Status: Active


Ch.01 of 04

Dear Diary,
I met the most amazing guy today. It might be too early to tell, but I think I’m in love. He’s just so perfect. I can’t stop thinking about him. I hope I see him again. I want to call him mine. I’ll tell you more when I can.
See ya,

Finally it’s game day! I’ve been waiting for this day for like forever! Who woulda thunk it? The Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl! The Ravens have to win! Well of course they will, because I’m supporting them. I, like the rest of the band, am decked out in my Ravens gear-and my skinny jeans, of course.

“Jack, chill down. The game will still be there when we get there!” Alex patronized.

“You just don’t understand!” I shouted back, running through the stadium. Alex just didn’t understand. The Super Bowl has always been my dream. Well, in my dream I was playing in the game, but whatever. I’ll take what I can get.

I find the section we’re supposed to be in and run towards the field. I can see it! It looks so pretty! I can hear it now, “Quarterback Jack Barakat throws for the game winning touchdown! He’s name the MVP of the game!”

Just then I collided into somebody and was sent sprawling on the ground. There’s a lot of me to sprawl.

“Oh my god! Are you okay? It’s all my fault! I totally wasn’t paying attention. I’m so sorry!” a voice gushed.

“It’s fine. I wasn’t paying attention either, so it’s my fault also,” I replied, looking up. And stopped dead.

He was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. He had long, straight, brown hair, bright blue eyes, the most angelic face, and a small, lanky body.

“Jack-Attack, what did you do now?” Zack’s voice said, breaking me out of my trance.

“Jack-Attack. That’s cute. I like it. Why do you automatically assume that it was him that did something?” the guy asked Zack.

My heart soared when he said he thought my nickname was cute. Which means in a way he was calling me cute. So maybe he was gay too? That’d be a miracle.

Rian and Alex walked up, holding hands, as usual. They were so cute it was sickening sometimes.

“Because he’s like a six year old in a candy store whenever we take him somewhere,” Rian explained. “So we don’t take him out often,” Alex finished.

“I thought you guys were my friends,” I pouted.

“Aww, it’s okay cutie. I’ll be your friend,” the guy said, winking at me. He. Winked. At. ME. They guy held his hand out to me, which I took and he pulled me off the ground.

Damn. For such a small guys, he’s awfully strong! He held onto my hand a little longer than necessary, not that I was complaining. His hand was so warm and it seemed to fit perfectly in mine.

“I’m Tim Lincecum,” he introduced himself.

“I’m Jack Bassam Barakat, that’s Zackary Steven Merrick, and those two lovebirds are Alexander William Gaskarth and Robert Rian Dawson. “

Just then I noticed he was wearing a San Francisco jersey. “Eww! You’re a 49ers fan!”

“Fine, I won’t be your friend then Jackary,” Tim replied giving me the puppy dog face.

“Nooo! You can be my friend as long as you promise to call me Jackary!”

“I promise cutie.”

*5 hours and many insults, beers, and flirting later*

“Tim, we’re going out to eat after the game. You’re welcome to join us,” Alex invited.

“Ya Tim! You should come! Please, please, please!” I slurred, giving him my best puppy dog face.

He looked up at me and grinned. “Okay,” he accepted. Yes! Nobody can resist my adorable face!

“Come on!” I yelled, linking my arm in Tim’s. I started skipping down the street and he quickly joined in with me.

He really was perfect! What other guy would skip down Harbor Boulevard with me? We kept getting funny looks, but I didn’t care. I knew I was drunk, and I knew that Tim was at least tipsy.

When we finally were seated and served I was smashed. I honestly was surprised that Tim wasn’t embarrassed by me yet and tried to leave. I might’ve been attempting to sing-resulting in epic failure.

After dinner Alex, Rian, and Zack all went out to do something so Tim volunteered to take me back to out motel.

We stood outside the door. I looked at him. He really was beautiful- inside and out. I wanted to grab his face and kiss him senseless right then. Instead I grabbed his hands and told him that I enjoyed our night together.

“Me too,” he whispered, squeezing my hand. He leaned in. Was he going to kiss me? He ended up kissing my cheek and I blushed. Well who wouldn’t when a god just kissed them? “You’re such a cutie,” he whispered, kissing my cheek again. “Good night Jackary.”

After he left I went into the room and fell onto the bed with a sigh. What a wonderful night.
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