Status: Updating! Don't kill me if I'm slow to add chapters! :) <3

The Outsiders: A Simple Yet Complex Love Story

The Movie? Okay I guess...

You walk over to your house and sigh. Everything seemed just fine only yesterday... You wipe away the tears and push the thought out of your mind. Packing quickly, you manage to finish before Two-Bit gets too bored.

Arriving back at the Curtis' house, Sodapop shows you the way to your room. You smile, say thank you, and give him a kiss on the cheek. Who knew he could turn so red?

Laughing quietly to yourself, you unpack your suitcase. He so likes me, I knew it! I bet I just made him fall for me even more... Oh gosh he's so cute! You begin to daydream when someone knocks on the door.

"Come on in!" you call. The door opens to reveal Darry. "Hey, what's up?"

"Just checking in," he states. "How do you like your room?"

"It's perfect. Thank you so much!"

"No problem. You're one of the gang now, and we all stick up for and help each other." He smiles. "Oh, and I'd get ready, Dally's taking you to the movies, right?"

Oh no, the movies! I completely forgot! "Yeah! Thanks for reminding me!" Shooting him a quick smile, you hurry and get ready.

~ ~ ~

"Ready?" Dally was leaning up against the door frame when you came to the door.

"Yep!" you reply. "Ponyboy, come on it's time for the movies! Hey Dally, where's Johnny?"

"We're meeting him at the lot on our way over." he said. He seems so calm and tough at the same time... I don't know whether to be afraid of him or to be in awe of him!

Ponyboy ran out of his room, nearly smacking into you in his hurry. "Sorry!" he yelled.

"No problem Pony," you say. "Come on, lets go pick up Johnny."

Walking along the road, the four of you start off around town. Dally's eyeing everything out in the open, but you manage to keep him out of trouble.

"Aw, you're no fun. Can't I just--"

"Nope," you say, popping the p. "You're just going to have to abide by the law while I'm here."

"Dang," he mutters. "Party pooper."

You smile. It's funny how he's usually rough and tough, but when you're around it's almost like he vaguely listens...

After wandering around aimlessly and chasing a couple of kids across a field, Dally decides it's time to head to the movie house. You crawl under a fence to get in, cause Dally wont do anything the legal way. Sighing, you take your seats in the second row, just before two girls sit in front of you guys. They seem real upper class, and you assume that they have to be Socs.

"... I came here to see a movie and I'm gonna see a movie!" the red-head states.

You shrug and look at the screen. It's some beach movie with no plot or meaning whatsoever. Ugh. You look over and Pony seems to be thinking the same thing. Johnny's watching it though, not wanting to catch anyone's attention. You smile and go to watch the movie when you hear Dally start to talk dirty. Oh God...

"Are you a real red-head? Are you real?" he starts to tease the Soc. "How can I tell that this is your real hair color? Is it the same hair that you have on your... your..." He looks down to her midsection and then back up at her face. "... these eyebrows?"

"Get lost hood!" she yells. You nearly jump, not expecting the sudden outburst. Her friend giggles, and watches the movie.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a problem with, with yelling in my face," Dally retorts calmly. "I know when I'm not wanted." He stands up and walks off. Something's not right here... Dally wouldn't just leave... He's so gonna come back.

"Are you gonna start in on us too?" she whips around and asks. You shake your head, Johnny freezes and gulps, and Pony says, "No."

"You don't look the type... What's your names? I'm Cherry and this is Marcia" she smiles and says. Marcia giggles again. Ponyboy's eyes sparkle a bit, letting you know that he's hooked. She's got him under her thumb.

"I'm Pony, this is Johnny and Blaire," he gestures to each of you as he introduces you.

"Hey," you state. Johnny just meekly smiles and continues watching the movie.

"Here, thought this might cool you off," Dally had returned and handed a coke to both Cherry and Marcia. Marcia takes a sip, but Cherry decides it'd be better to drench Dally with it. You gasp. Uh oh... She shouldn't have done that...

Wiping the coke off his face, Dally is still determined. "Fiery huh? That's how I like em..." He reaches over to grab her and she struggles to no avail.

"Dally, stop..." but he won't listen. He's got his eyes set on messing with her.

"Stop it Dally." You look over to see Johnny standing, speaking to Dally loud and clear. Johnny...?

"What'd you say to me? What'd you say to me you little shit?" Dally looks like he could punch anyone's face in.

"You heard me," Johnny gulps. "leave her a-alone."

Dally stands up abruptly, knocking over his chair and storms out of the theatre.

"I'll be back guys, I've got to make sure he's alright," you say.

"Okay," Ponyboy says. "We'll be here."

"Thanks guys," you say. Walking quickly, you're determined to find Dally.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked it! Do you think this chapter was too long...?

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