Status: On Going

My Inspiration


I was more than nervous having Kasi. My unrequited love; at my house! On the calm outside shell of mine was one thing. But on the inside my mind kept going off. What if he doesn't like where I live? What if he thinks I'm stupid? What if he doesn't like my pictures? What if my mom embarrasses me? What if my dad doesn't like him?

Allot of what if questions were storming through my mind. I never knew there could be so many what if questions. And I know this! I thought of some during class when I was absolutely bored out of my skull. Well bored enough to think of what if questions that is.

My breath was getting a bit faster the closer we got to my house. His mouth was rambling about something that dealt with his day at school. And how the jocks thought I was a complete weirdo with no life so I have to watch theirs to have one. Okay I was mostly listening to him. But the questions were poking the front and back of my mind.

"So I sneaked up behind him really quite and screamed on the top of my lungs in the girlie scream I can make, 'I SEE YOUR PENIS!!!' All he did was scream and touch his dick that were securely in his pants! I swear he about pissed himself. Ha ha ha ha. " Smiling a bit nodding to the story. Never figured one of the Jocks would be a scardey cat of having his dick seen. Even if there isn't much to see. Maybe that's why.

He sighed and pouted slightly giving me a look of some sort that had me looking down at the leaf scattered ground.

"What?" Whispered fearing if I spoke to loud I would scare him off or something. But then again that was half tempting with all the thoughts blasting in my head like a kilo bomb.

"You really should talk more. If you did I bet you'd be swimming with friends as well. I mean I like you." Looking more away from him as that line sent fluttering all around my body.

"Y-you like everyone." Kicking up a pile of random leafs we were passing. Taking a picture of their moment of defying gravity. He moved closer bumping his shoulder with mine.

"No I don't. I actually don't like half the people in our school. And it's a small school." Looking up at him. He for once seemed serious. But the small smile on his lips kept it from being to serious.

"R-really?" Stop stuttering you idiot! Wanting nothing more than to hide behind a tree and just die and become one with the earth. I sighed as softly as possible.

"Yeah. I mean I only talked to half the other just said they were my friends. Full of lies. But guess they are okay. But I'm more interested in you then anyone else. I've been watching you for a while now. Your always always alone." That did it. I stopped he cocked up a black brow to the sudden stop. I couldn't look up at him at all. I cant believe he said that! I think I can die and be happy forever.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Ayan, hello?" He dragged out hello for a longer time period before he knelt down to the ground in front of my feet and looked up at me. His brilliant eyes glittered curiously like a cat. His small worried frown turned into a smile.

"Oh your blushing! How adorable!!" He stood straight up and wrapped his arms around me. Side note: Red light. Everything stopped. My brain turning off. Kasi's fingers were slowly moving along my back. My arms were wide apart like someone doing a plane imitation. His scent was of berries and some earth spice like nutmeg.

"K-Kasi?" He pulled back while softening his gaze.

"Wow your so red!" Turning my head having my free hand slide up and cover my face. His giggling laughter just made it worse. Kasi grabbed the hand that covered my face and pushed up my hand that held the camera.

"It's adorable. Take a picture." Shaking my head a bit. He then grabbed my camera and snapped the picture of me.

"Give that back." Whined a bit. He came closer pulling me close to him once again. It was like my brain didn't like me or something! I should have a serious talk with it later about this brain leaving thing. Kasi smiled widely and took the picture.

"There! Now we have one of us together! Oh does this thing have video?"

"A-ah stop." Trying to get it back he moved away while fiddling with it.

"Nope! Oh found it! Ah there we go. And smile we are on record!" Looking away he moved next to me again and pulled me next to him and pulled me against a tree to keep me there.

"Come on smile for the camera." I uncovered my face that I had seemed to make it's way back on my face. Looking at the camera offering a smile. I then felt something plush against my cheek. Looking to the side he was smiling at the camera. Looking back at the camera confused. Did he just kiss my cheek?? I didn't see Kasi looking back at me giving me a sweet smile. As I stood there confused, a deep red color from thinking about him kissing me period. I think I'll keep this video...

"See it wasn't that hard to smile! And video off. Here you go." He gave my life back to me. Looking up at him. No, my camera was just half of my life. The other half stood in front of me.


"No problem. Life's about making memories right? Anyway life's also talking about life. Which in this case you fail. Because this whole time all you said was 15 words. And that's not allot. Since I've said nearly 3,000 or something around that. "


"We need to work on your people skills. Come on." He continued walking. I followed closely behind him. Smiling a bit switching my camera back to photograph mode, bringing it up taking a quick snap shot of him walking away. I stopped and stared. Walking away from me...

He suddenly stopped when he didn't hear me following I guess and looked back at me.

"Hey come on slow poke! I don't know where you live." Nodding again doing a jog to get back by his side.

"Sorry." He shook his head with a bit of a smile again. I stood in awe watching his hair whip around in the wind. And those eyes that melted me to the ground instantly. He looked so beautiful.

"It's fine."
♠ ♠ ♠
W O R D S : 1 1 3 7

Part two! And I can end it here since I used the gif part in it. But it's just way to adorable just to stop there. Well I think so. What do you think should I stop it here?