from you.” He whispered.

“Pretty sure you’re attention has to be on performing when you’re on the stage.”

“But even then I’m looking at you and thinking about you.”

“If you mess up I’m laughing.” I smiled.

“Love you too.” He laughed.

I spent the whole day with the boys. They got permission to take me out for Lunch for a period. When we got back I took them to the chorus room and they learned a lot of new things. We taught them how to breath correctly and how to belt the right way and how to solfège and we sang some of our songs for them. They were very impressed. We are one of the best schools in the state. Kind of proud to be a part of it because a lot of schools around where I live don’t even have music programs anymore. In the middle schools they got rid of chorus. Once school was over the boys took me home. I packed up my bag and gave it to them but sadly it was a Thursday so I had to wait one more day. But I still went with them back to the hotel with Kate. Zach and I were lying in his bed talking for most of the night. Then Kate came on to tell us that her dad was there to get us. I wanted to stay but I knew that I had to go. I was kind of scared to spend the night with Zach let alone the weekend.