Status: Updating! Don't kill me if I'm slow to add chapters! :) <3

The Outsiders: A Simple Yet Complex Love Story

Prologue: Before the Plane

Your Name: Blaire Kinko
Age: 15
Hair: Light Brown & to your shoulders
Eyes: Brown with flecks of grey
Interests: Music, boys, and friends
Nickname: Kinky

Your dad died when you were six years old. You loved him so much, and your mom was heart broken right along with you. She's changed since then, very subtly, but noticeably. She's not as social, and reads a lot. She has gotten more forgetful, and sometimes won't notice when you're standing there watching her. You were worried for her... but pushed the thought away, thinking that she's just sick. But after nine years of this... the worry is back.

~ ~ ~

"Blaire, I need to talk to you..." Your mom didn't look to good.

"Yeah Mom?" you replied worriedly. Something seemed wrong. You try and read your mother's thoughts to no avail.

"I-- oh, how should I put this-- I'm... leaving," she tells you. "And I'm most likely not coming back..."

What? How is she not coming back? Where can she be going? Why is Mom leaving me? Did I do something wrong? Is she depressed from Dad? So many thoughts rushing through your head... But only a couple words escape your lips. "Where? Why?"

"I'm so sorry Blaire... But my time has come. I think I might be dying. I've been getting more and more tired every day, and I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow. But this might be for the best..."

"WHAT?! No... you need to see a doctor now! You can't wait, I need you..." You begin to sob at the fact that you might just be losing your last parent.

"Sweety..." your mom starts. But you cut her off; you need to know.

"H-how long have you known?" you ask in between sniffs. Could she have been hiding this from you for days or for months?

"Only for about a week and a half. I thought it would come to pass, but now I realize that this may be more serious than I thought it would be. You're the only person who knows. Keep it that way."

You go to say more, but in doing so, you realize that you have nothing to say. You're shocked.

"Come on Mom, you can't leave me now! I'm only fifteen! You've gotta pull through... I-I need you..." The tears begin to fall faster and harder. Your mom wraps her arm around you in a very concerned way... But you just sob and sob until you fall asleep in her arms.

~ ~ ~

You wake up the next morning on the couch. What happened? Where's Mom? Oh my gosh! Mom! Is she alright?" You look around frantically before finding a note. You slowly read the small sticky-note stuck to the coffee table...

Hey honey, if you're reading this, you must have woken up by now. I'm at the doctor right now. Or so I think, if I'm estimating correctly. I believe I'll be back around 2:00 ish, so make yourself some breakfast and relax for a while. Love you, Mom.

You begin to pour yourself some cereal as you turn on the TV. Mickey Mouse is on. Hooray. You let out a sigh and settle down, not bothering to see if anything else it on. I wonder what Mom's thinking right now... I hope she's okay... What if she's hurt? Is the doctor nice? Boy or girl? Is my Mom lying? You browse through all these questions, but stop and think about the last one.

"Why on earth would she be lying to me? She's Mom! What could she possibly be doing that would be so... so sinister, that she would have to lie to me? She's never lied to me before, has she?" You think back and wonder about this. How could you know if she was lying? You don't know of any nervous habits she has that gives it away...

As you wonder this, the phone rings. Scaring you half to death, you almost drop your cereal bowl. Picking it up on the second ring, you ask who it is.

"Good evening, this is the doctor's office. We are calling to confirm that this is the Kinko residence. Is this correct?"

"Yes, this is Blaire Kinko. What's wrong?" Why would something be wrong? You must be worried sick.

"We hate to tell you this, but your mother has driven herself into a river. She has a large cut on her head, and a heavy concussion. We would appreciate it if you could come down to the hospital and see her, she was holding your photo when we found her." the receptionist says.

Oh. My. God. Mom's in the hospital! You drop the phone in shock, confusing the caller. "Hello...?" they ask.

"I have to go. Bye." you state abruptly. You immediately sprint out the door, not caring how far the hospital is or how long it'll take to get there. All you know is that your mom's in danger and you've got to get to her.

~ ~ ~

You arrive at the hospital, out of breath and panting. "Whe-where's my mom?" you gasp out. "She's Bethany Kinko."

"Mrs. Kinko is in room 113. Second floor. Take the elevator. You look like you'd pass out if you took the stairs!" she states.

Not caring about that last part, you dash to the stairs. Bad idea. You're not exactly the quickest thinker, and you end up trudging up the seemingly endless flight of stairs.

When you enter the room, your mom is lying on the hospital bed passed out cold. Oh my god it's true... Why, why did this have to happen? Why me? Why her?

Apparently you had voiced your thoughts, because a doctor behind you startles you and begins to explain. Your mom was in a car crash. She had been pulling out a picture of you, and while looking at it she ran off the road and hit a tree near the river. Smacking her head on the steering wheel, she is now here.

"But... but..." You feel like someone just smacked you across the face. "How? Is she going to be alright?" you mutter while staring at your mother.

"We don't know. But she's lost a lot of blood and her heart rate isn't too good... I don't want to put a damper on your spirits, but..." He stops and looks at you. His eyes are filled with pain. Knowing what he's thinking, you cry into the nearest chair.

You're both silent for a while, and suddenly there's a loud beeping noise apparent. Looking over, her heart rate is going crazy. Oh god, please no... not now... But it was too late. Starting to cry again, your mother is gone.

"What are you doing!? You're a doctor, so save her you bastard! What the hell is wrong with you?! She's my Mom!!" you yell out, your voice cracking on the last note.

The man shakes his head, and walks out of the room. You sob into her arm for what seems like forever and an hour... Until you walk out. You feel helpless and alone...

Picking up the nearest phone, you call your cousin. "Hey Keith... Can I come and live with you guys?" you state miserably.

"What? Why? What's wrong? I'd remind you to call me by my nickname, but this isn't the right time..." Your cousin Keith Matthews might not be the smartest person in the world... But he knows when to be serious. Explaining to him what happened, you get confirmation and head home to pack your bags. It's going to be a long flight... to Tulsa, Oklahoma.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Is this good? It is only the intro... Try not to be too harsh, but criticize my work a bit! I need to know my strengths and weaknesses!

Love you guys!

*I do not own any of the characters from The Outsiders. They are property of S.E. Hinton.