Shall We Dance?


The waiting for answers is driving Roxas mad, and he sits and thinks of what to do while he waits.


That is Roxas' question, that he just can't seem to find the answer to and no one else seems to be--

But no one else seems to care, so Roxas is left to his dreams of people he doesn't know and of places he's never been; and he doesn't know why.


Such a simple question that can have so many answers that its driving him mad--and he's just not going to be able to keep dreaming.

All of the answers and he's come to and people he doesn't know and places he's never been, are tearing him into ribbons of flesh, with just barely a form of his past self remaining to keep the image of himself shown to the people he does know, and the places he has been.

But the answers just don't come to him as the dreams do.

Oh, the dreams.

There's blood and dieing and smoke and fire. People with dead eyes look at him and demand answers of him and he just cant come up with any and they get angry. Their eyes turn to fire; angry, dancing fire.

And Roxas can't breath for a while. The pressure for answers from him weigh down on his lungs, crushing his ribs and ripping into his heart; smashing him into nothing but bones. Empty bones and flesh, with a pair of dead eyes that look at nothing.

But then there is healing.

Warm, healing, hands that gently pull him up from his fallen place and into pale arms that are attached to a pale body with a pale face and very green--green, green--eyes that Roxas gets lost in when they heal.

Bright red hair and joyous laughter heal enter his senses, when the pale hands and pale arms wrap around him and make him feel lightheaded and giddy; then he starts to cry tears of blood that stain those pale arms and pale torso.

But the deep and kind voice soothes him and tells its okay and he can cry and he will still be held and he will get his answers--

Just be patient.

Then pale lips gently press to his, and he is healed, and he has stopped crying and he is loved.

The person with green green eyes and red hair and pale skin tells him goodbye and maybe they'll meet tomorrow if Roxas needs healing--


Then Roxas is awake and trying to find answers in the almost forgotten dream, but fails and he only remembers bad and then good.

So he forgets the healing, and the job will need to be done again, because Roxas still is searching for his answers and his reasons.
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I'm sorry for how difficult this may be to read.