Status: On Hold. Major writers block with this one.

Change Your Mind

Chapter 3

Jules POV

I left work and immediately called my best friend Emily. I was surprised that I could run to my car as fast as I did seeing as I was in my Nine West black open toe sling backs. I was also wearing my white cutoff jean shorts, matched with an Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt that Emily had bought me. Honestly I’ve never seen the band in my life, just heard the music. I had smoky eye make up on today. As far as jewelry I had on a black cross ring, cross earrings, my suspended cross necklace, leather cross wrap bracelet and my “love waits” cross purity ring, which I never take off, that Zack had gotten me for my birthday the last time I saw him for my birthday. Emily is always saying keeping it is holding my back from completely moving on.

I pulled my phone out of my black studded pleated satchel bag.

“Emily, I need to talk to you”

“About what hun?”

“I just need to talk to you,” I said as I was trying to push back tears that were now forming in my eyes.

“Okay, calm down and meet me at Starbucks in about 5 minutes”

I hung up the phone, got in my car, and wiped the mascara that had run down my cheeks. Once I looked half way decent again I started the engine of my blue 2010 Hyundai Elantra. I drove as fast as I could without getting a speeding ticket. I got there and parked the car, went and sat at an empty table and not so patiently waited for Emily to get there.

I really needed to talk to her. I didn’t know what to do. I thought I would have been able to handle seeing Zacky again if the occasion ever occurred, but I was dead wrong. I saw him at the restaurant and just lost it. I felt my heart breaking all over again. I had finally convinced myself that I was over him, but I guess in reality I was far from being over him. Then again I should have expected this, I mean I was in love with the boy, still am honestly.

I was in deep thought about everything that was up until I heard Emily speeding up the street. It’s hard not to miss her blue Jeep Wrangler. She pulled into the space next to my car, turned off the engine and hopped out of the jeep.

Emily had on distressed jean shorts, a purple stripped tank top, purple flip flops, her Eiffel Tower earrings, red and purple rhinestone wrap bracelets, silver and purple flower two finger ring, her Eiffel Tower charm necklace. Multi feathered hair clips, sunglasses and it was all matched with purple and black eyeshadow and black eyeliner.

She rushed over to where I as sitting and basically smothered me in a hug.

“Okay, short shit here needs her lungs to breathe. Lets not squish them please.”

“Oh, sorry.” She said releasing me from the hug.

“Hun, I’ll be right back then we can talk”
“Okay” I said quietly.

She had wandered off inside to get a drink. She came back out five minutes alter with two cups in her hands. She got back to the table and thrusted one into my face.

“Mocha Frapp?”


I took the cup and took a few sips. She sat down next to me and did the same with her Java Chip Frapp.

“So, Jules, what’s bothering you?”

“Huh? What?” I had spaced out thinking about Zachary per the usual.

“You called me saying you needed to talk AND you’ve been crying, so what’s up?”

“It’s about Zacky and I have NOT been crying”

“What about him? And yes you have, you’re eyes are pinkish and you’re cheeks are red. I’m not stupid, I’ve seen you cry enough now to know.”

“Fine! I was. Happy now?”

“Yes, now tell me what happened, I can’t help if I don’t know”

I went to get ready to tell her what happened when all of a sudden there was a shadow over us, we looked up and saw this guy standing there.

“Hi, anyone sitting here?”

“…No…” I mumbled and Emily just shook her head letting him know that seat was not taken.

He proceeded to sit. I looked…well more like glared over at Emily for letting him sit there when I had something important to tell her, only to see that she was staring at him. They started talking and I was just feeling like a third wheel now, and that had only led me to thoughts of Zachary yet again. I was snapped from my thoughts when, Brian, I do believe that’s what he said his name was, stood up from the chair he was sitting in.

“You okay Jules?”

“Huh? What?” I obviously spaced again.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh, yeah I’m fine, what was that all about?”

“He just wanted to say hi, jeesh”

“And…you let him?”

“Well yeah, he’s only you know my FAVORITE guitarist from my FAVORITE band”

“WHAT!!??!! That’s THEE Synyster Fucking Gates!”

