Status: Slowly writing, shall update when I can.

Simply There

Change For The Good

It's finally time to go back. Never have I been more scared of anything in my life, than I am right now of going back to school. Almost every single year has been the same for me, except last year. The year I'd rather not talk about or re-live ever again. It was complete hell for me, but there were a few upsides to it. I finally got hope that some people can actually like me for who I am, and not care about my past or present situations. After my life changing experience, I can truthfully say I do not care what anyone else thinks of me and I will stand up for myself no matter what. I shall no longer be the nerdy outcast girl no one wants to be friends with, I refuse to go back to that. It was just so frustrating to know that no one wanted to be my friend, but I'm finally ready to change that. I'm just sad that I had to go through hell and back to realize I don't need anyone else to approve of me to make me feel accepted or beautiful. It's what's inside of me that counts and that's all that matters.

This school is so old fashioned, and there's never any new students here. Except for the odd new family that moves to our lame town. I can't see why anyone would want to live here, when anywhere else is much better than this dump. However, this year was apparently a special one because some family moved here and they had only one daughter in high school. Hopefully it's a big enough distraction for all these dead beat losers to stop picking on me.

It was great while I was gone, no one ever picked on me. I actually fit in and connected with other people my age for once. If only it could last, but nothing ever does. Now I'm stuck back here, with no friends or family to encourage me along. I just hope I don't lose my determination along the way.

As I walked into the school, I felt as though everyone was staring at me. Which was true, every person I walked past turned to take a good long look at me. It was the worst kind of attention in the whole world. I just wanted to curl up in a corner and die, but that's not who I am anymore. I'm a brand new Lyndi, and I will walk through here with my head held high. No more looking down and acting ashamed. It's not like any of them haven't seen me before. I mean, sure I disappeared mysteriously for a year, but that's no excuse for them all to be staring me down like they were. It's almost as if they didn't recognize me.

"Hey, it's emo girl! Where ya been?" Jake Moore yelled, just when I was getting my hopes up, only to have them killed the instant he opened his mouth. Of course the biggest jerk that ever bullied me has to remember exactly who I am. I guess some things never do change. Instead of the looks of curiosity and wonder I was getting just moments before, I was now receiving some of disgust, contempt and even pity. I really should have just stayed away from this place for good. I had the chance to start fresh, and I gave it up. For what though? Just to see one person, that probably still didn't know I existed. This world is no place for different people like me.

"Do you never fucking give up? Just back the fuck off, and leave me alone already." I growled, glaring at all his "friends" standing around him. Most of them either looked away or flinch as I made eye contact with them. All looked away, even Jake, except for him. The one I longed for the entire time I was away. Keenan Moore. Unfortunately, he also happens to be the younger brother of my worst enemy. Shitty deal for me, but it's not like fate is ever kind to me anyways. So I just take things as they come rather than leave the opportunity untouched and behind, like so many people these days do.

"As a matter of fact, I don't. Why would I when you're so much fun to fuck with." Jake sneered back, gaining the support of cheers of his fellow team mates. They're all just a bunch of douche bags, I don't even want to waste anymore of my time of the likes of them.

"Whatever. Back off. Things are going to be way different this year. Just a fair warning for you Jake." I replied, rolling my eyes at their stupid surprised looks. They honestly looked like a pathetic pack of puppies standing there with their mouths gaping wide open. You'd think all hell just froze over, and perhaps it did. But what did I care? I just finally stood up for myself against them and I felt amazing. It's not like anything this year is going to make a different in how they treat me, so I might as well just take a stand for myself.

"What the hell is your problem asshole? She didn't do anything to you, so just leave her alone." I heard a girls voice yell at Jake as I was walking away. Then I heard running after me.

"Hey, wait up!" A girl I didn't recognize huffed next to me. Apparently she's new, because no one from here would ever stand up to Jake Moore like that for me of all people. I wanted to roll my eyes at her stupidity.

"What?" I said, still angry from before. This place is so mental. I hate it with a passion, and most of the people in it. Everyone was probably better off with me gone.

“That guy was an asshole. You shouldn't’t let him get to you. If he bothers you again tell me. No one should be treated that way, especially when they didn’t do anything to provoke them. You don’t deserve that to happen to you.” She told me matter of factly, like she knew me and what was happening.

“Well you don't have to stick up for me, I'm fine on my own. It’s not like you're going to make him or anyone else stop. They’ve always treated me like that. You should have just let it be. Now you’re going to be blacklisted for being around me and doing that to Jake Moore. You’re better off just leaving me alone.” I said walking away from her.

“Wait! What if I’d rather hang out with you? I don’t like people that pick on someone just for the thrill of it. I think that’s sick. You shouldn’t have to deal with that. They should all just get a life and grow the fuck up!” she said angrily. If I wasn't so afraid of making friends, we'd get along great. She seems like an alright girl, but everyone else will get to her first and make her hate me for some reason oblivious to me.

“Your funeral. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. They never stop. Anytime someone tries to stand up or be friends with me then they become a leper too. They feed on other people’s pain. It’s how they survive, always have.” I said and kept on walking to my first period.

“Okay then. I’m still not going anywhere. Someone needs to teach those kids a lesson and I think I’m up for the job. By the way my name is Jeanette Somers.”

“Lyndi Oaken. Nice to meet you. You still have a chance to get away before they start their attacks on you too.” I warned.

“Thanks but I’m staying with you. You can’t get rid of me that easily. What do you have first period?” she asked, changing the subject. Oh well, if she can’t see what’s good for her then it sucks to be her. She’ll eventually leave too, they always do. The teasing and bullying is just too much to handle. I’m surprised I haven’t been driven to commit suicide already. I don't have the guts for it. I could never do that to my brother. Besides, I've learned a lot about myself while I was away last year.

“Art. What about you?” I asked not that I really cared.

“I have art too! I hope we have more classes together!” she said more enthusiastically than she needed to. I hope she isn’t always this bubbly. Or else I might just go crazy from being around her for prolonged periods. I suppose I'm just going to have to see how this all plays out. Who knows, maybe I'll like Jeanette and actually be friends with her. I've never actually had a real girl friend before, only guys. And they all left. If she's smart, she'll leave too.
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I'll go through this again for errors and whatnot.
Comment & enjoy! Thanks. x)