Status: Alive and Kicking

Controversial Couples and Complicated Catastrophes

You did what?!

Danii woke up to the familiar smell of booze, Axe, and cigarettes filling her nose. She didn’t even bother to open her eyes – she knew exactly where she was. She was in Matt’s bed with her face in his chest and his arms around her waist; she’d been in here about a million times before. Except, something didn’t feel quite right. She felt like she was lying back to back with someone.

She carefully twisted in Matt’s arms so she could see over her shoulder and couldn’t believe what she saw.

“Fuck,” she mumbled, still staring at the other man in bed with them. How the hell do I end up in these situations?

A couple weeks earlier her relationship with Matt hit a rough patch and she cheated on him with one of his best friends. So, to wake up one (morning? …She had no idea what time it was) to find herself in bed with Matt and Zacky was a…bit of a quandary.

She turned back over, glad to see Matt (still) sound asleep. She kissed him softly and then carefully slid out of his grasp and out of bed. Feeling the weight shift, the guys automatically shifted around and moved closer to each other.

Unable to bear watching any longer, Danii bolted out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where the phone was. Immediately she dialed her best friend’s number. It went straight to voicemail.

“Hey, you’ve reached Kristyn. I can’t get to the –“ Danii hung up and quickly dialed a different number.

“Hey man, isn’t it a little early?” a very groggy Jimmy answered,

“It’s not Matt, put Kristyn on the phone.”

“Oh, hey Danii. I’ll go get her.”

There was the sound of plastic hitting a hard surface before she heard Jimmy yelling for Kristyn.

“What could you possibly want this early in the morning?” Kristyn sighed, clearly just woken up.

“I fucked Matt and Zacky last night.”

“At the same time?”

“I don’t know! Does it matter?”

“I guess not. Where are you?”

“Mattie’s kitchen… They’re in bed together, Kris!” Danii whisper-shouted. She didn’t want to wake them up.

“Like together together?”

“No, stupid. Like they’re both asleep…”


“What do I do?!”

“Leave, just leave,” Kristyn said, matter-of-factly. Jimmy could be heard in the background. “Wait, threesome?”

Danii huffed when she heard Jimmy. “I can’t leave, just leave. I just can’t,” she said, almost to the point of freak out. She heard the two in Matt’s bedroom stirring and she got all quiet.

Back in the bedroom, Zacky’s arm ended up around Matt’s waist. When Matt stirred, he opened his eyes.

“What the fuck, man?” he said, making Zacky wake up.

“What did we do last night?” Zacky asked, slapping his face to rid himself of sleep. Matt was out of the bed, shaking his head at his bandmate, waiting for him to get out of bed.

“No, that seems mean, Kris,” he heard Danii saying.

“I think I know what we did,” Matt said, going into the kitchen, noticing a naked Danii.

Danii turned around and gasped. She didn’t cover herself or anything, just gasped. “Kristyn…” she said into the phone before Zacky came in.

“Dude, put something in their drink and just leave. I wanna sleep some more. Rather, once you leave, come to Jimmy’s and wake me up and tell me what happened. I love you,” she said to Danii. Danii could hear Jimmy kiss Kristyn before hanging up the phone and turning to the two guys.

“Uhm… Hey guys…” she said.

Zacky cleared his throat and looked away, while Matt just continued to stare. His girlfriend’s body never ceased to amaze him.

“Danielle, could you, ah, put some clothes on before we…talk?” he asked, hoping she moved quickly before things got even more awkward.

Danii just nodded and scurried out of the room. She returned a moment later wearing Matt’s shirt and Zacky’s shorts. Go figure. Zacky was sitting at the kitchen table, just kind of looking down and Matt had a cigarette pursed between his lips as he got the coffee pot going.

“Do either of you know what happened last night?” Danii asked.

Zacky shook his head although in actuality he could in fact remember bits and pieces of the night prior, he would keep it to himself.

“Vaguely…” Matt mumbled, still fussing with the coffee pot.

