Without You

Father Daughter time

Frank's Point Of View

When I woke up the next day, I could tell Sammy was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about" I asked her.
"Nothing, just worried about Ethan that's all" Sammy said kissing me and getting out of bed. I got out and followed her downstairs where Ethan and Sophie was arguing about something.

"Ethan, what the fuck stop it" Sophie said.
"Why just because you have that doesn't mean I have to stop" Ethan said. What the hell were they talking about.
"Well at least I didn't get pregnant or someone pregnant" Sophie said. I walked in and saw them wrestling for syrup.

"Enough" I yelled and they both looked at me and Sophie had a huge hickey on her neck. Her eyes went wide as she saw were mine were. She covered it and looked down.
"Who gave you that" I asked her.
"Some boy" Ethan said as she punched him in the stomach. He doubled over and let go of the syrup which Sophie poured on her pancakes.
"What boy" I asked.
"You don't know him daddy, I met him on the UCLA campus when they had the freshmen spend the night there" Sophie said.
"Well no boy should be marking up my daughter, let alone having sex with her when you aren't dating" I said.
"Sorry daddy it will never happen again" Sophie said coming over and hugging me.

"Come on, I'll go help her cover it up so Gerard and Mikey don't flip out either" Sammy said taking her hand and walking upstairs to Sophie's room.
"Do you know what guy" I asked Ethan.
"All I know is she went to a party and she came home smelling like sex" Ethan said. I groaned and put my head in my hands and sighed.
"Where did I go wrong, I mean your mom taught you guys and I know I taught you" I said.
"Sorry dad, but Ashley is going to the doctors to see if the test was wrong" Ethan said.
"Well that's good but your sister, no offense but she is the good kid" I said.
"None taking, I think you just need to spend time with her" Ethan said.

"You know I think your right, but what 19 year old wants to hang out with her dad" I said.
"One that was a daddy's girl at one point in her life" Ethan said eating the rest of his pancakes and going to touch Sophie's but I slapped his hand away.
"You want her to beat you up again" I asked.
"Good point" Ethan said and went upstairs to get dressed as Sophie and Sammy came down the stairs where you could no longer see the hickey on Sophie's or the one I left on Sammy.

"Good, Ethan didn't eat my pancakes" Sophie said sitting down and eating them.
"Wanna do something today" I asked her. She smiled wide and nodded her head.
"Yeah daddy" Sophie said.
"Okay, I'm going to get dressed and you can figure out what we are going to do" I said.
"I need stuff for my dorm, so shopping" Sophie said and I put my head down and sighed.
"Daddy, you love shopping" Sophie yelled as I made my way upstairs. This was true, I always went shopping with Stacie, Chelsea and Alicia back in Jersey and still did a bunch of times until Stacie passed. I changed into some skinny pants and a old Misfits shirt and was shocked I still fit in them. I looked at myself and noticed how different I looked. I went downstairs and Sophie was waiting for me.

"To the epic car" she said going over to my Camero. I laughed and got in the drivers seat.
"So office max" I asked.
"Daddy" Sophie said and I laughed. I drove to the Mall and parked the car. We both got out and I took in the salty air of Huntington beach. We walked up to the doors and Sophie was way ahead of me. I sighed and thought about how all the time Stacie took her here when she was a baby or any mall. Yeah I loved Sammy but I will always love Stacie, I mean come on our wedding song was How Do I live Without you.

"Dad, are you coming" Sophie yelled as she was near DEB.
"That doesn't look like Bed, Bath and Beyond" I said to her.
"Shut up" Sophie said laughing as I caught up to her. I actually liked it here, no one really knew who I was unless they were a die hard fans that still listen to us. I walked into DEB feeling really weird. Sophie was walking around looking at shirts and pants.

"Sophie, I feel so weird" I said.
"Then go to Hot Topic, I'll meet you there" she said.
"Fine" I said and walked out. So much for a Daddy-daughter day. I went into Hot Topic and they still had shirts with My Chemical Romance hanging up and then I noticed once I haven't noticed before. It was of Stacie and Jimmy and it was an a7x shirt. It said "They rock out with the other stars now" and I grabbed it in my size. I also saw one that said Luscious Angel is a real Angel now. I grabbed it and went to the counter.

"Hey, do you know when these came in" I asked.
"A couple of days ago, M.Shadows came in with them and said put them up" the kid said.
"Wow they are really nice" I said.
"Yeah apparently some fans posted on their facebook tons of designs like this and every hot topic where the winning designs came from has their own. So two girls named Lia and Sophie made these ones" he said. Just as he said that Sophie came in and saw the shirt.
"Oh my god, Uncle Matt is awesome" she said and grabbed the four of the shirts. She went up adn I put it with my stuff.
"Some how I knew it was you and Lia" I said kissing her forehead.
"You mean you created these ones" the kid asked. Sophie nodded and smiled at him.
"Yep, me and my little sister" she said.
"How sweet, I have to say yours were the best out of Huntington the others kind of sucked, no wonder M. Shadows and Synyster Gates picked you" he said.

"I'm going to go over here" I said pointing at the shirts while Sophie and the guy talked.
"No way is that Frank Iero" he said. I laughed and continued looking at everything.
"Yeah, that is he is my dad" Sophie said. I smiled as she still talked with the guy and he gave her his number and she smiled and we walked out heading to Bed, Bath and Beyond. We shopped in there and got her things for her dorm room and then we left the mall.

"Lia is going to be so happy we won" Sophie said.
"Hopefully Matt didn't pick you two because you guys are his nieces" I said.
"Uncle Matt wouldn't" Sophie said as she typed something into her phone and showed me the other entries of the contest.
"Okay, your right about that" I said as we loaded everything up and headed home.
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yay daddy daughter time :)