Status: Alive and Kicking

Controversial Couples and Complicated Catastrophes

Cakes and Commitment Issues

“Wow, you clean up well,” Jimmy teased as he and Kristyn walked into the bakery where Danii worked.

“Shut up, Sullivan. I might poison your cake.” Danii grinned, giving each of them a hug. She had met Jimmy the same way she had met Matt; one night after her set down at the club. Of course, she hadn’t realized it was the same Jimmy her friend had been in love with for years now.

“So, do you guys have any ideas in mind?” Danii asked, leaning against the counter. She really hoped they did, she didn’t want to be stuck with the pressure of decorating AND designing her best friends’ wedding cake.

“Not really, but we’ll get back to that. What happened?” Kristyn asked, so ready to hear all of the juicy details.

Danii bit her lip. “I don’t really know. Matt and ZV got into a screaming match so I went to get ready. Then Zack left and…”
Jimmy cocked an eyebrow. “And?”

“Matt and I got into... Well… I don’t know what you’d call it.”

Kristyn sighed. As much as she loved a good story, Danii/Matt fights were old news. “What do you mean you don’t know what you’d call it? What’s he say?”

Danii sort of made a choking noise. “He was talking about, like, supporting me.”

Kristyn gaped and blinked, but Jimmy was the first to say anything. “Matt? Talk about support? Damn. Never thought Shads would love a girl.”

“He doesn’t love me,” Danii said adamantly. She didn’t sound hurt, more like she was stating a fact.

“Pretty sure he does, kid.”

Danii shook her head. “He can’t.”

“Why not?” Kristyn questioned.

Danii looked at the clock. “Because you guys have cake to taste and I have a design to create.”

“Way to change the subject on me!” Kristyn said. She expected to hear some juicy details of last night’s fiasco, and she got nothing but ‘support’.
Well, ‘support’ would be considered juicy news…

Danii smiled sweetly to her friends and turned to face examples of cakes. “First off, you wanted you reception a masquerade, correct?”
“Yeah,” Jimmy said, placing his hand on Kristyn’s shoulders, seeing as she was standing in front of him.

“There are three kinds of cake: chocolate, vanilla, and that pure white cake. You can taste them,” Danii said. Jimmy took the fork laid by the plates of cake, and he tried them all first. Of course, he was particular to the chocolate.

“I like the pure white cake,” Kristyn said as she tasted them all too. Jimmy smiled to his fiancée and nodded.

“So, white cake it is,” Danii said with a smile. “Now, decorations.”

“First!” Kristyn interrupted. “I want to know about the reaction when Matt and Zacky woke up without you in bed!”

“Ugh. Fine… Matt said, ‘What the fuck, man,’” Danii said, trying to imitate Matt’s voice. The Rev couldn’t help but laugh. Kristyn smiled. She loved her friend’s imitations of people she knew.

“Well, that was an interesting response,” Kristyn said. She looked back at Jimmy.

“Now, decorations. I have an idea…” Danii said, looking up from her notebook. “Okay. Ehck. I’m gonna go draw something. I’ll be back later.”

She left then, not that the two were paying attention. Jimmy was feeding the rest of the white cake to Kristyn. She had this goody smile on her face, like she was really in love.

Who would’ve thought it came out of a one – night stand sorta thing?

Kristyn met The Rev kind of awkwardly. It was her first year of college, when Danii moved to Vegas and she moved to LA to study photography.

But, anyway, one day she got sent to photograph some band that was doing some press interview. That band just so happened to be Avenged Sevenfold, go figure.

Two of the band members kept eyeing her when she took pictures. Synyster Gates and The Rev.

“Party with us,” The Rev said to her. “The party bus is home to the church of party-isms and I am the Reverend.” Of course he was smirking.

“I guess I can rearrange my schedule.”

“Good, ‘cause you don’t have a choice,” he said with a laugh.

So, the party bus involved some heavy drinking, major flirting, and rough sex. What girl could complain about that?

Kristyn thought it would’ve ended there. But, of course it didn’t.

Months after they left, she got a phone call from a strange number.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hey,” he said.

“Do I know you?”

“The Rev? Look, just meet me in the UCLA parking lot,” he said. And, she did what she was told. When she got there, Jimmy took her neck, pulled her close, and kissed her like he meant it.

“I know I just left months ago. And I’m sorry. But, I couldn’t get you off my mind,” Jimmy said before she kissed him.

They’ve been together since.

Then Danii walked back into the room. “I have an idea!” Well, actually, she threw open the door, screaming her sentence, with a knife in her hand.

“Now, Danielle, put the knife down,” Jimmy said.

“Oh, this?” she said, smirking. She started twirling the knife all around like it was a toy.

“Don’t be a show – off,” Kristyn laughed. “What’s your idea?”

“Well, I have a rough sketch of my idea, but I’ve decided that I’m not going to let you see it. You’ve just gotta trust me on this.” Danii grinned. She was one hundred and ten percent sure they’d love it, and since this was her gift to them, she figured why not make it a surprise?

Danii figured out what she knew her friend would like. It wasn’t that hard. For instance, masquerade reception party equals masquerade mask on cake.

The cake itself was to be three tiers high, getting bigger from the top to the bottom. It would have white icing, with a black and white intricate mask on the third layer. From the corners of each layer and adorning the top would be red and black roses with ribbon flowing from them.

