Status: finished! :D



I’ve already missed half of the ceremony
But it doesn’t bother me because most of it
Involved tear-filled testimonials and the ranting of a reverend.
I’m not a religious person at all
But out of respect I bow my head and
Keep quiet during the appropriate times;
My place at the back of the crowd.

The casket is buried soon afterward but
I still see Autumn’s spirit perched upon the soil
As if it is her throne, her inheritance.

Where are Ana & Mia?
she questions, crestfallen but still smiling.

At my house. I’m basking in my newfound independence.
Autumn is one of the few people who knows when I’m lying.

What excuse did you use?
She’s intrigued now; there’s a daring look in her eyes.

I said I was going to apply for a gym membership.
This is partially true.

Did you read my letter?
Autumn bites her lip.

Yes, I did.
I don’t tell her that it’s in my pocket right now.

What happens now, Iris?
She’s so close that I detect the scent of the ocean in her hair.

I’m not going to make the same mistake you did.
You’re going to the next life and I’m staying here.
Maybe we’ll see each other again, maybe not.
Just be thankful that I gave you another chance.

Everything is out in the open now.

Don’t do anything stupid,
she says finally.

I am alone in the cemetery
For five minutes before I decide to leave,
Vowing to visit again soon
To talk to Autumn.

There’s still a lot to talk about with her.

I need to know the truth.