Shades In A Mirror

Turning Point

Walking through the doors right below her, Kaleigh watched as five guys and a girl dressed in full skater attire complete with boards walked in. Kaleigh saw two of the guys and the girl head of the breakfast line as two more guys claimed a table nearby. ‘Where the hell did the other one go?’ Kaleigh wondered, searching the cafeteria for the final missing skater. She found him a few seconds later, still at the entrance, staring right back at her with the most stunning green eyes in the room. The next thing she knew, he gave a small smile and nodded his head in her direction, as if somehow knowing her thoughts. Then she had to wake up, Lexie had decided it was time to leave. On the way out, the dream was confirmed as reality when, Kenzie, Lexie’s closest follower, pointed them out to Lexie who gave a disgusted look and made the comment, “Ew, gross!” The rest of the clique quickly agreed. Trinity looked at Kaleigh.
The clique disbanded outside of the school buildings to go their separate ways. Kaleigh had every class with at least one of the members except P.E., which had been assigned to her against her will. Saying goodbye to the rest of the group, she headed toward French with Trinity by her side.
“What was that?” her friend immediately demanded when they were out of the group’s hearing range.
“What was what?”
“That! Back in the cafe, don’t think I didn’t notice, you know better than that!”
“What do I know better than, Trinity? You knowing me, or thinking different than Lexie?”
“Both! Can you say suicide? Because believe me Kaleigh, that’s what you’ll need to do to escape the hell that is your life if she finds out you like them!”
Kaleigh whirled around to face her friend who was now about five feet behind her. “I know that!” she screamed, her voice on fire. “That’s why I’m just going to forget it and move on.”
By lunch, Kaleigh had just about done it. The flippy hair and the green eyes from earlier were only a dream which was now over. Lexie was telling the clique about some new something or other that was “tre magnifique” (she took French too). Kaleigh almost cared a little too…but then it came.
They had been sitting by the fountain for lunch in the quad and everything was peaceful. The couples were kissing, the group was dissing some nerd in Mckenzie’s math class, and the skater from that morning was heading toward them at high speed on his board…wait, what? As Kaleigh did a double-take though he was still there and then he was jumping over them.
After the screams had died down, Kaleigh was still laughing and as she opened her eyes she was kind of happy to see him there, with his eyes, and his hair, and his smile laughing with her, smiling at her, making her feel sort of tingly inside.
He watched her like that for a few minutes before heading off to be with his group; and when he left, Kaleigh was still smiling.