Status: Alive and Kicking

Controversial Couples and Complicated Catastrophes

Crazy Insane and Cute Moments

The next morning, Kristyn woke up. She didn’t know where she was or what she did. All she knew was that she woke up in a strange bed with a strange naked man passed out, face down beside her.

Her eyes went wide, smacking the person beside her. He groaned and rolled over.

“Brian?!” she whisper – yelled.

She slipped out of bed, going into the bathroom. She looked into the mirror and found two hickies right below her collarbone.

“He is not my fiancé. This is insane,” she said to herself. She felt disguising with all the filth he left on her. She wanted a shower.

Brian stirred and got out of bed, going into the bathroom. He let his hands wrap around
Kristyn’s naked waist and kissed her shoulder blade.

She moved away from him. “Get awayyyy!” she said. “You’re not my fiancé.”

“No, I’m not. But it was a good time,” he said, smirking.

“Jimmy can’t know. He’ll kill me.”


Down on the beach, Danii woke up with a splitting headache.

“Emily, wake up,” she mumbled, pushing her friend awake. Emie mumbled something incoherent, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

“No sleep, Emily!” Danii said, pushing her harder. “Wake up, you gotta take care of you kid!”

“The nanny’s got him.”

“No! Rosario has to go home.”

“No. I’m sleepy. Stop yelling at me!”

“What if I told you she’s getting deported back to Peru?!”

“Brian can take him.”

“Ugh. Get up. We need to check on Kristyn.”

“What happened to her?”

“I don’t know, but she might be passed out on the street! The day before her wedding!”

“But Emie sleepy.”

“Fine, see you later.”

Emie bolted up then. “No! Don’t leave me!”

“I have to work on Kristyn and Jimmy’s cake.”

“Fine, be that way.”


Later that night, Danii was having a rough day at the bakery. She didn’t even go to the club; the cake wasn’t done yet and she was getting frustrated. She decided to go home and take an hour nap.

“Danii, we need to talk,” Matt said, coming into the bedroom where Danii wand lying down.

“No, we don’t. I’m kind of busy,” she said, her eyes closed.

“No, you’re not.”

“I’m sleeping!”

“No, you’re not. You’re yelling at me,” he said. “Now, Danielle Christina Maria, look at me while I’m talking to you!”

She bolted upright and said, “What, Matt? What could you possibly want?”

“I want you to move back into my bedroom, that’s what!” he yelled back.

“Please, say please!”

“Please, god dammit, please! And one more thing.”


“I love you!”

“I love you too!” she yelled, crawling onto her knees.

“And one more extra thing!” Matt yelled.

Danii got to her feet, standing on the bed and yelled, “What Matt, what?”

“Marry me!”

“Are you serious?” she asked calmly.


“Fine!” she went back to screaming. Only this time she flung herself into his open arms and kissed him with everything she had.

He carried her back into the master bedroom, their lips never leaving each other’s as they both fell on to the bed.

“This is crazy,” she murmured, her face mere inches from his.

He kissed her in response, the metal of his lip ring cool against her warm skin. “You’re crazy. I’m crazy. Fuck, I’ve been crazy in love with you for a long time.”

“Let’s get married tonight,” she said and hid her face in the crook of his neck, sucking at the sensitive skin while she awaited her answer.

Matt let out a soft moan and ran his hands up her back. “Like right now?”

“Mhm. I’ll go get the keys,” she replied, but she didn’t move, since he had decided to flip her so she was pinned underneath him.

“The night’s still young. We have other business to take care of first,” he stared down at her with a shit eating grin.

And for the first time in their relationship the two of them truly made love.


Meanwhile, both Jimmy and Kristyn stood outside of their waterfront home, waiting for the cab to come and get Kristyn. It was taking her to the hotel where she would spend the night and then get ready tomorrow.

“Have I ever told you that you’re the most beautiful girl in the entire world?” Jimmy asked.

His deep blue eyes were filled with a unmatchable adoration.

Kristyn grinned and blushed, “Maybe a time or two.”

Jimmy returned the grin. “You deserve to hear it every single day.”

She blushed even more and buried her face in his chest. “Stop being such a flirt,” she giggled.

“Can you believe this time tomorrow you’ll be Mrs. Sullivan?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. “I sure as hell can’t.”

“I can’t either, but I’m sure as hell happy about it.” She could hear a car pulling up and knew this meant it was time for her to leave.

“I love you,” he told her one last time and kissed her temple.

“I love you too.” She grabbed her bag and got into the cab.

“I’ll meet you at the end of the aisle, beautiful,” he grinned, bidding her goodbye through the open window.

She blew him a kiss and then she was off.


