Status: This is going to be amazing!

I Could Really Use a Wish Right Now...

Don't Pass Go and DO NOT Collect $200 Dollars...

My pain from the injuries all over my black and blue made me to ugly to even look at. I laid in the hospital bed, the white walls making it seem like I was in an insane asylum. I raised my right hand and my fist collided with the red nurse's button on the wall. I heard faint footsteps coming up to my door. The nurse had walked inside and her stockings were torn at the hym. "What's the matter Juliette?" she asked, her voice light and delicate.
"I want my mother and father." I answered, my golden brown hair falling into my face. "Honey, I'm sorry but your parents are no longer with us." she answered. "Well we could just call them and they could-." the nurse cut me off completely when she grabbed my hand in her oh so frail one. I had a feeling that if I were to snatch my very own hand away, hers would shatter like a Chinese vase from 1647. "Juliette, your parents died in the car accident." she replied. My heart began to race as she spoke those words to me. "They couldn't have. I saw mother last night, she came right into this very room and told me that everything was going to be okay and that she and my father loved me." I said, tears forming in my eyes.
"Juliette, get some more rest." the nurse exclaimed before walking out of the room. "COME BACK HERE! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT FREAKING HAPPENED!" I yelled. The nurse didn't even bother to turn around. I slouched down into my bed and stared at the white ceiling that looked like a fluffy marshmallow. Why did I deserve something like this?


I remember the day like it was only yesterday. Happily, it occured 2 years ago, but everything doesn't have a happy ending. I have changed a lot ever since I moved from Los Angeles to Vancouver. Right now my big obsession is the movie 'Jumper' and Hayden Christensen...may I add anything else on him?
Anyways. my Aunt Miranda made my 12 year old cousin Harrison and I breakfast before we went to school and work. "How was your night Juliette?" Miranda asked me. I looked up from myy plate and looked at her. "I'm perfectly fine. My night was too, and I am very late." I said as I picked up my book and binder before going out to the bus. I walked out wearing a pair of red skinny jeans, a white Paramore shirt, a pair of knee high Converse, and a black hoodie. I made it to the bus stop right when it pulled up. I stepped on and went to sit with my friends Hailey and November.
"Good morning Juliette." Hailey stated. "Good morning." I said as I drew in a sharp amount of breath."You sound awful." November said when she looked up from reading 'Breaking Dawn' by Stephenie Meyer. "How could you read that crap. The dude sparkles in the sun like a bastard and don't even get me started on the wolves. Forever and always taking their shirts off like freaking retards." I said.
"It's a very entertaining book." November protested. "Oh yeah. Bella is such a dumbass. I mean both of them could hurt her at any moment, but come on. I'd rather be in love with Jacob than a dude and a house full of vampires who could snap my neck and kill me at any moment."
We pulled up in front of the school and walked inside. November stopped reading and went into the bathroom to put in her contacts. I walked through the halls with Hailey and stopped at my locker. I pulled out my math textbook and heard something so disgusting.
I looked up and saw Darin (the football star) and his girlfriend Rachelle (the head cheerleader) totally sucking face. "They are so gross." I murmured to myself. "How do think I feel?" Hailey asked when November walked back over. "What I wouldn't pay to have a boyfriend like that." November said. "Why?" Hailey and I both asked. "He's hot, gorgeous and sexy. Who wouldn't want him as a boyfriend?"

Ssssssshhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt. November was so right. Deep down inside, I was so in love with Darin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Juliette- Esti Ginzburg
Hailey- Hilary Duff
Aunt Miranda- Angeline Jolie
Harrison- Logan Lerman
November- Dakota Fanning
Darin- Darin Brooks
Rachelle- Bridgit Mendler

Just to help you get a better view of who the people look like. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR READING!!