“Yes! He’s coming back, just went to get a drink”

“I feel like I’ve seen him before”

“Well I only have posters all over my apartment”

“No…Emily I feel like I’ve seen him in person before”

“Oh…I don’t know then hun”

“You didn’t tell him my name did you?”

“No, never came up”


Shortly after that he started coming back to the table and I STILL had not been able to tell Emily what went down at work.

“So Emily…” as he looked at her “…and Jules…” as he looked at me “…how are two pretty ladies like you NOT doing anything on a gorgeous day like today?”

“H…how…how did oyu know my name?” I questioned him.

“Um yeah about that…saw you earlier while you were at work”

“Wait that was you sitting there with…” and it took everything I had to say his name “…Zachary?”


“Oh…so how do you know the bastard?”

“We are in the same band…and he’s not a bad guy”

“He broke my heart, that qualifies me to call him whatever the fuck I want”

I had anger and rage in my eyes by this point. Mr. Gates was in NO position to tell me that Zacky was a “good guy”. In my eyes Zacky was the opposite.

“Well I got to go, can’t keep…” he looked scared for his life as he went to say Zachary’s name. “…Zacky waiting all day” and he made a mad dash to the limo he arrived in as if I was going to rip his insides out if he stayed there much longer.

Emily kind of followed him, she gave him her number and he did the same and gave her some other papers or something as well. She returned to the table moments later and I was grabbing my things to leave. I needed to be alone right now.

“Where are you going?”


“Why? You haven’t told me about earlier yet”

“Why? Really Emily?” Really? You HAVE to ask me that?!”

I had just yelled at my best friend. I didn’t mean to it just happened.

“Yes, really Julianna”

“You NEVER ONCE told me that Zackary was in your favorite band! How could you keep something like that from me? Nevermind don’t answer that I don’t think I want to know”

“I…I’m sorry”

“Sorry won’t fix this”

With that I walked to my car and sped off to my house. I pulled into my parking space, rushed inside, shut the front door, put my back against the door, slid down to the floor and started crying.

== An Hour Later ==

I had managed to make it to my bedroom when my phone stared ringing and my caller ID read ‘Unknown’. So I went and answered it. I didn’t recognize the voice at first but the more they spoke the more I realized it was Zacky. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him or anyone else for that matter, so I hung up and turned my phone off.

I put my phone on my dresser, changed into my converse and went for a walk to the playground. That was my favorite place to go and only one person knew that, but I was certain he wouldn’t come looking for me. Hell he didn’t even know where I had moved to.

I was at the playground for about an hour just watching the kids run around enjoying life. I started walking home when a car came flying past me…idiots I swear. I got closer to my house and that car that sped past me was sitting out front…it started to scare me so I approached with caution. I got closer ands saw a guy sitting on my porch. He had, from what I saw, tattooed arms and possibly a few piercings. It was then that I looked back at the car and knew EXACTLY who it belonged to.

I tried to get in the house without making any kind of contact with Zacky. He was the LAST person I wanted to talk to right now.

“Jules…” I ignored him.
“Jules please” I continued to ignore him as I fumbled with my keys to get the right one.
“Julianna!” he sort of shouted as he grabbed my arm.

“WHAT!” I shouted back ripping my arm from his grip.

“We need to talk”

“About what Zackary? About how you broke my heart? About how you tore me apart inside and outside?”


“Then what? Because unless its that I don’t know hat there is that we could possibly HAVE to talk about”

At this point I had lost it. I lost all strength in my whole body and was crying a steady stream of tears. After a few seconds I fell against him and he just held me. After a few minutes he was helping me get inside and to my room. I was still crying and was still a total mess and he continued to hold me. We laid there in my bed while I cried into his chest as he held me close to him. I soon fell asleep in his arms. God how I missed the feeling of his arms around me. I had right then and there, that night, fallen in love with him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jules' Outfit
Emily's Outfit

Mostly filler stuff I know. I have been stuck on this for a tad bit now. I know what I want to happen in this story I just don't know how I want to get there. Hope you liked this chapter. I start classes on Monday so updates are going to be even slower then they are now.

Many thanks to my 8 subscribers. and my 3 commentors.