Status: Updating! Don't kill me if I'm slow to add chapters! :) <3

The Outsiders: A Simple Yet Complex Love Story

Welcome to Our Home! Who Exactly Are You?

"Kinky!!!" Your cousin catches you in a flying mix between a hug and a tackle.

"OOF! Watch it Keith!" you exclaim, "I'm new to this!"

"Sorry," he laughs out, "but I'm just so happy to see you! After all, it has been nine years!" A smile slowly spreads across his face.

Uh oh... I've seen that look before... You realize that you're about to regret not running... Keith is such a jokester! You turn to run when he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder!

"Hey! Put me down this instant Keith Matthews! I am not happy with this! Watch out for that wall!!" Oh Keith. You smile while trying to act serious to no avail.

"Silence my captive. I am taking you on a tour of our fair city. And I also have to explain how things work around here. So just accept the fact that you are my prisoner!" he says. Oh gosh, you're getting a lecture. You sigh and pretend to listen.

As you finish listening, you start to understand just how different things are around here. There are a few things that stood out to you though:
1) There are two types of people- Greasers and Socs. Keith is a greaser along with all of his friends.
2) Socs are the privileged ones that do terrible things and then get called an asset to society the next day, while Greasers are underprivileged and get jumped and beaten up by Socs.
3) This is going to be a long day.

~ ~ ~

"Kinky, hey, wake up cuz." You groan and roll over. Keith's staring at you grinning.

"W-where are we?" you start. Gazing around, you don't recognize anything. There is a small, worn-out looking, two-story home that you appear to be parked at. "Who's house is this?"

"Don't worry," he laughs, "this is the Curtis' house. They're real close friends of mine and you're about to meet them--"

"Woah, what?!" you exclaim. "I can't meet them now, I don't even know what I look like now! I bet I look like a piece of crap! Wait!!"

Keith starts cracking up at that. You're serious though, not wanting to make a bad first impression. You dig through your bag, finding a mirror. After you're satisfied with how you look, you sigh and walk back over to him.

"Ready now your royal highness?" he says between snickers.

"Yes, and don't call me that!" Letting out a nervous laugh, you begin to head for the door. You stop and wait for Keith to knock or ring the bell.

He stops and looks at you funny, then realizes that you don't know that it's unlocked. Laughing, you wonder what you did wrong.

"It's open... I forgot to tell you," he says.

"Wow Keith... just wow. So not funny." you state.

"So funny! And stop calling me Keith! Call me Two-Bit," he says with a smile. He opens the door and you see a boy that appears to be about 22-years old sitting on the couch. He smiles at you, rolls his eyes at Two-Bit, and begins to introduce himself.

"Well hey there! My name's Darrel Curtis, but you can call me Darry," he says cooly. His eyes are so blue, like tiny pieces of ice, seeming as though they could shatter you with a gaze. He's very fit, with muscles like rocks all along his body. He looks around 6'2" and has dark brown hair with a slight cowlick in the back. Funny. "And you are...?"

"I'm Two-Bit, nice to meet you Darry!! Two-Bit yells and sticks out his hand. Darry smacks a hand to his own forehead smiling, and shakes his head at Two-Bit. Two-Bit laughs so hard he doubles over, slapping his knee. You give him a push and he falls onto the floor. He makes no attempt to get up, so you smile and introduce yourself.

"Hey there, um sorry about him, I'm Keith's cousin Blaire. Nice to meet you!"

"Don't call me Keith!" Two-Bit yells in between laughs.

"Nice to meet you! So what--"

"Hey Darry, where's my pants? WOAH! You didn't tell me there was a broad here!" says a young man who appears to be about 17-years-old. He's real handsome, almost like a movie-star with dirty-blond hair and brown eyes. Unfortunately, your intro is cut short, since he's not wearing pants. He ducks into a room, with his hair soaking wet. He must have just come out of the shower.

You laugh and wait for him to return wearing something. When he does, you discover his name is Sodapop. What a cute name, you think, he's such a cute guy. Seems nice too... Hmm, I'll keep my eye on him for sure!

"Uh, Kinky? You're kinda staring..." Two-Bit just laughs at you and rolls around like a dog. You kick him in the ribs, not hard enough to injure him or anything, but enough to make him grunt. Darry just smiles.

"Well, it's almost ten, so the rest of the boys should be coming around soon. Are you interested in meeting them?" Darry was explaining it to me as though I shouldn't. I got nervous again, but Two-Bit spoke up for me.

"Of course she does!" he said, standing up. "Why wouldn't she? It's not like their gonna rape her or anything... Oh wait... Maybe they will!" Two-Bit cracked up, only to be shoved onto the ground again by Darry.

"Oh shut up Two-Bit, don't talk like that, you're scaring her!" he looked over at me, shaking. "Oh gosh, don't worry! You'll like them... Just don't do anything you'd regret."

"Yeah, especially in nine months!" Two-Bit was laughing so hard by now that he couldn't breath. It especially didn't help that you decide to step on his stomach.

"Hey everyone!"

They had arrived.
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A big shout-out to my 9 readers and my 3 subscribers! Love you guys!