Status: activeeee :D

Paper Bags and Plastic Hearts


You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is: a brain, and an athlete, and a basketcase, a princess and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club.

“Oh, I am definitely a basketcase,” I said out loud, popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth. I was sprawled lazily on the recliner, with one leg over the arm rest and my back leaning against the other. I was watching my all time favorite movie, The Breakfast Club, which I had probably seen at least fifty times. Though it never got old. The song by Simple Minds began playing while the ending credits scrolled down the screen.

“Talking to yourself, Farrah?” My mom laughed, suddenly striding into the living room with a small basket of clothes.

“No, of course not. I was talking to my imaginary friend.” I grinned, glancing at her briefly before looking back at the screen.

“Oh, I see.” She sat down on the couch, placing the basket next to her. “Aren’t you a little old for that, though?”

“One is never too old for imaginary friends, mom. How do you think lonely people cope?”

She raised an eyebrow. “Are you lonely?”

“I was, but now my friend’s with me,” I replied jokingly.

“Keep playing and I’ll send you to a shrink.”

I snorted. “Shrinks are useless.”

She laughed, while folding a few items of clothing and stacking them beside her.

I put the bowl of popcorn down on the center table. “So where’s Archie? Why isn’t he here gracing us with his lovely presence?”

She shot me a stern look before rolling her eyes.

“What, I’m just asking,” I squeaked, smiling innocently at her.

“He’ll be here tonight. We’re going to the movies.”

I nodded. “Exciting.”

She rolled her eyes. “Gonna start bashing on him again?”

“Course not, mom. I’m actually a bit surprised that he’s still around.” I shrugged.

“Well, I really like him. He’s funny and nice to be around. I mean, he tells the most hilarious jokes,” she laughed, folding a shirt.

“Huh. Can I get an example?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Oh, no. They’re not your type of funny.”

I smirked. “Try me.”

She sighed. “Okay. Um, let me see if I can remember one. Ah! I got it. He told me this one last week,” she said with a grin. “What did the mermaid do last Sunday night?”

I quirked a brow and pretended to think. “I don’t know. What?”

“She went to sea a movie.”

My face fell as my mom burst out into a fit of giggles.

Oh. My. Lord. In. Heaven.

“Get it?” She asked, still giggling maniacally.


She then stopped to give me a bored look. “I told you it’s not your type of funny.”

“Mom, I don’t that’s anyone’s type of funny. Well, except for yours and Archie’s,” I said with a teasing laugh.

“Oh, shut up. He’s funny,” she defended.

“Yeah, he should totally have his own talk show.”

She rolled her eyes before throwing a sock at me.

“Mom, don’t attack me with fabric!” I cried fakely, throwing the sock back at her.

She just laughed. “So, got any plans for tonight?”

“Hmm, yeah. I plan on spending a lovely night with Rudolph.” I grinned.

“What? Who the hell’s Rudolph?”

“My imaginary friend.”

She sighed. “I’ll see if I can schedule an appointment with a professional, ASAP.”


It was around seven fifteen when the sound of the doorbell echoed around the house. I was in the kitchen making myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The doorbell rang again which made me put my knife down and stare towards the door. I then left the kitchen and made my way to the foot of the stairs.

“Mom? Archie’s here!” I yelled loud enough for her to hear me.

“I’m still not ready!” She responded, faintly. “Can you please get the door and tell him I’ll be down in a minute?”

I sighed, really not wanting to. “Fine!”

I shook my head and walked over to the front door, turning the knob. When I opened it, there stood Archie. He wasn’t wearing a tight shirt this time which was a first. Instead, he wore a loose dress shirt with a jacket over it and jeans.

“Hey, red,” He said with a grin.

“Hi.” I opened the door further so he could come inside.

He stepped into the house and I closed the door.

“So, where’s Christine?” He asked, looking around.

“She said she’ll be down in a minute,” I replied bluntly.

“Oh, alright.” He nodded.

I nodded as well and we both shared a brief uncomfortable silence. I then forced a smile at him before going back to kitchen. And to my surprise, he followed.

I walked back over to the counter and grabbed the plate with my sandwich on it, taking it to the round wooden table and sitting down.

“PB and J, huh?” Archie said, pursing his lips.

“Yep,” I answered, taking a bite.

Oh God, does he seriously have to stand here, watching me eat?

He nodded, rocking back and forth on his heels. “Hey, did you know that peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite?”

I glanced up at him, raising a brow.

Wow. That’s some pretty useless information.

“Hmm,” I uttered, taking another bite of the sandwich.

“Fun trivia, huh?” He chuckled nervously.


He pursed his lips, glancing behind him then back at me. “Christine usually doesn’t take this long.”

I shrugged.

“So, uh, how are you?” He proceeded to yet again make conversation.

I sighed, setting my sandwich down. “Look, Archie. You really don’t have any obligation to make small talk with me. Silence is perfectly fine.”

