Status: Just starting off!

Color my Life with the Chaos of Trouble


At school, my group consisted of me, and three other girls, Claire, Laura and Amber. Laura and Amber and to a certain degree Claire were the type of people to get along with everyone, I on the other hand was not. It wasn’t like I didn’t try, honestly, I did, but sorry, I’m allergic to bullshit, and in this school it was rampant.

All summer, or the remaining weeks since Brad broke up with me, I had been building up a wall, a barrier so that when I saw him, I wouldn’t feel anything. I thought it was working, I thought I was over him, until I saw him, with her. Her was Heather Dawes, one of those sickly sweet girls who you couldn’t help but like no matter how much you tried to fault her. When Brad and I first got together, the whole school went into some sort of shock mode. Olivia Hales and Bradley Miller, no way, they were total opposites. I’ll admit it, we were a pretty unlikely couple. I love attention, I love being loud, honest and to the point. I was stubborn, harsh and pleasing people was not one of my priorities. Bradley on the other hand was full of compliments, diplomatic, calm, thoughtful however, out opposites were what made us work, or so I thought.

I could mentally understand why they were together but still, I didn’t want to see it with my own eyes. That was what I was greeted with when I entered through the large wooden door of my high school. The two of them, Heather fishing something out from her locker with Brad’s arms around her waist and his head resting on her shoulder. I strongly considered leaving the hall there and them however, I saw William entering through the same door and really didn’t feel like facing him right now.

“Liv!” I heard William should as I strolled through the corridor.

“It is Olivia and fuck off William” I said without turning around, really did he have to speak to me while I was passing them.

“Whatever, can you show me how to get-”


“Why not” he whined, perfectly content with causing a scene in the middle of the corridor.

“Because I’m sure you can find it yourself.”

Once again, William and his incredibly long legs had caught up to me, causing me to stop in the middle of the corridor “I’m sorry okay, there isn’t much more I can fucking do alright, why the fuck are you still doing this.”

I sighed dramatically “Doing what William?”

“Being a bitch” William sure did know how to make a scene

“I’m not being a bitch” I replied calmly, all to make him look like an idiot.

“Yes you are!”

“William” I sighed once more “Considering I know myself better than you do, I am quite sure that I would now if I was being a bitch.”

“Olivia stop being a bitch to the new kid, it is completely uncalled for like most things you do are!” That was Claire, she was also quite the attention seeker.

“Claire, there are reasons for everything I do, they just might not yet be clear to you” I said, linking my arm with mine and leading her down the corridor.

Claire was well loved, but a bit of a loose cannon. She was the type of person who acted on impulse and regretted later. At most parties, at most outings I was her “minder”, the one who repeatedly told her not to go with that guy or attempted to pull the bottles of beer from her hand after her seventh or eighth. Most called me boring but the next morning, I was the only one without a splitting headache.

That’s not saying I’ve never been drunk before, of course I have, twice actually. Apart from the sickening effects of a hangover, there were many other side effects of drinking that I hated. Such as the lack of control, and the feeling of being left vulnerable and alone. It seemed as if everyone was trying to take advantage of me, and I was so close to letting them, I could not stand the lack of control.

Most often called lunch their favorite period at school, I wasn’t so sure of that. This year, as
seniors, we were kicked out of the cafeteria and had to find spots out on the school lawns or ovals, I had no idea how this was going to work. The canteen had a system, everyone sat in certain spots, so it was easier to communicate with the people in their circles, this new rule had throw years and years of systematic organization into chaos
“Olivia” Laura smiled as she pulled up at my locker for lunch, I raised my eyebrows to indicate my interest “Umm, we were all talking and we decided to sit on the oval at lunch”

I raised my eyebrows even further “The oval, with the grass, the bugs, the footballers, really?”

“Um yeah, well Alison wants us to all sit together to make it all easier”

There was only one person who the girls would listen to above me, Alison. Whatever Alison said went, and I just had to learn to ignore her. I disliked sitting on the oval for a number of reasons; the bugs, having to carry my lunch tray all the way across the school to eat and grass stains. Nothing wrecks a great outfit faster than grass stains.

“Hey Olivia, I didn’t know you sat here too!” Add the William Beckett to the reasons as to why I hated the oval.

“Why are you sitting with us?” I spat.

“Well, when you’re a nice person, who’s good at soccer, you get invited to these types of things” he whispered moving closer to me as I sat down.

“You might be on the soccer team but to be real honest, I was never too interested in those sporty types” I commented off handedly.

“Well then I guess you’re in luck” he smirked “I’m an all rounder, pretty good at everything.”

There was something about William that grossed me out, it had to be either his cockiness or his arrogance or his in- there were a lot of things that pissed me off about William, and I was just going to have to put up with him.
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