The next morning Kristyn was furious. “Where the fuck is Danii?” she demanded to know.

She was supposed to be holding still so Emie could lace up her dress, but that wasn’t going very well.

“I, I don’t know,” Emily stuttered before giving the dress a good tug. “You need to hold still, Kristyn.”

“I’m trying!” she snapped. “Have you tried looking for her?”

“Of course I have… She’s nowhere to be found and whenever I try and call her, it goes right to voicemail.”

Kristyn screamed out of frustration. “Where the hell could she be?”

“Well, uh, I don’t know. But Bri texted me a little bit ago, asking if we’d seen Matt…” Emily’s voice trailed off.

“Why can’t the two of them just get a grip?” Kristyn ranted. She gathered her dress in her hands, not caring is Emie was done lacing it up or not, and stormed out of the room.


“Matt, you need to drive slower or I’m gonna end up sticking my hand through the cake,” Danii whined, making a face at via the rearview mirror.

“First its ‘speed up, Matt, you’re gonna make us miss the wedding completely’ and now you want me to slow down?” he ranted. Danii couldn’t see his expression since it was masked by a pair of aviators, but she knew she’d pissed him off. However, while he was on his little tangent he had slowed down enough for her to steadily place the finished cake into its rightful box. And now Kristyn would never know that she finished it in the back seat of Matt’s truck.

Now that the cake was safe and secure, it was onto the second seemingly impossible task – getting her bridesmaid dress on in the back seat.

Danii stealthily slid out of her clothes and wriggled herself into the plum gown.

“Fuck…” she muttered.

“Fuck, what?” Matt asked, looking over his sunglasses and at her through the mirror.

“Mattie. I have a problem,” she said, biting her lip.


“I can’t zip it…”

“Like, you can’t reach?”

“No. I can reach it, it zips up the side. It’s more like I can’t zip it ‘cause it doesn’t fit…”

Matt turned around to look at her since they were at a red light. “I thought girls had fittings so this kind of shit didn’t happen?”

“We do, but I missed the last one, ‘cause I was working on the cake,” Danii sniffled.

Matt sighed and turned down the street where the reception hall was, since they needed to drop off the cake. “I’ll run it inside, and then I’ll try and help you, okay?” He realized that yelling at her and making her cry for something she couldn’t help wasn’t going to make the situation any better.

She nodded, and once he was inside she immediately found her phone.

8 missed calls.

‘Fuck,’ Danii thought, and immediately speed – dialed Kristyn.

“Where the fuck are you?” she answered.

“The car, Mattie’s bringing the cake inside the reception room now,” Danii explained.

Kristyn forgot her anger and was temporarily intrigued, since she knew Danii only ever called him Mattie when she was happy. And lately Danii had been less than pleased with him. “What’s going on, D?”

“I, uh… We, uh…” she stuttered, unable to believe what she was about to say.

“You what?” Kristyn demanded.

“Matt and I got married last night,” Danii blurted out.

“You’re kidding.”

“No, I’m really not.”

“Damn. You better not rain on my parade, Danielle. Or I swear, I’ll kill you.”

“I won’t, I won’t. But I gotta go, Matt’s back. We’ll be there soon.” She hung up before Kristyn could say anymore.

Instead of getting into the driver’s seat, Matt opened the back door and helped Danii out.

“You’re strong, zip it!” she demanded, sounding beyond frazzled.

“Danielle, if I yank it too hard, I’ll break it,” he warned.

“Just zip it!”

He sighed and nudged her arm out of the way so he could reach the zipper. He pulled on it, and it budged an inch, but when he let go, it returned to its previous position.

“Ow,” Danii whined. She couldn’t breathe in this stupid dress as it was and now that it seemed to no longer fit, it hurt even more. “You’re hurting me.”

“Do you want me to try again or not?” he asked, trying to keep her from throwing a fit.

She nodded and sniffled and then took a deep breath, sucking in her stomach.

Matt grabbed the zipper and in one swift motion, zipped it up. “You okay?”

“Clasp it,” she demanded, still holding her breath. He fumbled with it for a moment but did as he was asked.

“Ready?” he asked, looking at his watch. She nodded and got back in the car, sitting up front this time.

Knowing she was panicked, he didn’t say anything while he drive; he simply held her hand and made small, soothing circles as he raced them to their best friends’ wedding.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, it says Danii, but it's me who updated. She just came back from Hawaii! And I'm super jealous. hah But, we hung out yesterday and made baklava with Emie (even though Danielle hates it :D)

But, we decided, why not start the new year off with a good chapter, leaving you wanting more?

I must say, next chapter, more scandalous actions to be make. :D
