Without You

Strange Dream

Zacky's Point Of View

I woke up to see if my beautiful Stacie was still there, but she wasn't she was gone. I shook my head and felt the pounding start.

"Fuck" I siad grabbing my head and laying my head back on the pillow. I sat up and looked at my naked torso and then stood up completely and saw that I was completely naked.
"It couldn't have been a dream" I said getting up and heading to the bathroom.
Stacie's Point Of View

"Oh my god, I can't believe my daughter did that. I should go down there and kick her ass" I said.
"Calm down Angel" Jimmy said.
"I can't, my daughter who I raised fucked Zack, it hurts" I said looking at him crying.
"I know Angel, I know" Jimmy said wiping away my tears.
"Why would she do that, to her own step father" I said.
"I don't know" Jimmy said.
"I need to let him know some how, I just need to" I said.
"Babe, let it be" Jimmy said.
"How can I let it be, and Ethan got his girlfriend pregnant, my angels are turning awful. I need to go in someones body or something" I said.
"Angel, you need to stay here with me" Jimmy said. I watched Zack walk around the bathroom wondering what happened muttering to himself about how last night was real. Jimmy put his arms around me and I just cried some more. My own daughter Sophie, took advantage of her looking like me and did Zack and got him drunk so he wouldn't know it was her.

"It's going to be okay Angel, look Sophie is talking to a boy at Hot Topic, she'll get over Zack and hopefully Zack doesn't expect that every night" Jimmy said.
"I hope you are right" I said and I watched Zack scratch his head and figure out what happened.

Zack's Point of view

"Okay, Stacie came down the stairs. I kissed her and then I led her to the couch. Fuck why can't I remember what happened before then" I said to myself as I paced back and forth upstairs.
"Stacie, come down and tell me if what happened last night was true" I said looking up and at her picture of her and I. I closed my eyes and then I felt someone touch me. I looked up and it was Stacie but she didn't have a hickey on her neck. I know I left a huge one on her.

"Zacky" she said softly. It looked like she had been crying. I went to reach out and touch her but I felt someone else grab my hand and saw Jimmy.
"Don't" Jimmy said sternly.
"Think hard Zack, I know you have a hang over but think hard about who you last saw last night before you got drunk" Stacie said. I looked at her hazel eyes and smiled. I saw those same hazel eyes staring back at me but a lot younger then what Stacie's was.
"Come on Zacky, do it think hard" Stacie said. I grabbed my head in pain and groaned. I felt the bed shift and felt hands rubbing my back. These weren't the same hands I felt last night. But I know Stacie and I made love again. I heard Stacie sigh and then Jimmy was in front of me.

"Come on dude, you think you could actually feel Stacie last night, I mean you know how tight she is" Jimmy said.
"And so don't you" I said.
"Yes but I had her before she had four kids" Jimmy said. I nodded and looked to see Stacie blushing.
"Is it okay to kiss her, I mean I'm still technically married to her" I asked Jim.
"Go ahead" he said turning away. I leaned in and kissed her, those weren't the lips I felt last night. I kissed her more passionately and licked her lips. Stacie opened her mouth and I knew she was letting me explore it. This wasn't the same mouth I kissed last night. I pushed her on the bed and kept kissing.

"Dude, are you going to fuck her because if you are, I'm totally watching" Jimmy said.
"If it helps him to remember then it's okay right" Stacie asked.
"Yeah" Jimmy said and I could hear the smirk. She turned back to me and kissed me. I explored every part of Stacie and loved every minute of it. Whoever I slept with last night was not Stacie and the only other person who I know who looks like Stacie besides Stacie was Sophie. My eyes went wide and I started to cry. Stacie hugged my back and held me to her.

"I'm sorry, but you had to know" Stacie said as she slowly got up and was back in her clothes again and this time when I went to touch her I went right through her.
"Just don't tell Sophie you know, act like you don't remember" Jimmy said. I nodded and felt the tears fall faster.
"I love you Zacky" Stacie said.
"I love you too" I said as I watched them disappear. I woke up and shot out of bed and looked around. I was still naked I had a pounding headache and I know after Stacie and Jimmy visited, I put boxers on.

"I slept with Sophie last night" I said as I went into the bathroom and got some aspirin and a glass of water to get rid of my hang over. That dream was so real but it was just a dream, a dream that told me I slept with my step daughter and not my wife.
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So Zack knows who he did and what's going to happen now