This actually made the man chuckle. “Oh. Alright, then. That makes me a bit more relieved.”

“You and me both,” I muttered, going back to my sandwich.

“Archie, hey! Sorry I kept you waiting,” my mom suddenly came gliding into the kitchen. She went over to Archie and pecked him on the lips and I just looked down whilst chewing.

“It’s no problem, sweetie,” he said with a smile. “Farrah and I were, uh, chatting.”

“Oh?” She made a confused face as she looked at me. “About what?”

“How ridiculously ineffective condoms are nowadays,” I replied sarcastically, pushing my now empty plate forward and leaning back against the chair.

“What?” She questioned, puzzled.

Archie let out another one of his nervous chuckles. “Wow, your daughter has quite the sense of humor.”

This made mom glare at me. “Doesn’t she?”

I smiled innocently. She rolled her eyes.

“Okay.” Archie clapped his hands. “Shall we get going, Chris? The movie starts at 7:40.”

“Right, right. Let’s.” She smiled at him. “I’ll be back soon, okay Farrah? Please don’t burn down the house.”

I rolled my eyes. “Unless I’m planning to cook, I think we’ll be fine.”

She laughed. “Okay, good to know.” She then took Archie’s hand. “Come on.”

He smiled and nodded at her.

“Bye, honey,” she said.

“See ya, red,” Archie said as he and my mom left the kitchen.

“Bye,” I spoke quietly, but I doubted they’d heard.

Once I heard the sound of the door closing, I got up and took my plate to the sink, washing it quickly. After that, I retreated to my room and decided to take a shower. Once I was done, I dried my hair with my pink towel and slipped into an old Scooby Doo shirt I’ve had since I was twelve and silk pajama bottoms.

I threw the towel on my bed before going over to my computer, sitting down in front of it. I hadn’t been on Facebook in quite a while, mostly because of work. I quickly logged into the social network and rested my chin on my palm while the other hand worked the mouse.

I’d received a notification of a friend request and when I clicked on it, I was surprised to see it was Andy’s. My lips curled into a smile as I confirmed his request and proceeded to check out his profile. His picture was black and white. He was wearing a black hat so low I couldn’t see his eyes and he was smiling while holding up a stuffed toy next to his cheek. It made me laugh.

He didn’t have much on his profile, only a few quotes from Nikki Sixx and other artists. As I was looking through a few of his photos, I was surprised by a little chat box popping up at the corner of the screen. It was Andy.

U online? was what he’d written.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before typing the word Yep.

What r u doing?

Talking to u lol

¬¬ u wouldn’t by any chance be snooping around my profile, would u?

What if I am?

Lol snooper

It’s facebook. Ppl are meant to snoop *hmph*


Besides, ur profile isn’t even that interesting!

That’s becuz I’m not an interesting person lol

Hmm…u have 352 friends….u must be a little interesting, don’t u think??? Hehe

Ppl just keep adding me. I don’t even talk to most of them

:P wuts up with ur pic? I didn’t kno u were into stuffed toys, Biersack.

As a matter of fact, I am :P

u have some sorta fetish?

Yeah…I’m just that kinky ;)

I laughed, shaking my head.

Weirdo lol

:D why is ur pic showing just half of ur face btw?

Idk….i’m not very photogenic.

Lol that’s the lamest excuse ever.

It’s true! I hate taking pictures. I always come out weird. I mean, not all of us are photo friendly like u are :P

Photo friendly? :/

Yeah lol

Haha and I’M the weirdo ¬¬

We continued on with our chat, talking about the most pointless things and I’d laugh every ten seconds at some stupid thing he’d say. My fingers pressed the keys swiftly as I replied to something Andy had said. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, causing me to look up from the keyboard. I narrowed my eyes, hearing it go off again.

I sighed and typed, be rite back. Someone’s at my door.

His reply was quick. Be careful. It could be the boogeyman.

Lol don’t worry. I’ve got pepper spray.

Lol xD

I smiled to myself as I got up and power walked downstairs to the front door. When I opened it, Aaron was standing there.

“Aaron?” I narrowed my eyes confusingly. “Hey.”

He smiled crookedly. “Hi.” Then he eyed my attire. “Were you in bed?”

I laughed. “No. I was on the computer.”

“Oh.” He too laughed.

“Come on in,” I said with a smile as I stepped aside.

He grinned and did so, running a hand across his sandy blonde hair. “Where’s your mom?”

“Date,” I answered with a shrug. “She’s got herself a new boyfriend.”

“Ugh, that must suck.”

“Eh,” I scrunched my nose. “I don’t really care anymore.”

He smiled. “Always a careless girl, eh Farrah?”

I chuckled, combing my wet fringe back with my fingers.

Aaron’s eyes suddenly widened as I did this and I looked at him weirdly.

