Status: In Progress

My Vampire Love Story

Miscommunication II


"How dare you!" Day snapped at Cale. "Don't you dare put guilt trips on me. You don't know what I go through everyday!"

"YOU don't know what I go through everyday! Jenny. She cries every night. I don't even have to read her a bedtime story or something. She puts herself to sleep! It hurts me more that you don't even care!" Cale snapped back. IT was obvious to me that they had these arguments often.

"I-" Day stopped and stared at the ground and cried some more. "I do care." She spoke softly."It's you, Cale. You keep pestering me and threatening me and I can't take it."

"So you decided to get Conneticut to suck the life out of you. Gees, for someone so smart you sure a stupid. I can't even believe that you would actually do that. Your just being selfish." Cale said calming down a bit. He also stared at the floor disappointed. "You know what," He said letting out a small laugh. "I'm tired of trying to make up with you. I'm tired of pleading and begging, the yelling. If I could take back what I did, I would. But I can't. I've done next to everything to get you to forgive me but you are just a stubborn woman." He exhaled slowly and inhaled, looking back up at Day. "I need you. Just as much as Jenny does. You don't know what a difference you made in my life and now everything is just falling apart again. I am unable to make my feelings more clear than I already have. Please, just tell me what I need to do to get you to come back. I'll do anything."

Day hugged herself and cried. Her eyes were red and she looked like she was tired. She kept shaking her head at no certain question.

"We should go. This is none of our business, that's why everyone else already left." Conneticut whispered to me and I agreed. We turned around and left before we could hear anymore. I felt bad for Day. But in a way, I took both their sides. I would feel reluctant to get together with someone who killed people in my family. Then with Cale, I would want my daughter's mother to be there for her.

I sort of grinned to myself. I was so lucky that my mom and dad loved each other and I was even more lucky to have grown up with both my parents. I felt somewhat bad for Jenny being caught up in the middle of this.

"What are you grinning about?" Conneticut questioned me. I looked at him and I felt like laughing.

"Nothing really." I said to him even though I was still grinning. He kept a hold of my arm to make sure I didn't fall or something which was something else I laughed silently to myself about.

"OK. Tel me whats so funny." He said waving his hand in front of my face.

"My mom and dad," I blurted out. "I was lucky to grow up with both parents and its funny how your holding onto my arm, that's all"

Like any reaction, he immediately removed his hand from my arm which made me laugh out loud.