Status: Alive and Kicking

Controversial Couples and Complicated Catastrophes

First Dances and Matt's Song

Twenty minutes later they were going through the whole first dance thing, although they were now at the point where Jimmy and Kristyn were joined by the rest of the wedding party. Being the maid of honor and best man, Brian and Danii were required to dance together. Emie called dibs on Matt thus causing Zacky and Johnny to wind up getting stuck together.

“What’s with the shit eating grin, Haner?” Danii asked, wondering who he was looking at. One thing she knew for sure was that it sure as hell wasn’t Emily since she could see her over his shoulder.

“None of your business,” he grinned, still staring at the mystery person as he batted his eyelashes at her.

Danii snorted. “Don’t try and act all innocent when I know you’re up to no good. We all know you’re a horny bastard.” It’s not like Danii was lying either. The month leading up to the wedding was the most time Emie and Bri had spent together in years. Usually she lived back east near her parents while Brian was either out in Cali working on a new album or touring; in his world there was no such thing as time off. However, there was such a thing as sexy time with women (and on rare occasions, men) other than his wife and mother of his child.

“At least I’m not a naked whore,” Brian retorted.

Without hesitation, Danii smacked him in the mouth. Although several people had heard the sound and snapped their heads in the direction it came from, Zacky was the first to do something.

“May I cut in?” he asked, holding his hand out. He had been ready to pounce on his first chance to get away from Johnny.

“Surely,” Danii accepted and took his hand while sneering at Brian.

Meanwhile, Matt went tense against Emily, watching as Brian and Zacky traded dance partners.

“Easy there, sparky,” Emily snickered.

“What?” Matt questioned as if he had just noticed her.

“Easy there, I said. And I guess congratulations,” she added and smiled at him. She’d always sort of thought of Matt as being a big dork, so to see him getting so upset over a simple dance was amusing although she did wonder what Brian had done to piss Danii off.

“Oh…” Matt gave her a dimpled grin. “Thanks, Em.”

“Do you know why I’m saying congratz?”

“ ‘Cause technically Danii and I got married last night?”

Emily snickered and nodded. “Yeah, and?”

“There’s an and to that?” Matt asked, confused.

Just then, Jimmy and Kristyn came and cut in, leaving Matt feeling confused as the girls exchanged places.

“You look white as a ghost, Matthew,” Kristyn pointed out, looking up at him. It felt odd to be in the arms of yet another man on the day that she was supposed to eternally swear herself to just one of them. Of course, unlike with Brian, dancing with Matt was completely kosher, kind of like dancing with a brother.

“Do I?” he asked, clearly trying to keep his eyes on Danii and Zacky as they turned round and round.

“That you do,” Kristyn affirmed. She couldn’t help but notice that as much as purple was her favorite color, the purple groomsmen tie Matt was wearing made his skin tone look even more out of whack. She tugged on it a little. “You can ditch this when we sit down.”

“Thank God.”

“You sure you’re okay, Matt?”

“Yeah,” he smiled. “Fine. Just jealous.”

Kristyn chuckled. “At least you’re honest. Now before Zacky gets any ideas, go steal your wife back.”

“I think I’ll do just that.” He kissed her cheek in praise before walking away and taking her advice.

Before Kristyn could even form a coherent thought, Brian had intercepted her. By this point the music had changed from ballroom slow to something off the Top 100 and other guests were now joining the wedding party on the dance floor.

“Hello, beautiful,” he purred, putting his hands on her hips.

Kristyn flinched at his touch but tried to play it off as casual dancing. Dancing never hurt anyone before, right? Plus, she could easily see Jimmy from where she was and that made her feel one hundred times safer. “I think you should get your hands off of me,” she murmured just loud enough for him to hear.

Brian snickered softly and a smirk played on his lips as he pulled her closer as the music changed yet again to some dirty rap song. “You know you want me, Kristyn. You know you married the wrong man.”

Kristyn broke away from him. “That is so not true,” she spat. “You’ve never been so wrong in your life.” She saw a break in the mass of people and pushed her way through it. Once she found Jimmy, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him as if her life depended on it.

“Why, hello there,” he grinned and hugged her back. “What’s this for?”

“ ‘Cause I love you,” she said into his chest before looking up at him. It was a good thing he was super skinny otherwise his six foot four or so would completely dwarf her; she was nearly a whole foot shorter than he was.

“Well, I love you too,” he said, giving her the dorkiest grin in the world.

Kristyn wasn’t sure if she felt better or worse about her little encounter with Brian this morning, but it was good to know she was loved. And, she was positive in what she said, she had married the right man.

“Have you seen Matt, Danii, or Zacky? The three of them seemed to disappear all at once,” Jimmy inquired. His piercing blue eyes scanned the room, but it was hard to pick anyone out in the dim lighting.


Danii pushed the two boys into the bathroom. She had to talk to them immediately about Emily’s lies. At least, she thought they were lies.