“You got a piercing?!” He questioned, surprised.

“Oh,” I said with a laugh, as realization dawned on me. “Yeah, I did.”

“When?” He came closer to examine it.

“A few days ago,” I replied with another laugh. “You like?”

He chuckled. “Yeah. It’s looks great on you.”

“Aw, thanks.” I smiled widely. “Want anything to drink? Water? Soda?”

“No thanks, I’m good.”

I nodded. “So what’s up?”

“Oh, I just wanted to see how you were doing.” He crossed his arms.

“I’m doing fine. And yourself?”

He shrugged. “Same. How’s Bessie?”

“Functioning very well, thank you,” I laughed.

“Oh, that’s good. And hey, if anything happens, just give me a call. I am, after all, the mechanic god.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

I laughed. “I know. You’ve done a great job with my baby.”

He grinned. “How’s life as a cashier? Boring as ever?”

“Yeah, extremely.” I shook my head. “But it’s not so terrible anymore cause I have someone to talk to now.”

“Yeah? Who?”

“This new guy, Andy. He’s really cool. We always talk about random shit.” I laughed.

He furrowed his eyebrows. “Oh. Uh, that’s cool. At least you’re not stuck with old people now, right?”

“Exactly. Like, who else would I have a thirty minute long discussion about superheros? Only Andy.” I chuckled.


“Yeah, like I said, random shit.” I waved my hand.

“Ah,” he said with a nod before letting out a small laugh.

I smiled. “So how’s your dad? Still big and mustached?”

“As always,” he replied. “He asks about you all the time.”

“Does he?”

“Yep. He’s always like, ‘Hey Aaron, where’s your friend Farrah? I haven’t seen her in a while. She’s a nice kid. Feisty and funny',” he made his voice low and raspy, imitating his dad.

“Wow, that impression was uncanny.” I laughed.

“Why thank you,” he continued with the imitation. Then he chuckled. “Well, I should go. I’m helping mom cook tonight. We’re having a few people over.”

I nodded in understanding. “Okay. Thanks for dropping by. I was meaning to go to the shop but I’m glad you came here instead.”

He smiled, walking over to the door. I opened it for him and he stepped outside.

“Nice shirt, by the way. Looks older than you,” he teased, eyeing my shirt. Scooby’s face was faded out from overusing it throughout the years. And it had a few small holes.

“I love this shirt,” I said, pretending to be hurt. “It’s been with me since I was twelve.”

He laughed. “That explains the rips.”

I grinned.

He grinned back. “See you later, Fare. Drop by the shop sometime. I can show you a few tricks on fixing cars like I did last time.”

“Yeah, I’m not so sure I wanna get all that oil splattered all over my face again,” I laughed, reminiscing the first time he had taught me how to work a car. Needless to say, I sucked. And bad. I came home all stained in black shit.

He too laughed. “That was pretty funny, you gotta admit.”

“For you,” I snapped playfully.

He shook his head before smiling and walking backwards. “Bye.”

“Bye.” I gave him a small wave as I watched him reach his car. “Say hi to your dad!”

He nodded, giving me a thumbs up. “Sure thing, Fare. Bye.”

“Later!” I called, with another wave. Once he started up his car and drove out of my driveway, I closed the door and made my way back upstairs to my room. I sat myself down in front of the computer and placed my fingers over the keyboard.

U still there? I typed.

About ten seconds later, he finally replied. Yep. Hey, ur alive! I thought the boogeyman got u.

Lol it was just my friend.

Oh ok :P

I was kinda surprised. I hadn’t seen him in a while.

He? I thought ur friend was a she.

Lol I have other friends, Andy :P actually, Lacey and Aaron are my two only good friends. The rest are just…ppl.

Oh. So I’m just ppl? I’m hurt, Hanley.

Oh shut up.

First u tell me I’m ‘ppl’ then u tell me to shut up? Damn, ur meaner online :(

LOL! U kno ur my good friend too, Biersack. stop being such a girl.

=D good friend?


Aww….i’m touched *tear*

Okay, now ur just being a pain in the ass >:(

Hahahahaha it’s fun.

U luv screwing with me, don’t u?

Like I said before, ur fun to tease :P so, taking good care of ur piercing?

Well, it’s not infected yet so I must be doing something right.

Lol responsible badass, huh?

U kno it :)

Haha....well I gotta go.

Ok….see u at work :)

See u, badass :P

Lol toodles, Biersack.

I sat back in my chair, eyeing the screen as another smile reached my lips. Talking to Andy was becoming easier and easier. I mean, it was comfortable and natural. Almost as natural as breathing.
♠ ♠ ♠
told you this was gonna be long haha

the next one's gonna be pretty awesome. i think you might enjoy it :) Andy's unpredictable.

thxx so much for the comments, guys! & thx everybody who's been reading & subscribing! i love you dearly.

mad love