Status: Alive and Kicking

Controversial Couples and Complicated Catastrophes

Sex Tapes and Studio Fights

On the other side of town, Jimmy walked into the studio to a scene he wished he didn’t need to face. Matt and Zacky were brawling on the floor and Johnny and Brian were trying to yank them apart to no avail.

“Dude, you bit me! What the hell?!” Zacky exclaimed. His hand was on Matt’s shoulder, ready to punch him.

“Anything goes in a fist…” Matt said before Zacky punched his jaw.

“Hahaha, score one for Zacky Vengeance,” he said, running away from the taller dude.

“Quit it, man!” Johnny yelled over the sound of Matt scrambling after him. He then started to run after him. The three of them ran in circles around the studio before Brian tackled Matt to the ground.

“Oh hey, guys,” Jimmy said. “Finally made it.”

“So, how was the cake?” Brian asked, smiling. He sat on top of Matt, who was squirming to get free.

“Aren’t you supposed to eat the cake during the wedding?” Johnny said. Both Jimmy and Brian smacked their foreheads.

“Everything has to taste their cake before the wedding,” Jimmy said, walking fully into the studio.

“Well, that’s just dumb,” Johnny said before he went to his bass guitar.

“But, anyway, the cake was good. But, we can’t know the design. Danii’s keeping it to herself,” he said.

“Feh, Danii,” Matt mumbled from the ground, finally stopping his movement. He crossed his arms.

Brian looked at him. “You gonna behave, man?”

Matt nodded his head. Zacky looked frightened when Brian got up from the ground. Matt got to his feet and just stood there.

Zacky ran from where he was and into the sound room. He stuck out his tongue through the window and Matt flipped him off. Zacky just started turning knobs, listening in on the conversation.

“What’s with the ‘feh, Danii,’ man?” Jimmy asked.

“ZV is stupid, that’s what.”


“He ruined it! I was gonna tell Danii I loved her! God dammit!” Matt yelled.

Zacky pressed a button on the sound board and said, “Well, she doesn’t love you back!”

Matt got enraged, walked up to the window that Zacky was behind and punched it. Of course it didn’t get anywhere. After that, he just left. He walked outside and just disappeared.


The second to last dress fitting made Kristyn anxious. “Danii, I’m getting married in a month,” she said.

“I know, its crazy insane,” Danii said.

The little worker woman came into their room with three dresses in her hand. One white and two close to plum purple.

“Doesn’t Jimmy have a best man and two groomsmen?” Danii asked.


“Yeah, and you only have two people on your side of the wedding party.”

Emie walked in then. “Hey, sorry I’m late.”

“It’s fine,” Kristyn said. She turned to Danii then. “What can I do about that?”

“Get another bridesmaid?” Emie said and laughed.

“Yeah, who? Johnny?”

“Fuck yes!” Danii said. “Ask him.”


“Yes!” Danii and Emie shouted in unison.

“I’ll call right now then.”

Fifteen minutes later, they had their third member of the bridal party. Of course, it took a little bit of convincing, but, eh, who cares?

“So, did you tell Emie what happened?” Kristyn asked as the little worker woman laced up her wedding dress.


“Tell me!” Emie yelled, nearly strangling the other girl.

“There was an incident…”

Emily cocked an eyebrow. “Incident?”

“She fucked Matt and Zacky last night. And, to top it all, there’s a tape,” Kristyn grinned.
She loved other people’s drama.

Emie slapped Danii on the back of the head. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“It’s not like I had a say in it!”

“So, they gangbanged you?”

“NO!” Danii shouted. “It wasn’t like that either."

“Stop fighting and look at my prettiness,” Kristyn beamed. She looked stunning in her dress. It was poofy and beaded and absolutely perfect for her.

“Has Jimmy seen it yet?” Emily asked. She didn’t live out on the West Coast like Danii and
Kristyn; she lived back east where they all originated from.

“God, no.”

“Yeah, for such an off couple, they’re being awfully traditional,” Danii remarked.

“Is that a good thing?” Kristyn asked.

“I think it is. It’s so cute.”

“Yeah, it’s adorable,” Emie added with a smile on her face.

“Time for reception dresses, yes?” the worker woman said in an Asian accent.

“Yes, thank you,” Kristyn said. Danii helped Kristyn unlace the back of her Renaissance wedding dress. Danii poked at a tiny silver dollar sized tattoo on her shoulder blade of a chocolate cupcake with pink icing and a strip of sheet music with notes to Unholy Confessions on it. (Two vibrant hearts)

“Are those bunny sprinkles?: Danii asked.

“Uhm. Yes?”

“Why a cupcake?!”

“Hey, it has Unholy Confessions lyrics on it too!”

“But, why?” Emie exclaimed.

“Because Jimmy bought it for my birthday,” she said. “He likes cupcakes and I liked the lyrics.”

“Wow, he likes cupcakes? Does he lick it when he fucks you up the ass?” Danii asked.


That’s when the woman came back in with two bags.

“I think you made a mistake,” Kristyn said.

“No, she didn’t,” Danii said smirking. “My dress is like your cake: a surprise!”

“Not fair.”

The woman put down the bags of dresses and walked out.

Emie giggled as she pulled out a deep blue halter – style dress that comes to her knees when she held it against her body.

It’s kind of a simple dress, with a pitch black lace overlay. It looked so pretty.

Kristyn took out her dress then. A strapless lavender dress was inside. It had light grey lace and a small rose on the sweetheart cut dress. Ruffles adorned the bottom, so it came from the waist of the dress, went back in, and came back out. The middle of the three ruffles was grey too.

“I love it,” Kristyn said.