“Emily thinks I’m pregnant!” she blurted out. “I’m fat!” She started balling her eyes out. Zacky got very awkward, since he has been dealing with weight issues for a while. Matt looked back and forth between them.

“Well, who's is it?” Matt asked, crossing his arms. He knew she was his wife, but still. Too much info.

“I don’t know who's it is! I’ve had sex with both of you a lot in the past couple of months. I don’t even know if I am pregnant,” she said between sniffles.

“You’re a whore,” Matt said. He didn’t even mean it, it just slipped out.

Danii couldn’t take being called a whore twice. She ran out of the bathroom and down some hallway.

Zacky, thinking it was all his fault, followed her out.

“Ugh,” Matt said, going out of the bathroom and back into the reception hall.


“Babe, this is my fault,” Zacky said when he found a crying Danii.

“N-no it’s not,” she said.

“Y-yes it is,” he joked. Danii took offense to it. “No, don’t cry. I’m sorry.”

Danii looked at him through glazed eyes. Zacky looked apologetic.

“I feel awful. Now, I’ll just stay out of your way. Be happy with Matt.”

“No!” Danii screamed. “I love you.” She didn’t mean to blurt that out. Her eyes went wide and she ran back to the reception. She noticed Jimmy yelling at Matt.

“Be happy! You’re upsetting my wife on her wedding day!”

“Fine,” Matt sighed. Danii wiped her tears and her running make-up. She put a smile on her face and held her composure. When Matt noticed her, he sort of smiled. “I’ll sing her a song. Danii, get up here and sing with me.”

Danii just nodded, walking up to him.

“I’m sorry,” he said, kissing her lips softly. She smiled against his lips.

Matt assumed the band that was playing didn’t know the beat of the song he wanted to sing. Instead, he just hummed the rhythm and Danii instantly knew it. She heard A7X screwing around with it in the studio.

“Before the story begins, is it such a sin? For me to take what’s mine, until the end of time,” he sang. He smirked, watching Kristyn’s head snap to him and glared. He really had to sing this song for them. She should be honored; it’s a great song, one of her favorites. Even if it is just a demo.

“I was weak with fear that something would go wrong,” Matt sang a-capella. He locked eyes with Brian, who got onto the stage and picked up a guitar. Jimmy looked at Kristyn with a pleading look. She sighed, hugged him once more (even though she didn’t want to let go), and nodded at him. He smiled, going to the drum kit.

“Almost laughed myself to tears.” Matt heard one of his band mates laughing. “Conjuring her deepest fears.” Matt looked at Danii, who smirked as he said, “Come here you fucking bitch!” He laughed.

Jimmy took over singing and Kristyn hoped their marriage was better than the song’s non-marriage. Of course, technically, blue bloods are the undead. Go figure.

“Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times, I can’t believe it,” Jimmy sand. Zacky and Johnny joined them on stage then, adding their parts. “Ripped her heard out right before her eyes, eyes over easy. Eat it, eat it, eat it.”

There was a whole bunch of laughing and screaming from them all. Kristyn wondered how people didn’t get offended by this. She noticed Danii walking up to the stage as Matt kept singing the next verse.

The song itself was creepy, the images it brought on… But, people insisted on listening to it.

“Now that it’s done, I realize the error of my ways. I must venture back to apologize somewhere far beyond the grave. I gotta make up for what I’ve done, ‘cause I was all up in a piece of heaven; while you burned in hell, no peace forever.” Matt turned to Danii then, it was time for her to sing.

“I will suffer for so long,” Matt sang. “What would you do, not long enough,” Danii harmonized.

It pretty much went like this: “To make it up to you (I pray to God that you do) I’ll do whatever you want me to do (Well then, I’ll break you unchained) And if it’s not enough (If it’s not enough, If it’s not enough) If it’s not enough (Not enough) Try again (Try again) And again (And again) Over and over again.”

Danii smiled to Kristyn, who silently applauded her. She loved her friend singing to her. Almost as much as she loved Jimmy singing her to sleep.

“We’re coming back, coming back. We’ll live forever, live forever. Let’s have a wedding, have a wedding. Let’s start the killing, start the killing.” Matt sang.

Kristyn knew the song was ending. Danii got in front of Zacky for a moment. “Do you take this man in death for the rest of your unnatural life?” Zacky asked Danii in a super strained low voice.

“Yes, I do,” Danii responded.

“Do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life?”

“I do…” Matt said.

“I now pronounce you…”

They ended shortly after that with a giant smile on all their faces. Kristyn, on the other hand, had her hands on her hips.

“Matthew!” she said. “You caught me off guard! Not nice.”

“But, you loved it. I saw your smile,” he said, being all cocky.

Jimmy got up and went to his wife. “I love you,” he said, kissing her. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm, well. I know it's been a while, but it's up now. Second semester semester started, and I don't see Danii as much in school now that I get out after third block. And she doesn't exactly have her computer privileges anymore, so we're a little...late with things.

But, here it is. Comments, subscribe, anything to let us know you're enjoying the story. :) Please and thank you.