She was sure her best friend would love it.

Of  course, the whole theme went with their background. There were your typical red bloods and your classic blue bloods in their world. People were fully aware of whether their blood was blue or red. However, only the male blue bloods had their full power from birth.

Female blue bloods, on the other hand, realized they were vampires, but they didn’t come into their power until they married a male blue blood. If they married a red blood male, nothing would exactly happen with their blue blood status, they would only be able to tell one vampire from a human.

Brian, who was that odd ball, married a red blood (Emily) and nothing exactly happened with them. They’re your normal married couple (minus the fact that they don't even live on the same coast). It doesn’t matter if he married her. The only difference is he’s a sexy vampire who will often times fuck other woman for the fun of it. See, the whole point of a vampire guy was to seduce and kill woman, but, that’s changed a tad.

Johnny is another weird one. He’s a half blood. They don’t exactly know how that happened to him. But, they all still love him.

With Jimmy and Kristyn, it was kind of destiny to find each other. Blue blood marriages are kind of like soul mates, but supernatural.

Matt and Danii, well, we don’t know what’s up with them, but Zacky is getting in the way of that.

Danii sighed, looking to Kristyn as she spoke.

“That’s your idea? To be mean and only tell us you have an idea and to trust you?” Kristyn exclaimed.

“Not quite,” Danii smirked wickedly. “I have a real idea. While I go make some phone calls, you guys can enjoy this.” Danii placed a tiny video camera on the table.

“I don’t think I wanna see Matt and Zee naked. I see enough dick on tour,” Jimmy joked, although both Danii and Kristyn knew it was true – there was lots of nakedness on tour. When you put a bunch of young, rowdy guys together, people are bound to get unclothed.

“I do! Let me see!” Kristyn reached across the table, but then quickly noticed Jimmy’s pout. “Not like that, baby. I just…am nosy. I only have eyes for you, though.”

Jimmy grinned at her and before Danii could register what was going on, her friends were completely sucking face.

“I’m gonna take that as my cue to leave… If my boss walks in, I don’t know you,” Danii said and turned on her heel as if she were going to leave. “And one more thing – I pray to God this isn’t a shotgun wedding.”

Kristyn pried herself away long enough to stick out her tongue and flip Danii off. “Whatever. And it’s not a shotgun wedding! We’ll behave, we promise. Right, J?”


Danii snorted. “Just don’t get me fired. I’ll be back in a few.”


Once Danii was gone, Kristyn picked up the video camera again.

“I’m kinda afraid to watch it,” she said, looking at the dark screen with apprehension.

“Do what you want, babe.” Jimmy smiled easily.

Kristyn bit her lip and sighed. “Like. I wanna know…But, we all know Matt and Danii get beyond brutal with each other, and Zacky isn’t exactly an angel to the women he beds.”

Jimmy shrugged although he was grinning wickedly. “Do as you please.”

“I think I’ll wait until later.”


“Yeah. ‘Cause then we can hook it up to the big screen.” Kristyn grinned. Jimmy slapped his palm to his forehead.

“Oh great. Homemade porn in HD. My fave.”

“Do we have any other appointments today? Or can I go down to the studio?” Jimmy asked after sitting in silence for a little while.

“Once Danii gets done here, we’re going to go pick up our reception dresses. So, you have the rest of the day to yourself,” Kristyn said and looked at the time.

Just then, Danii walked back in. “So, you want the pure white cake and the rest is up to me, oui?”


“Then we can go. I worked a double yesterday so I could leave mad early today.”

Jimmy and Kristyn followed Danii out of the backroom and back into the main area of the bakery.

“See you later,” Danii said to Jimmy and pulled her keys out of her pocket.

“See ya, Danii.” He and Kristyn then proceeded to say goodbye to each other for what seemed like forever.

Once outside, Danii and Kristyn walked across the parking lot.

“You got a new car?” Kristyn asked, watching Danii unlock the door to a cute, sporty care.

“Fuck no. This is Matt’s; but he never drives it; it’s like a toy to him,” Danii explained as she slid into the driver’s seat.

Kristyn got into the passenger’s seat and then threw her purse into the tiny excuse for a back seat. “So, what’re you gonna do about this ‘support’ issue?”

“Buy a new bra.”

Kristyn smacked her. “You know what I mean, you ass.”

Danii sighed. “I really don’t know what to do. I really care about Matt and all, but commitment isn’t my strong suit.”

“That’s not true. Remember in high school, you were with that one guy all four years?” Kristyn reminded as she put her seatbelt on. She forgot Danii was a crazy driver.

“I remember,” Danii huffed. “And then I found him cheating. And then ever since, it’s been skeeze – balls and douche bags.”

“I think you’re just scared.”

“What’s there to be scared of? Matt and I have talked about this before. Our low commitment relationship works for us.”

Kristyn shook her head. “Looks to me as if he’s had a change of heart… Have either of you dropped the ‘L’ bomb?”

“’L’ bomb?”

“Has either of you said I love you?”


“I think that’s gonna change soon. I think he loves you, D”

“I think you need your head checked.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Although it says this chapter is written by the lovely Mrs. Plague, it is actually written by both of us. All of the chapters work like that, unless otherwise stated.

I hope ya'll are enjoying this so far.

Just a fun fact, the working title of this story was Unbound(The Wild Ride). So fasten your seat belts and get ready.

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