Status: finished! :D



Every day after school,
I pass by the longest bridge in town
And also the most notorious
Because people commit suicide by jumping off it.

Just this once I pretend it’s me
That wants to feel a few seconds of exhilaration,
Blood rushing to my head and
No inhibitions, nothing of significance bothering me
Before every limb, the fragments of my body,
Disappear beneath the waters under that damn bridge.

I don’t think that today though.

Do you know why?

Someone called me
I don’t bother to correct them
As my heart swells with false hope,
A smile I barely have to force adorning my face.

Someone, anyone, no one, everyone.

Thank you,
Stranger in the park
For saving me from myself
Even if it’s only for a day
Maybe less
If Ana finds out what I’m about to do.

I think that I’ll have a small bowl of soup today.