Status: Active


Ch.02 of 04

Dear Diary,
I really hope last night wasn’t just a dream. It seemed so perfect. Almost too perfect. Sadly, I didn’t even get his number or where he lives or anything. Alex keeps telling me that if it’s meant to be I will see him again. I hope it’s meant to be. I hope he’s right.
See ya,

“Jack wake up or we’re leaving you,” Alex shouted, jumping on me. Gah. His voice is awfully shrill at-11:30 in the morning?

Damn. I knew I shouldn’t have drank that much last night. My head feels like there is a herd of giraffes trampling through it. Ha ha-a herd of giraffes. That’s funny to picture.

“Alex, geroff me,” I mumbled.

“What was that Jacko?” Alex questioned, his face appearing in front of mine. Gah. He is one cocky bastard when he’s not hung over and I am. I wanted to slap that grin off of his face. If only could move my arm…

“Babe, get off of him,” Rian said, laughing.

“Why should I?” Alex asked.

“Because if you don’t, I’m gonna tickle you until you do!” Rian threatened.

“No Rian!” Alex and I shouted at the same time.

“Okay… I’m gonna go outside and come in again, and hopefully come back to a normaler situation than this,” Zack remarked, suddenly appearing at the door of the motel room.

“Normaler is not a word, Zack!” Alex, the know-it-all told him.

“Whatever. What are you doing on Jack anyways?”

“I was trying to get him up,” Alex explained.

“How is he supposed to get up if you’re laying on him?”

“My point exactly! Thank you Zack!” I shouted. Ouch! Remind me not to shout when I’m hung over.

Alex finally got off of me so I got up and got in the shower and started getting ready.

“Where are we going anyway?”

“Around San Francisco. Also, we got invited to meet the San Francisco Giants baseball team.”

“Sweet. They’re the ones who just won the World Series, right?”

“Yes, Jack. For someone who watches sports as much as you do, you don’t know very much about them.”

“Well we can’t all be as ripped as you Zackary.”

“Being ripped has nothing to do with sports.”

“Yes it does! If you’re ripped, you’re good at sports!”

“Well you can also be good at sports if you’re not ripped.”

“So I can be good at sports? My dream of being in the Super Bowl can come true?”

“Not you Jackary,” Zack sarcastically sympathized with me. The fucker.

Just then I head a choking sound come from behind me. I looked in the mirror. Alex was rolling on the bed laughing, apparently amused by mine and Zack’s conversation.

As I was watching, Rian pinned Alex against the bed and started kissing him. Though it effectively ended Alex’s laughing, it ended in them making out.

“Eww!” I shouted.

Zack looked at me reproachfully. “You are so immature,” he told me.

“Well I’m sorry if not wanting to watch my two best friends get it on is a crime in this country nowadays, geez!”

“We are not… ‘getting it on,’” Alex moaned.

“Okay! That is it! Out out! We are leaving,” I ordered, more or less dragging Alex and Rian out by their shirts.

“Fine, fine. We’re going, we’re going!” Rian protested.

“Where to first guys?” Zack asked.

My stomach growled. “Food!” I screamed. “I’m hungry!”

“You’re always hungry, Jackaroo. Tell us something we don’t know.”

“Umm…. My nipples are perky?”

“Okay! Did not want to know that!”

“Well you asked!”

“I was being fesicious!”

“What’s felicious?”

“Fesicious… Sarcastic?”

“Oh! I knew that!”

“Sure you did. Anywho, where to eat?”

“How about Fisherman’s Wharf on the harbor? Then we can look at the Golden Gate Bridge and walk through Golden Gate park,” Alex suggested.

We all readily agreed.

After lunch I asked if we could go see Azkaban.

“It’s Alcatraz, you dorfus. And no, it’s closed to the public.”

“Aww dang. I wanted to see some ghosts.”

“If you want ghosts go to Savannah, Georgia, not San Francisco, California.”

“Lookee here, Mr. Zackary. I think you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

“If I did, it’s because you were kicking me off the bed!”

“You know I get restless in my sleep!”

“You’re always restless. You’re an ADHD freak.”

“That’s why you love me!”

“I know,” sighed Zack.

“Guys, guys,” Alex broke in. “Chill. It’s about time to go meet the Giants so
We should start walking to the stadium.

When we got to the stadium we were let on the field by one of the guard and told to just go across to the dugout where the team was.

“Race you?” I challenged Zack.

“You’re on.”

“One, two, three, GO!” I yelled, running.

Zack quickly passed me, but I kept on running for the fun of it.

I was looking around as I ran, not watching where I was going. It’s not often that you get to be in the middle of Giants stadium.

“Jack, watch out!” I heard Zack, Alex, and Rian yell. But they were too late.

“Oof!” I grunted, falling to the ground.

“Why hello there, cutie. You always end up on the ground when you run into me, Jackary. Literally.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This was unintentional, pointless filler, but it was so fun to write, I just got a little carried away.

I love Tim and I love Jack but I do not like this pairing at all. But there will be a sequel, just because I've already thought of one.


<3 <3 <3