“You guys look so pretty,” Danii said, looking as if she were going to cry her eyes out. You would think that being a wedding cake decorator would desensitize her from them, but no. Just the thought of them made her emotional.

The girls got everything in order and then retreated back to Kristyn and Jimmy’s house so Kristyn and Emie could watch ‘the tape’ and Danii could get ready for her other job.


About an hour later, Danii had left for work whilst Kristyn and Emie were planted in front of the TV with a huge bowl of popcorn.

“It feels so weird to see Danii naked,” Emily commented.

“We’re all kind of used to it; we’ve all seen her at work at one point or another is why,” Kristyn said. Their eyes were glued to the TV, unable to believe what they were watching was real.

“When did Danii get boobs?” Emie asked, shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

“About a year ago. Matt paid for ‘em. She paid for the tattoo though,” Kristyn explained. She was talking about the ‘In Fear and Faith’ tattoo on her chest. Danii had a whole slew of tattoos though. Covering the majority of her back was a set of wings, one an angel wing, the other a bat wing and between her shoulder blades it said ‘I am unbroken/I’m choking on this ecstasy/Unbreak me, Unchain me/I need another chance to live. Some of her other tattoos were having the words survivor and victim on her inner wrists, Danger Line on the back of her neck, and an infinity sign with red and black roses going through the centre of it on her inner thigh. She had a few other ones planned, but right now she couldn’t afford them.

“Damn. I need to visit more often.”Emily laughed. “Wait, did you say Matt paid for ‘em?”


“Christ. For not being in a real relationship, he does a lot for her.”

Kristyn snorted. “Tell me about it.”

The girls both gasped as they watched Matt take the majority of Zacky’s dick in his mouth.

“I didn’t know he swung that way.”

“I don’t think he knows he swings that way.”

The sound of the garage door closing followed by feet clunking up the back steps filled their ears.

“Kris, I’m home,” Jimmy called, tossing his keys on the table. “Matt’s with me.”

“Alright; Emie and I are in the living room,” she replied through a mouthful of popcorn.
Matt and Jimmy walked into the living room. “Hey. What’re ya’ll watching?”

“The tape.”

“Wha – Holy fuck, why are you watching this?” Matt asked, his voice cracking.

“’Cause Danii wanted us to review the play by play. And apparently you, Mr. Sanders, know how to make Zacky moan like a cheap whore.” Kristyn grinned wickedly.

Matt turned bone white and then raced to the bathroom where the sound of his puking echoed through the house.

“Does he really suck him off?” Jimmy asked, relatively amused.

“Yeah, it was kinda crazy.”

“Damn,” Jimmy said, now also looking at the tape. “Are they role – playing?”

Emily nodded. “Now they are. Matt and Zee are serial rapists; Danii gets off on that whole playing victim thing.”

“I can tell.” The three of them watched as Zacky held her down and bit on her neck while Matt fucked the shit out of her as if his life depended on it.

“Has Matt let Zacky fuck her yet?”

Kristyn nodded. “Yeah. Zee went first. Matt was tied to one of the bedposts at the time, too. He looked so mad, but ah, he was clearly enjoying what he saw.”

On the tape, Danii screamed as if she were in pain, although Jimmy could tell by the arch in her back and the look on her face that she was completely blessed out by the torture his animalistic friends were putting her through.

“Are you guys like this?” Emie asked curiously.

“Not usually. Sometimes. Usually life is much more vanilla for us.” Kristyn replied.

Jimmy nodded in agreement. “Now, if you excuse me, ladies, I should probably go check on Matt. He’s been a mess all day.”

They nodded and re-glued their eyes to the TV.

“You okay, man?” Jimmy asked, opening the bathroom door and staring down at Matt who was sitting on the floor.

“I think so.”

“You sure?”

“Not at all.”

“Wanna talk about it?”

Matt death – stared him.

“Didn’t think so…” Jimmy sat down on the floor next to his friend. “I think you and Danii really need to talk.”

“Ya think?” Matt snapped.

Jimmy sighed. “Yeah, I think.”

“Well, I don’t think that’s happening.”

“What was all that at the studio?” Jimmy asked, leaning against the bathroom wall.

“What was what, man?”

“Hm. Let’s see. The ‘I was gonna tell Danii I love her’?”

“Oh that. Uhm. It’s nothing.”

“That’s not what I had in mind, man,” Jimmy said.

“Just drop it,” Matt said, closing his eyes and hitting his head on the bathroom wall.

“Nope, tell me.”

“Fine. I love her. I just do. Jesus.”


Danii left her nightly job. She wasn’t planning on going back to Matt’s only to have him want to ‘talk’. Who wants that?

She walked to Kristyn’s house. They were bound to have some sort of guest bedroom.

“Kristyn! I barged in,” she said, looking at the floor when she opened the door. She looked up to see Emie staring at her wide eyes and Kristyn smirking deviously. “You watched the tape?”

“Yeah, and Matt blew Zacky,” Kristyn said. Danii’s hand went to her mouth.

“Nooooo,” she said, gossipy sort of.

Emie and Kristyn nodded at her.

Matt came out of the bathroom then with Jimmy trailing after him.

“You sure you’re okay man?” he asked and Matt only nodded before noticing the new arrival.


“No, don’t even start,” Danii said before leaving.

Matt tried following, but Jimmy pulled at his arm to keep him there.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, heyyyy. New chapter up, EVEN THOUGH WE DIDN'T GET 5 COMMENTS, when I know you all are reading it.

It's not a bad thing to comment! So, you should do it. I'll give you guys shout outs in our next chapter, well, the author's note.

But, anyway. So me and Danii are kinda pissed, but we decided to get a new chapter out, so I hope you love it.