“Well, uh,” Danii stuttered, looking back and forth between the two men. “I found the tape…”

“Tape?” Matt choked. He ended up dropping the cigarette and had to stomp it out before he lit the linoleum nightmare on fire. “What do you mean, tape?”

“Like an instant replay,” she said, and tried to hide her amusement. “Like a real life porn.”

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Zacky moaned, sounded as if he was seasick or something.

“Why don’t we just make a dear to just never bring it up or let it happen again?” Danii suggested. She just wanted to move on from all of this.

“We can’t just make a deal,” Matt raved, suddenly very pissy. “’Cause clearly Zack can’t keep his hands off of you.”

“What can I say, she’s a pretty girl,” Zack remarked, a devious smirk on his lips and a wicked glint in his jade green eyes. “I just can’t help myself.”

Matt slammed his hands down on the island counter that separated the kitchen from the eating area. “Get the fuck out of my face and stay away from my girlfriend.”

“Enough!” Danii shouted. “Stop fighting and just deal. Whatever happened, happened. The end. That’s it. No, More.”

But neither one of them let it go.

Both Matt and Zacky continued verbally beating the shit out of each other, calling each other names and bringing up issues that had been long dead.

“If you two wanna be morons about this, so be it. But you’re both equally to blame if you ask me. Now, if you don’t mind. I’m going to go take a shower and wash the filth off of me that you beasts put there,” Danii hissed and stomped out of the room.

Once Danii was out of ear shot, Matt made a noise closely resembling a growl and got in Zacky’s face. “Now look what you’ve done”

“What I’ve done? More like what you’ve done – you did let me in your bed and we are sitting in your kitchen.”

“Get the fuck out of my apartment,” Matt demanded and pointed at the door.

Zacky stared him down and thought about continuing their fight, but then decided against it and left. It wasn’t like he wanted to start an all out war or anything. They were still best friends and all.

Matt sat down at the table and took a deep breath, trying to get his blood pressure to come back down. He knew he shouldn’t have been so worked up over this, but for some reason he was deeply bothered. Although he wasn’t sure why such was the case. He and Danii had been in a tumultuous on – and – off again relationship for the last few years. Most of their relationship involved having a lot of great (crazy) sex. The emotional bit came later.

After a few minutes he composed himself enough to walk across the apartment and into the master bathroom before stripping off all his clothes and joining his girlfriend in the shower.

“Can I help you?” she asked, instantly seeing him in the mirror. The shower itself was like a fucking ball park – one of the many perks of penthouse life. Although she wasn’t sure if she was actually committed to Matt and their relationship, she definitely enjoyed the many benefits that came with it.

“I’m simply here to take a shower,” he replied, a shit eating grin plastered on his face.

Danii snorted. “Sure you are.”

Matt stepped forward and let the hot water grace his body. “What’s so bad about taking a shower? It’s like those gaudy shirts – conserve water and shower with a friend.”

“Except, my love, you’re about five minutes too late.” Danii grinned and placed a kiss on his lips before stepping out and grabbing a towel.

“Are you working today?” he asked, yelling over the water.

“Yeah, I’ve got a design appointment with J and Kristyn.”

“And tonight?”

Danii could hear the annoyance in his voice. “I don’t know, Matt. If not tonight, tomorrow night. I can’t just quit.”

“Why not?”

“Because I need a job.”

“You have a day job. But you don’t really need to work.”

Danii snorted. “Money’s gotta come from somewhere, and my day job doesn’t make enough. And how the fuck do you expect me not to work?”

“I’ll support you.”

Danii dropped the blow-dryer. “What the fuck does that mean?”

Matt stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. “Whatever you want it to mean.”

Danii couldn’t decode the look in his eyes nor could she figure out why he had a smirk tugging at his lips. The two of them were never really an overly affectionate couple and now all of a sudden he was dropping ‘support’ bombs. She wasn’t sure she could handle it. “I need to finish getting ready.”

She quickly walked out of the bathroom and finished getting ready then left for her appointment without saying goodbye.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's a nice, long first chapter for you.
We have a lot of this pre-written already.
And say hello to my friend Kristyn, the co-author of this story.

5+ comments for an update.